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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

My wife wanted me to go to the farmers market in town with her last summer which is unusual because I am usually so filthy with grease or dirt by the time it opens she doesn't want to be seen with me. Or get in her car. Anyways I agreed and as we got closer to town her driving became a little erratic because she was focusing on my face or more importantly facial expression. She had "forgotten" to inform me there was a gay pride festival going on and was waiting for my reaction when I finally figured it out. Now I have no issue with gay folks and have been friends quite a few but the people at this gathering were definitely dealing with a whole lot of other issues than just being gay. We did take a walking loop through the middle of the festivities. There were what I called the "straight gays" tidy men in button down shirts walking small dogs then there were the "militant gays". Stout women with a pound of metal piercings in thier faces looking angry. I was really curious what they did for a living but afraid to ask. If that's what floats your boat have at it, but don't try force this type of lifestyle choice as being great to elementary school kids. Let them grow up first then decide for themselves.

We are of like mind on individual liberty and the penalty for perversions with children should be burial, but with adults, who fucks who or who fucks what is so far from important in my priorities, I would support a 2nd Amendment, Constitution and Individual liberty embracing, slightly protectionist and even a pinch nationalist president even if it was a woman and even if she had a penis. 

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17 hours ago, IZRL said:


That's a good question. I haven't really got into the main reason I'm voting the way I am this election.  Cause Its going to stir the pot more than I already have on this thread.  But since you asked, I'll tell you why I've come to the point in my life that I would vote for just about any clown that is not on the left in 2024. 


And it has nothing to do with cleaning the swamp (which I've never even mentioned). Nobody in the history of American presidents has ever really done anything they promised when they were trying to win an election. But yet people still fall for that bs election after election. In fact it has nothing to do with anything trump has said he's going to do or not do. I don't believe one man in a short 4 years can change the course of the Titanic(US)at this point. Nore have I ever believed that one man is the reason we are currently heading straight for an iceberg. Every administration over the years has done one thing or another to get us to where we are today.


(WARNING: Dems read ahead at your own risk)


The reason I'm voting right this election has everything to do with the lefts obvious push to destroy the minds and bodies of America's youth/children. The left has completely fallen off their rocker. They are actively turning your kids into medical cash cows. They are grooming kids to believe they could be any gender.  And if they show even the slightest sign that they could be in the "wrong body" for what they believe their gender is. They instantly push them in that direction so they can pump them full of puberty blockers and sex hormones- 💲chaching. They then push them to have sex change operations as young as 13 years old - 💲chaching. Then those kids have all kinds of medical complications after the surgeries/medication that usually last a lifetime-💲chaching. They are allowing practically gay porn to be available for kids as young as 5 & 6 to look at in school libraries. They are allowing boys to change in girls spaces. They are allowing boys to compete against girls in sports. They let pedophile grown ups parade naked around kids. Why else would a grown ass man want to do this in front of children if they weren't pedos. They are slowly sneaking in the whole "its ok to be a minor attracted person" pedophile bullshit into society. Don't even get me started on the pronoun bs. They are trying and succeeding at erasing history at schools. If you don't know the atrocities that have been afflicted by monsters in the past. How will you ever know if history is about to repeat itself. This whole push to mentally, surgically, and medically castrate kids also falls under the "trying to cut down on the world's population" agenda IMO. I can go on for a while on this woke shit. But I'll stop there. 


I don't believe Trump is going to fix or stop any of this. This ship is too far gone in my opinion. All I can hope for is that he slows this fucking psycho shit down. The fact that the current administration does nothing to stop this and actually fights tooth and nail to preserve this trash tells me they are guilty. And to be honest if someone votes left knowing all I've listed above. Than they're equally guilty. Everybody has their own reasons for voting which ever way they're voting this year. For me, this is the most important reason to vote right above all else. If you destroy the next generation there is no future for this country.

We disagree on the boarder, probably agree and disagree on a whole shit load of other things, but we are on the same team. Reminds me of old times.


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18 hours ago, IZRL said:


Your experience of Mexico seems to be border towns where the cartels are the most present and actively fighting each other for territory. Law inforcement and the military are owned and infaltrated by the cartels in those towns.  I agree that most border cities aren't the place to be. It does get a safer as you go south but I still recommend flying to those destinations directly and not driving to them. US plates will attract negative attention. Aside from some police officers and the cartels, Mexico is a wonderful place to live in 😆. For the most part the rule is stay away from bad neighborhoods, which is the rule everywhere.


I can see how Mexican border towns are the roughest.  I have never been.  Cousins family moved to Mexico for business, for 3-5 years, had security, I never heard anything truly out of line.  They have been back here to CO for 8-10 years.  My brother & a buddy ride their motorcycles in to Mexico, a couple times a year & have never told me any bad stories.  My brother also flies in (where I do not know, but solely for vacations), he is there now.  He is always cautious, but again, has never told me any bad stories.  I will not travel to Mexico, until I am satisfied that the cartels etc have been "handled" better than they are now.  That may be never.................🙄😐

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25 minutes ago, yenpit said:


I can see how Mexican border towns are the roughest.  I have never been.  Cousins family moved to Mexico for business, for 3-5 years, had security, I never heard anything truly out of line.  They have been back here to CO for 8-10 years.  My brother & a buddy ride their motorcycles in to Mexico, a couple times a year & have never told me any bad stories.  My brother also flies in (where I do not know, but solely for vacations), he is there now.  He is always cautious, but again, has never told me any bad stories.  I will not travel to Mexico, until I am satisfied that the cartels etc have been "handled" better than they are now.  That may be never.................🙄😐

The Cartels own Mexico. They own the Government. Speak out against them or try to fight them and you end up dead if you're a Government official. That's why Mexico's Government lets it go on. They're scared to death of the brutality and evil of the Cartels. 

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It's as hard to 'manage' the cartels as it is to prevent people from getting what they want. Economics: a product and a market. Hard to keep them apart when there's a profit to be made. Remove any one of the three and it falls apart.




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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

It's as hard to 'manage' the cartels as it is to prevent people from getting what they want. Economics: a product and a market. Hard to keep them apart when there's a profit to be made. Remove any one of the three and it falls apart.


Exactly Americans are the Cartel organizations largest investors.  The cause for most of the blood shed in Mexico would stop if there weren't so many crack heads, meth heads, and stoners in America.

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Probably 90% of the crime in our own country is tied to drugs. Not just the dealing but shoplifting, burglaries, robberies, ect is because someone is trying to feed a drug habit. A junkies biggest fear Is getting dope sick and withdrawal. These quick turnaround times at jail feed into this and probably part of the reason this occurs. Jails don't want to deal with it. If I ruled the world and you showed signs addiction when arrested it would be a mandatory 7 days in jail. You would come out clean physically, mentally probably not but if you chose to go back to drugs that's on you. Didn't like the experience? Don't do anything that will get you arrested and you will be alright. Otherwise rinse and repeat.

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8 hours ago, IZRL said:


Exactly Americans are the Cartel organizations largest investors.  The cause for most of the blood shed in Mexico would stop if there weren't so many crack heads, meth heads, and stoners in America.

Using that argument I guess I can say if there were no drugs there would no people buying them ? And therefore no Cartel to sell them ? It's a 50-50 responsibility. Both sides at fault. You could even blame Mexican and American authorities for not trying very hard to stop it.

4 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Probably 90% of the crime in our own country is tied to drugs. Not just the dealing but shoplifting, burglaries, robberies, ect is because someone is trying to feed a drug habit. A junkies biggest fear Is getting dope sick and withdrawal. These quick turnaround times at jail feed into this and probably part of the reason this occurs. Jails don't want to deal with it. If I ruled the world and you showed signs addiction when arrested it would be a mandatory 7 days in jail. You would come out clean physically, mentally probably not but if you chose to go back to drugs that's on you. Didn't like the experience? Don't do anything that will get you arrested and you will be alright. Otherwise rinse and repeat.

Seven days in jail when arrested with an addiction ? That wouldn't change shit. How about seven months ? 

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 Jail doesn't fix anything it just moves it out of the public eye. Which is fine till you hand them the bill for large internment camps, which is what it's going to take to house the millions. Better to enact draconian measures for dealers, transporters and sellers to limit and pinch off the supply. Send in the special ops into northern Mexico like in A Clear and Present Danger. Fuck Mexico they're actually part of the problem and can't clean their own house. Surely the US has info and monstrous amounts of intel, surveillance and assets, Apache helicopters, hell fire missiles, Rangers and the mobile armor to clean it for them. Detainees to Guantanamo for 'accelerated and enhanced interrogation.'  Naturally this won't look good but results speak for themselves. Not having done this already makes me think those in power are in cahoots with the druggies. Then move surveillance and interdiction further south towards Panama, remove it away from your back door. Narco submarines? sink on sight. Planes? shoot down ask permission later. Why fuck around? Nothing moves without being surveilled and vetted. This includes across the Gulf and around Florida. 






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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Send in the special ops into northern Mexico like in A Clear and Present Danger. Fuck Mexico they're actually part of the problem and can't clean their own house. Surely the US has info and monstrous amounts of intel, surveillance and assets, Apache helicopters, hell fire missiles, Rangers and the mobile armor to clean it for them. Detainees to Guantanamo for 'accelerated and enhanced interrogation.' 


Came in hot this morning didn't we 😆.


Hell yeah! Let's burn the house down so the crack head roaches in the US don't have anything to smoke! Yeeehhaaa! 🤦‍♂️ Jesus christ all mighty 🤣


Mexico can't clean up their house ey. It's a good thing the US and Canada's house is so spick and span. And we got our shit together. Otherwise who would be the world's beacon of light 🙏.


Mikeyyyy! You made my morning. Couldn't stop laughing. 







Edited by IZRL
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17 hours ago, IZRL said:


Exactly Americans are the Cartel organizations largest investors.  The cause for most of the blood shed in Mexico would stop if there weren't so many crack heads, meth heads, and stoners in America.


Hammer meet nail. ^^^


In the late 60s, my Dad and uncle built a house just South of Rosarito Beach, and for 20+ years, I spent a good portion of my life there. As a kid, we bought much of our groceries in Tijuana. I started partying there when I was 15 and witnessed it's sad decline into chaos.


The economy of TJ has been a reflection of US appetites for a long time, and its life blood has always been business, trade exchange, and tourism. Known as "Our friendly neighbor to the South." During prohibition, this sleepy old border town was transformed into a swank Hollywood playground the gringos called "Little Havana". With US investment, Revolucion Blvd. was lined with big band dance halls, casinos, bars, hotels, and fine dining. There was also Agua Caliente Horse Race Track, and a Spanish bull fighting arena, strategically place so it could be seen from across the border like a bill board.


During WWII it was again transformed into a testosterone filled night spot/red light district so soldiers could blow off steam before shipping out to the South Pacific. Since the 40s, it continued to get more and more twisted and seedy along with American appetites.


Following the hyper profitable War On Drugs, the financial power of the cartels corrupted the Federales and violence got serially hairy fast. By 2000, the US Gov. issued a public safety warning to stay out of TJ, and US military personnel were completely banned from traveling there. Choke off legitimate business, WTF did they think would happen? Instead of fixing our own problems at home, Mexico is made the political scapegoat. It's like a pedophile blaming their victims. 

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

 Jail doesn't fix anything it just moves it out of the public eye. Which is fine till you hand them the bill for large internment camps, which is what it's going to take to house the millions. Better to enact draconian measures for dealers, transporters and sellers to limit and pinch off the supply. Send in the special ops into northern Mexico like in A Clear and Present Danger. Fuck Mexico they're actually part of the problem and can't clean their own house. Surely the US has info and monstrous amounts of intel, surveillance and assets, Apache helicopters, hell fire missiles, Rangers and the mobile armor to clean it for them. Detainees to Guantanamo for 'accelerated and enhanced interrogation.'  Naturally this won't look good but results speak for themselves. Not having done this already makes me think those in power are in cahoots with the druggies. Then move surveillance and interdiction further south towards Panama, remove it away from your back door. Narco submarines? sink on sight. Planes? shoot down ask permission later. Why fuck around? Nothing moves without being surveilled and vetted. This includes across the Gulf and around Florida. 






I like this post ! Except the part about "Jail doesn't fix anything"  It sure does. Criminals locked up in jail aren't stealing, raping, using drugs, causing problems for innocent people etc. Let them out too soon or early and we have a problem. And it's happening right now. We should target Cartels with some "Clear and Present Danger" type shit. For the benefit of Mexico and its good people. I always wondered why we don't when we're more than willing to do it to the Middle East.

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6 hours ago, IZRL said:


Came in hot this morning didn't we 😆.


Hell yeah! Let's burn the house down so the crack head roaches in the US don't have anything to smoke! Yeeehhaaa! 🤦‍♂️ Jesus christ all mighty 🤣


Mexico can't clean up their house ey. It's a good thing the US and Canada's house is so spick and span. And we got our shit together. Otherwise who would be the world's beacon of light 🙏.


Mikeyyyy! You made my morning. Couldn't stop laughing. 







You do realize Mexico is considered a third world country and the U.S. along with Canada aren't ? Our shit up here stinks for sure but not nearly as bad as Mexico's.

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3 minutes ago, john510 said:

I like this post ! Except the part about "Jail doesn't fix anything"  It sure does. Criminals locked up in jail aren't stealing, raping, using drugs, causing problems for innocent people etc. Let them out too soon or early and we have a problem. And it's happening right now. We should target Cartels with some "Clear and Present Danger" type shit. For the benefit of Mexico and its good people. I always wondered why we don't when we're more than willing to do it to the Middle East.


Sort of true but locking them up is the same as a robber stopping and having a smoke while breaking in and then finishing robbing you. Of the estimated 10,000,000 + prisoners world wide the US has just under 2,000,000 of them, or 21%. So with all the criminals locked up how's the crime rate lately?


If you can surgically assassinate Qasem Soleimani with a drone strike without harming by standers then you could do the same in Mexico. AWACS surveillance aircraft watching anything flying. Satellite imagery up the colon and in real time. Reaper drones. Google Earth to compare past and present structures and topography. Infrared scanning of unexplained heat blooms in remote areas. Every word uttered into a cell phone world wide is sent to Arizona and washed through algorithms for key words and analyzed for info. Get the latest AI involved in innovative solutions. Look for vehicle travel patterns.  

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Satellite and drone pinpoint targeting shouldn't be too difficult, you can find youtube vids of bodgers who have outfitted OTS hobby drones with semi-auto pistols and flame throwers, so a bit of budget should give some spectacular results.  It would probably be good to have some kind of tacit approval from the Mexican gov't to operate that way; wouldn't have to be well known but be able to be trotted out when the usual suspects started spouting off.

I'm quite disappointed that this didn't get the trend it deserves - whilst on might logically assume that associating a simian term with a non-honky female would warrant an under-the-jail sentence, since it's in open court that presumably makes it...alright?

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 16-16-25 (2) Destiny on X I’m thinking Nathan Wade named Fani Willis’ Bluetooth ID.🤣🤣🤣🤣 “Gorilla Grip…”🤣🤣🤣🤣 https __t.co_Gvx8xvHUWa _ X.png

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Do big girls have tighter pussys? My experience is yes but one isn't statistically relevant. Maybe they don't see as much use. I don't know how tight a grip a gorilla has but there is a glue called...


Tell the Mexican government after. Can't be trusted, corruption, big money etc.

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20 hours ago, john510 said:

You do realize Mexico is considered a third world country and the U.S. along with Canada aren't ? Our shit up here stinks for sure but not nearly as bad as Mexico's.


18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Tell the Mexican government after. Can't be trusted, corruption, big money etc.


Look man... the Mexican government is corrupt, the cartels are savages. There's a lot of poverty. But at least the people aren't ignorant to that fact. They know what things are, they talk shit about it, and do their best to live happy lives inspite of things. Which is way better than being blissfully ignorant like many Americans are. 


Here the US population prances around ablivious to the fact that their government is also corrupt as hell. Our government is literally allowing major cities to burn to the ground. Most Americans are having a tough go at trying to survive cause their money is funding wars we had no business getting involved in. There is a slight possibility of a civil war popping off here in the not so distant future.


But yet here we are on our high horse. Talking about fixing mexico and every other country. when we can't even save ourselves. The US has never saved anything. They're locust, they take what they want and leave death and destruction behind. So believe me when I say, Mexico doesn't need the US to be "fixing" anything. We are the ones who need saving. People pointing fingers at other leaders/ governments like if our country wasn't imploding.


And by the way is the US truly still a first world country. I had a co worker, that had the big house, the fast car, the boat, the harley, the Can-am, the toy hauler. But I know he was barely getting by cause i knew what he made. But he still talked smack and talked down to other people. Finally one day I was like "dude, I've got credit too. I just know better". 34.5 TRILLION dollars in debt! and people still think we ballin 🤣🤣.



Edited by IZRL
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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Sort of true but locking them up is the same as a robber stopping and having a smoke while breaking in and then finishing robbing you. Of the estimated 10,000,000 + prisoners world wide the US has just under 2,000,000 of them, or 21%. So with all the criminals locked up how's the crime rate lately?


If you can surgically assassinate Qasem Soleimani with a drone strike without harming by standers then you could do the same in Mexico. AWACS surveillance aircraft watching anything flying. Satellite imagery up the colon and in real time. Reaper drones. Google Earth to compare past and present structures and topography. Infrared scanning of unexplained heat blooms in remote areas. Every word uttered into a cell phone world wide is sent to Arizona and washed through algorithms for key words and analyzed for info. Get the latest AI involved in innovative solutions. Look for vehicle travel patterns.  

The crime rate isn't high because we have a lot of people locked up. It's high because we're not keeping them in jail or even prosecuting them. Here in California theft of less than 950 bucks isn't even punishable by law. They MIGHT write you a ticket.

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Laughable. The cure is to keep those in jail longer in jail??? you aren't prosecuting criminals enough??? Do you now how crazy that sounds? You want to put more people behind bars till it goes away??? You already have 21% of all prisoners world wide behind bars yet America is only 3-4% of the world population. Where does it end?


Prevention is better in the long run. But that's going to take some major doing. Societal changes and education, less disparity between the have and have not, more opportunities for the young. There's just not enough to go around. Maybe opening up detention camps and prison colonies is the only way to go. 




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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The federal government (more or less) allows the states to implement voting standards. On the face of it what's wrong with registering people to vote?


It's got nothing to do with voting standards.  It's largely buying votes from young liberal voters.  It's illegal in the US.  There was a history of this in the US early on in our history, and was finally outlawed in the 1920's, IIRC.



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