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6 hours ago, yenpit said:


Here is my take...........you know I respect you!  You have NOT sorted thru everything.  If you had actually sorted thru everything, then you would not have this level of TDS.  We know that you are an intelligent person, but WE also see that you have been conditioned to see Trump as a horrible person.  Did he do things when he was younger, that had bad affects on others?  Yes.  Did I ever do things that had a bad affect on others?  Yup, I sure did, when I was younger & dumber.  But I like to think that I am a much better person, as I have gotten older, as I have learned.  I see Trump the same/similar way.  I see you & John, the same/similar way (Paradime, I'm not sure of yet!! 🤣).  Were YOU a perfect angel, when you were younger?  Not likely, NO OFFENSE MEANT!  How could so many millions of people (yes, Trump supporters) have a very different opinion, than what main stream media has painted of Trump?  Are WE 100% wrong?  I don't think any of us have accused you of being 100% wrong?  We too, have seen & heard how ridiculously obnoxious, rude, childish etc that Trump can be.....................but we do NOT pay attention to how main stream media has created this "monster orange man bad!", because our opinion is that msm is wrong.............and I mean wrong ON PURPOSE, to smear him, to try to get rid of him!  The left has done this to MANY MANY other GOP members & conservative supporters.  It is how the left works................😡😤💩



Alright, when was he fully grown up and accountable for his actions?? 25-30-35? Lets say '76 and on when he was 30? Only thing I ever mentioned about him when young was avoiding serving his country by draft deferment and when he was finally qualified he suddenly had 'bone spurs'... such is the life of senator's and rich men's sons and so  If I ever mention his douche-baggery I'll limit it to his grown up accountable adult life after 30. Good enough? 




No one has ever accused me of being intelligent.


Oh... love you too TJ.

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:

...  I liked Obama, when he was in office, but what I have learned since then, shows me that he (and the Clinton's), were simply "conditioning" us for what was to come, if the left was able to stay in power...


Yes, hindsight and when the dust settles and the real story comes out. You and others may be saying the same thing about Trump in 2028. "I liked Trump when he was in office the first time, but what I have learned since then, shows me that we were enthralled, blind to who he really was and his failings of character..." Yes it will be a...




What I call interesting.




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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Lets agree to disagree. Yes I don't like him. No I don't care about his politics as it doesn't impact me, though I will question some facets of it. Haley is hanging in as a later alternative GOP candidate wtshtf with Trump later. So leave out that the Dems are behind all this for a moment, I mean they probably have some clout, but forget that as the go to answer for all things happening to trump legally. If he's so rich he would have a dozen $1,000 an hour lawyers on this, I mean if Simpson could get away with murder, surely he could beat this 'frivolous' attack. So how does one who's innocent end up guilty? Well maybe you should entertain the thought that he isn't all that innocent. Like Al Capone. Guilty of all kinds of mayhem but hard to prove, so dig up some other, possibly lesser broken law and prosecute to the max. Again... don't automatically say it's all the Dem's fault. Yes they are unlikely to cut him any slack for sure. On the other foot if a GOP judge was throwing the case out???? That's just as bad. Entertain the thought that Trump isn't a nice guy, and is guilty of many many crooked things and like Capone the law has it's teeth in his ass and won't let go. He's not squeaky clean. Was ok as president but fucked a few things up IMHO. Brought his own swamp with him, all now convicted felons or pending. In the last four years he's gone off the rails because he can't control himself. You want him back in charge? Or Joe? Get rid of these old deeply flawed men.

Haley is hanging in there  ? LOL. In her own state she was beat by the option of "none of the above"  That's not hanging in there. If we left the Dems out of this for a moment there would be nothing to talk about here regarding Trump. 

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Ever read his tweets? All Trump no filter. Good way to see where the man was unhinged even back when he was president. Things haven't improved and it simply amazes me that there are people out there that listen to him like he is telling the truth. He is a used car salesman. Tells people what he thinks they want to hear and they eat it up. Such a gullible population to believe anything he says. 

So his Tweets upset you ? Fucking hilarious. I'd rather hear some mean Tweets than some career politician blow smoke up my ass lying to me. Serious question, if the mean Tweet was true is it still mean ? As far as "used car salesman" and telling people what they want to hear ? That can be applied to the vast majority of politicians at any level. That's what they do to get elected. Why is Trump singled out ? 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Yes, hindsight and when the dust settles and the real story comes out. You and others may be saying the same thing about Trump in 2028. "I liked Trump when he was in office the first time, but what I have learned since then, shows me that we were enthralled, blind to who he really was and his failings of character..." Yes it will be a...




What I call interesting.





I do NOT disagree.........................but I do have faith in Trump.  We risk bad outcomes with ANY elected official.  Look at Trudeau.............what a POS!  CA's Newsome = 💩.  Nixon was re-elected for a second term & look how THAT ended!  Again, the irony of that, was that Nixon came up with the plan for Presidential records & co-operated with Dad & the Nat'l Archives, only to have that plan bring him to his knees later!  It just pains me, to see & hear how many people do not see how good Trump was for our country, from 2016-2020.  PS my "rough road ahead" comment, was towards what the LEFT might do, not how well Trump will do or not.

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34 minutes ago, john510 said:

Haley is hanging in there  ? LOL. In her own state she was beat by the option of "none of the above"  That's not hanging in there. If we left the Dems out of this for a moment there would be nothing to talk about here regarding Trump. 


PS I firmly believe that Haley is "hanging in there", with the hopes that Trump would be banned from the ballots in these libtard states.  I do NOT think that will ever happen & I think Trump will win the election.  The rumor I hear, is that Haley is being funded by the left elites, like Soros.  They want to see her as President, cuz they CAN & WILL be able to control her.  It will be just as bad as having a libtard in there!  There is no way she could continue spending as much money as she must be spending, to remain in the race.  Unfortunately, when she loses, it will likely be the end of her political career & perhaps even her career, period.  She is being "played" by the left!!!!!!

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No need to apologize we are are all grown adults here. We can probably agree that our choices are which one is the smaller pile of steaming shit. RHINO only has lost its sting since GOP has become the "Trump party" which I will gladly recind my GOP registration if they didn't make it such a pain in the ass to do on a phone. We have been conditioned to accept for the lack of a better term shit human beings. There was a time people actually wanted to give back to the country to make it better. Not enrich themselves through " Public Service" Reagan is probably the last one I remember actually in it for the country and not just themselves. 

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50 minutes ago, john510 said:

Haley is hanging in there  ? LOL. In her own state she was beat by the option of "none of the above"  That's not hanging in there....


Would 'hanging on' be better. Not arguing that she's doing well or not, just not quitting like platform shoe De Santis, so that when Trump is put away she's the last 'man' standing of GOP candidates.


56 minutes ago, john510 said:

... If we left the Dems out of this for a moment there would be nothing to talk about here regarding Trump. 


Rubbish!!. We would have endless laughs about his perfume and sneakers and what ever other Trump religious icons he can sell to the idiot masses.


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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


PS I firmly believe that Haley is "hanging in there", with the hopes that Trump would be banned from the ballots in these libtard states.  I do NOT think that will ever happen & I think Trump will win the election.  The rumor I hear, is that Haley is being funded by the left elites, like Soros.  They want to see her as President, cuz they CAN & WILL be able to control her.  It will be just as bad as having a libtard in there!  There is no way she could continue spending as much money as she must be spending, to remain in the race.  Unfortunately, when she loses, it will likely be the end of her political career & perhaps even her career, period.  She is being "played" by the left!!!!!!

The left wants Haley because Biden could win against her. And if she managed to win, you're probably right because they bought her. They would own her.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Would 'hanging on' be better. Not arguing that she's doing well or not, just not quitting like platform shoe De Santis, so that when Trump is put away she's the last 'man' standing of GOP candidates.



Rubbish!!. We would have endless laughs about his perfume and sneakers and what ever other Trump religious icons he can sell to the idiot masses.


Haley hangs on because she's getting money to do so. DeSantis was smart to withdraw and it shows he knows better than to hang around looking like a fool. Trump's perfume ? That's a new one to me. Funny you're calling Trump people idiots.

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 No, only the buyers were idiots and they don't have to be Trump 'people' just idiots. I mean really, who the fuck would buy them. You're not planning to are you? I would not expect so.

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59 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

 No, only the buyers were idiots and they don't have to be Trump 'people' just idiots. I mean really, who the fuck would buy them. You're not planning to are you? I would not expect so.


Probably the same people that went gaga over the Target Stanley cups

Trump sold the shoes for $400 now selling on Ebay upwards of 3,000





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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

 No, only the buyers were idiots and they don't have to be Trump 'people' just idiots. I mean really, who the fuck would buy them. You're not planning to are you? I would not expect so.


42 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


Probably the same people that went gaga over the Target Stanley cups

Trump sold the shoes for $400 now selling on Ebay upwards of 3,000







Financially it sounds like it wasn't that bad a buy then, buy for $400 and flip for a few thousand, I mean the person at the end of the line gets hosed but their choice I guess... 


They sure look tacky as all hell though

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9 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Probably the same people that went gaga over the Target Stanley cups

Trump sold the shoes for $400 now selling on Ebay upwards of 3,000




Perhaps 'idiots' was too light a touch. Selling for thousands to bigger idiots is genius.



They look exactly like what a MAGA would wear charging up the hill to an insurrection.

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This is the primary race, and with Trump's loyal base he'll get the GOP nomination. That said, DT got only 54.3% of the vote in NH, and 51% in IA; far less than poll predictions. Early SC polls showed DT ahead of NH by 42% points, 2 weeks ago a Florida State University Poll had him ahead by 32%, and 3 days ago, Emerson College Polling showed his lead was down to 23%. 


For either of these shriveled lizard to win the general election, it's all about raising serious capital for the fight. With Trump spending $76 mil of his donors money to pay his legal bills, folks realized their contribution to Mr. T's honey pot was not a sound investment. When Trump's campaign filings were made public by the FEC, Super PACs sued to get a $60 mil refund. This shit stain forced the RNC to announce the party's money will not be used to pay Trump's legal fees. Fallout from this, and the Jan 6 "peaceful protests" caused many big $ donors to pull their support for DT 2024; the Koch Group being one of them. The question is, when Trump clenches the R nomination, will these donors be allowed to come back?


Well, using his typical spastic panache in a SC speech, Trump annnounced that all Haley donors will not be allowed back to the Maga camp. After this JV league power play, Haley's donations surged and Donnie's fell. Maybe because a republican candidate bashing diehard GOP donors/voters is a F'n stupid campaign strategy? Oh sure, his anarchist minions loves dat authoritarian tough guy shit. On the other hand, alienating undecided voters, the independent/centrist swing vote, and moderate conservatives is NOT how you win a primary election. 254 days to go, and anything can happen. Who knows, could be Hayley vs Harris by then. LOL

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17 hours ago, paradime said:

This is the primary race, and with Trump's loyal base he'll get the GOP nomination. That said, DT got only 54.3% of the vote in NH, and 51% in IA; far less than poll predictions. Early SC polls showed DT ahead of NH by 42% points, 2 weeks ago a Florida State University Poll had him ahead by 32%, and 3 days ago, Emerson College Polling showed his lead was down to 23%. 


For either of these shriveled lizard to win the general election, it's all about raising serious capital for the fight. With Trump spending $76 mil of his donors money to pay his legal bills, folks realized their contribution to Mr. T's honey pot was not a sound investment. When Trump's campaign filings were made public by the FEC, Super PACs sued to get a $60 mil refund. This shit stain forced the RNC to announce the party's money will not be used to pay Trump's legal fees. Fallout from this, and the Jan 6 "peaceful protests" caused many big $ donors to pull their support for DT 2024; the Koch Group being one of them. The question is, when Trump clenches the R nomination, will these donors be allowed to come back?


Well, using his typical spastic panache in a SC speech, Trump annnounced that all Haley donors will not be allowed back to the Maga camp. After this JV league power play, Haley's donations surged and Donnie's fell. Maybe because a republican candidate bashing diehard GOP donors/voters is a F'n stupid campaign strategy? Oh sure, his anarchist minions loves dat authoritarian tough guy shit. On the other hand, alienating undecided voters, the independent/centrist swing vote, and moderate conservatives is NOT how you win a primary election. 254 days to go, and anything can happen. Who knows, could be Hayley vs Harris by then. LOL


Trump is disliked by the establishment, the Uniparty, the bureaucracy, the Country club Republicans however you wish to describe them some have an R next to their name but are really there for the power and the money.

To me they are worse than the opposition because they hide behind the curtains and the flag and tell us how they are looking out for our interests all the while stabbing us in the back.

 The Koch Brothers included it does not surprise me that the ultra rich and corporations would back Haley hoping to dump Trump. Yes it'd be great to have the money but I'm glad they show their hand now.

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Read this link two or three times, real damn slow.


We humans are blessed with reason and common sense as opposed to what some of the other animals have naturally. We are also blessed with emotions and sometimes emotions get in the way and the rules of nature are obscured by these emotions. How do your fortunes, economically and socially speaking, compare under the different leaders we've endured over the past 40-50 years, wherever you're located  ?? Do the 'fookin' math, mates. As my little brother once said in the middle of a big Wallapalooza partying binge; 'We all leave a trail'.


Disclaimer: A trace of 'Johnnie Walker Red' and 'Inver House' Scotch and 'Ron Rico' Rum may be detected in this post !! 



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Been meaning to ask... so after a cooling off period, what's the general public opinion on Tucker's interview. Is he a radicalized Putin publicity agent and pawn? Or is he a journalistic god making the scoop of the century telling it like it is for those who want to know???

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