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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Last year or early this year I said that 2024 would be an interesting year. (includes bumps) The US could be governed from jail while the appeals process grinds on assuming the Trump organization isn't bankrupt to afford bail, or from an old folks home specializing in late stage dementia. Who would the Veep be? Will an AI enable itself towards a Skynet scenario? rendering the election a waste of time anyway.


The fun will begin right after they announce the results of the election IMO. I think no matter which way it goes there's going to be a possibility of things getting ugly. There's so much tension built up between both sides. Add a pinch of distrust for the voting process from the right, and you have a recipe for chaos. I'm going to be stocking up on food, water, fuel and most importantly toilet paper 😆, a few days before the announcement. Things will probably go smooth but there's a slight possibility it wont. Funny, I used to talk smack about preppers.......and then covid hit.


On 2/14/2024 at 7:24 AM, datzenmike said:

Aye, and there's the rub. Truth. Where do you find that? If even there to begin with. If there was truth there would be little politics and lawyers. A long time ago people did actually vote for what was best for the country regardless of the party.


I think overall the right has a better understanding about what's going on in world than the left (IMO). The way I look at it. All the traditional news media outlets have gone extreme left. So the left turns on the television and gets fed a steady diet of only the current administrations agenda and believes. They go to school and again they get nothing but leftist woke agenda. Then they log into any social media platform, and those are heavily monitored and filtered against anything that might offend the left.  You have to really work to find someone who has a different opinion or view than the left.  And most of the left avoid those media outlets like the plague, it seems like.


The right on the other hand gets the leftist propaganda shoved down there throat 24/7. They have no choice, its everywhere . The difference is they do seek other media outlets that are right leaning. So in short the right gets a healthy dose of both views, not just their own.


I think democrats would benefit from seeking out right leaning media and at least listening to what the other side has to say. They don't have to like or agree with any of it but at least they'll have more data to analyze. I think most don't. They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. Who knows how much of the info we get is actually true on either side? No way for us to truly know. But at least be open to hearing both sides out.


There are undercover and old school democrats out there who don't agree with the extreme leftist ideology this administration is pushing thankfully, and who might end up secretly not voting blue these coming elections. But they're probably few and far between.


                                                                       😆😆  vUjaxl2.jpg😆😆








Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. 


There is a famous quote from some New York socialite/dignitary (can't recall exactly who) that was uttered after the 1972 election where Nixon won in one of the largest landslide victories ever:  "I don't now how he was elected, I don't know anyone who voted for him".  That's most likely somewhat of a paraphrase, but point remains the same about a bubble.  

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:


The fun will begin right after they announce the results of the election IMO. I think no matter which way it goes there's going to be a possibility of things getting ugly. There's so much tension built up between both sides. Add a pinch of distrust for the voting process from the right, and you have a recipe for chaos. I'm going to be stocking up on food, water, fuel and most importantly toilet paper 😆, a few days before the announcement. Things will probably go smooth but there's a slight possibility it wont. Funny, I used to talk smack about preppers.......and then covid hit.



I think overall the right has a better understanding about what's going on in world than the left (IMO). The way I look at it. All the traditional news media outlets have gone extreme left. So the left turns on the television and gets fed a steady diet of only the current administrations agenda and believes. They go to school and again they get nothing but leftist woke agenda. Then they log into any social media platform, and those are heavily monitored and filtered against anything that might offend the left.  You have to really work to find someone who has a different opinion or view than the left.  And most of the left avoid those media outlets like the plague, it seems like.


The right on the other hand gets the leftist propaganda shoved down there throat 24/7. They have no choice, its everywhere . The difference is they do seek other media outlets that are right leaning. So in short the right gets a healthy dose of both views, not just their own.


I think democrats would benefit from seeking out right leaning media and at least listening to what the other side has to say. They don't have to like or agree with any of it but at least they'll have more data to analyze. I think most don't. They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. Who knows how much of the info we get is actually true on either side? No way for us to truly know. But at least be open to hearing both sides out.


There are undercover and old school democrats out there who don't agree with the extreme leftist ideology this administration is pushing thankfully, and who might end up secretly not voting blue these coming elections. But they're probably few and far between.


                                                                       😆😆  vUjaxl2.jpg😆😆








Damn you nailed it again. Your point about the left and right regarding media and who watches it is spot on. We see examples of it right here from those that won't hear a word of Tucker Carlson like his opinion or reporting will cause so much damage they can't handle it.

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3 hours ago, IZRL said:


I think overall the right has a better understanding about what's going on in world than the left (IMO). The way I look at it. All the traditional news media outlets have gone extreme left. So the left turns on the television and gets fed a steady diet of only the current administrations agenda and believes. They go to school and again they get nothing but leftist woke agenda. Then they log into any social media platform, and those are heavily monitored and filtered against anything that might offend the left.  You have to really work to find someone who has a different opinion or view than the left.  And most of the left avoid those media outlets like the plague, it seems like.



AKA: 'The long march through the institutions'.


Many who do go out and find alternate news/views are aware that geo. soreass & crew are soaking up the radio networks of late. In traditional wars, some of the first facilities that the invaders seize control of were the newspapers and radio transmitters. The globalists have kept up with the times, no, they've created the current state of affairs over a number of decades. They're currently accelerating their drive to get their tentacles around the internet, the 'Largest Library in the World'. Such a bloody shame that a vast majority use the net only for entertainment/distraction. Rest assured that is by design, not a flaw.    

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I agree with IZRL but you lost me at Tucker. Again. He's in the entertainment biz. No one watches a show they don't like.


1 hour ago, iceman510 said:


There is a famous quote from some New York socialite/dignitary (can't recall exactly who) that was uttered after the 1972 election where Nixon won in one of the largest landslide victories ever:  "I don't now how he was elected, I don't know anyone who voted for him".  That's most likely somewhat of a paraphrase, but point remains the same about a bubble.  


That's because if you are a Democrat (or GOP) you don't hang with 'the other side' so your friends vote just like you. You are insulated from reality or your 'friends' simply lied to you on about who they would vote for.. and who the hell tells everyone who they vote for? Is this high school? 

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Alexei Navalny dies in prison after returning from Germany after recovering from a nerve agent poisoning he blamed on the Kremiln. Navalny campaigned against corruption and rose to fame after Boris Nemtsov, another charismatic leader was shot and killed near the Kremlin in 2015.


This is how Putin runs things in his country. 


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So.... Putin was tricked or manipulated into doing the West's bidding. Providing an excuse to 'save' Ukraine and foreclose on it's amassed war dept????? I would think that Russia has far more resources, so this 'war' is to bankrupt Putin out of power dissolve Russia and pick up the pieces? Interesting.  

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On 2/13/2024 at 8:53 PM, Duncan said:


The show South Park did a hilarious send-up on Prius drivers.  IIRC, they all got together and held parties that consisted of them smelling (and enoying the smell) of their own farts while congratulation each other on how much good they were doing..




Well, I smell MY own farts & like it.......I think one woke me up the other night!  But I do NOT drive an EV or a Hybrid & likely never will.................... 🤣

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On 2/13/2024 at 10:13 PM, datzenmike said:

I haven't seen this at all. You're using facts not in evidence. Maybe this should be in the Tin Foil section of the Co Vid post?


Were you responding to IZRL, right below his post?  If so, as some of us have pointed out before (yes, likely under the Covid thread), there is quite a bit MORE info out there, on Covid & why it was, how it theoretically happened.............that info was buried by Fauci & the left & RARELY reported on in main stream media.  Again, the most popular group/website that did & does report on this info, is americasfrontlinedoctors, that wonderful older English doctor's video series & the Christian stations ie Daystar, TBN etc.


I agree with IZRL...........young people very likely never needed the jab, young children SURELY do not need it, PERIOD!  I'm confident that I survived it, cuz of my natural immunity & the fact that I studied the news from day 1.  I am NO EXPERT, by a long shot, but I do pride myself on what I learned & why I did not get the jab & never will.  Again, I also do not try to judge others on getting the jab, but when I hear of vax injuries, that I feel are directly related to the jab, I just shake my head in disbelief, for the blindness, the denial.................these things DO exist & that the jab was a man made drug concoction that DID kill many people.


THIS is freakin' hilarious!!!  Wiki calls the group "far right wing", which is ridiculous!!  I look at Wiki for lots of stuff, but I also have heard that THEY are left leaning..........that comment proves my point to the T!! 😂



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On 2/14/2024 at 3:41 PM, frankendat said:

I agree 100%. I have met people who travel and either refuse to acknowledge or are blissfully ignorant of what they see. A few times I was with "guided" groups and the guides would ensure our group was first, which was cool, but my thought was that those with the power to make us first, had the power to make us last and just like the many who we pushed behind, there wouldn't be a damn thing we could do about it.


I am just now putting two n two together!  My Dad worked for the Nat'l Archives, for some 35++ years.  After he retired around 91-92, the then acting Nat'l Archivist (Dad helped place her) called & asked "Dick, you know Russian, don't you?".  "Well, I studied Russian in the Army in the 1950's, acted as a radio listener, I understand some Russian, but I am in no way fluent!".  Well, with his archival/records experience, that was enough for Trudy!  "How would you like to go to Russia (this was right after the Soviet Union dissolved) with the Army, as a citizen, to search for American POW/MIA records?".  Dad agreed, went over for 3 mo's around 1993.  He said the people of Russia were wonderful, it was the experience of a lifetime, but he would NEVER go there again, cuz of how difficult it was & how "stern" the Russians involved in the program were, including KGB members!  All of the meetings involved Dad, lawyers, Russian archivists & KGB members!  My point is, Dad loved the adventure, but the way the people lived, broke his heart.  He directly experienced the life in what was a communist country.


A side note about the adventure..............a week or so in, Dad hopped in a taxi.  While dropping off, the guy asked (I assume in Russian!) "Can I come pick you up?".  Dad agreed, set a time.........that went on for the remainder of the 3 mo's..........same taxi driver!  At the end, Dad gave him one BIG tip, which was more than he made just driving Dad around.  He was so grateful.  They kept in touch, after Dad returned to the States..................😊

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On 2/15/2024 at 12:32 PM, datzenmike said:

I know OF it, her and Wade. Naturally Trump will try to exploit this to the max.


If Fani (pronounced Fawni) broke the law, yer damn right Trump should exploit it & I agree 100%!!  I thought she was unfit as a prosecutor, from day 1, the way she spoke of her seething HATE (TDS to the max!) for Trump...........then THIS trash turns up!!??  Get that idiot off of the case...............which is a FARSE of a case to begin with, a leftist witch hunt!! 😡😝😤💩   How can you NOT see the left bias, with all of this crap being thrown at Trump??

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12 hours ago, IZRL said:


The fun will begin right after they announce the results of the election IMO. I think no matter which way it goes there's going to be a possibility of things getting ugly. There's so much tension built up between both sides. Add a pinch of distrust for the voting process from the right, and you have a recipe for chaos. I'm going to be stocking up on food, water, fuel and most importantly toilet paper 😆, a few days before the announcement. Things will probably go smooth but there's a slight possibility it wont. Funny, I used to talk smack about preppers.......and then covid hit.



I think overall the right has a better understanding about what's going on in world than the left (IMO). The way I look at it. All the traditional news media outlets have gone extreme left. So the left turns on the television and gets fed a steady diet of only the current administrations agenda and believes. They go to school and again they get nothing but leftist woke agenda. Then they log into any social media platform, and those are heavily monitored and filtered against anything that might offend the left.  You have to really work to find someone who has a different opinion or view than the left.  And most of the left avoid those media outlets like the plague, it seems like.


The right on the other hand gets the leftist propaganda shoved down there throat 24/7. They have no choice, its everywhere . The difference is they do seek other media outlets that are right leaning. So in short the right gets a healthy dose of both views, not just their own.


I think democrats would benefit from seeking out right leaning media and at least listening to what the other side has to say. They don't have to like or agree with any of it but at least they'll have more data to analyze. I think most don't. They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. Who knows how much of the info we get is actually true on either side? No way for us to truly know. But at least be open to hearing both sides out.


There are undercover and old school democrats out there who don't agree with the extreme leftist ideology this administration is pushing thankfully, and who might end up secretly not voting blue these coming elections. But they're probably few and far between.


                                                                       😆😆  vUjaxl2.jpg😆😆









Where have you been all our lives!!??  You seem to be fitting in just fine, especially with conservative views, thankfully not much leftist views, if any!  I agree, with the "overload" potential, with all of this mess.  I have had quite a few conservative friend followers, posting on FB & reading all of my FB stuff, but then simply POOF!!, disappear.  I think it does overload some people.  That is just fine............just don't flip left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆🤣😜  Good to have you here!! 😎

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20 minutes ago, yenpit said:


If Fani (pronounced Fawni) broke the law, yer damn right Trump should exploit it & I agree 100%!!  I thought she was unfit as a prosecutor, from day 1, the way she spoke of her seething HATE (TDS to the max!) for Trump...........then THIS trash turns up!!??  Get that idiot off of the case...............which is a FARSE of a case to begin with, a leftist witch hunt!! 😡😝😤💩   How can you NOT see the left bias, with all of this crap being thrown at Trump??


According to 'others' the E Gene Carrol case and the defamation case were farces too but .... here we are and there he is. What about the soon happening Stormy Daniels hush money case in March? Both came about because of his douchebagery, running his mouth and poor character. "grab 'em by the pussy" Talk about karma evening out the universe. Where was the $1,200 an hour lawyers? He could have beat that (not at all because he's innocent) but probably refused to listen to paid advice ("Hey, don't tell me how to win a case, been doing it like this all my life and the fold or run out of money") and they said fuck you you're not dragging me down with you. So he ends up with inept yes men and woman (yes his lawyers are shit) and calling witch hunt. Proof that only a fool is his own lawyer.... and the other 80? cases?  

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4 minutes ago, flyerdan said:

It seems like every clip of Fani that shows up on twitter has her admitting to another felony.  One can only hope that the fucking she got was worth the fucking she's getting.


I just don't have the energy to wade through the whole thing, but what I have gathered by perusing a few articles is that she handled herself very badly on the stand considering she's a lawyer, and she comes off like an arrogant, entitled prick.  Of course, I am paraphrasing.


And the thing about using a cash app, but paying her man in cash has sent a lot of BS meters to being fully pegged on 10.





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And BTW, anyone see this Barbara Lee who is running for Diane Feinstein's seat wanting to raise California's minimum wage to $50 per hour?   Holy shit.  That's really going to help California's small business owners, and people struggling with crazy price hikes.  Pandering for votes at it's lowest. 


Haven't heard any word on reparations for slavery in a very long time..



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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


According to 'others' the E Gene Carrol case and the defamation case were farces too but .... here we are and there he is. What about the soon happening Stormy Daniels hush money case in March? Both came about because of his douchebagery, running his mouth and poor character. "grab 'em by the pussy" Talk about karma evening out the universe. Where was the $1,200 an hour lawyers? He could have beat that (not at all because he's innocent) but probably refused to listen to paid advice ("Hey, don't tell me how to win a case, been doing it like this all my life and the fold or run out of money") and they said fuck you you're not dragging me down with you. So he ends up with inept yes men and woman (yes his lawyers are shit) and calling witch hunt. Proof that only a fool is his own lawyer.... and the other 80? cases?  


Ugh.  Do you actually read any of the conservative (yes Trump supporters) reports on these cases??  Any of the "other perspective"?  That info IS out there.........you just need to know where to see it, where to hear it, where to read it.  So what if he did mess around with Stormy Daniels?  I don't give a rats ass, as long as he Makes America Great Again, just like he tried to do 2016-2020!  Do I agree with soliciting with prostitutes?  No, but people do, what people do.


That E Carol hussy, was a witch hunt, with rumors of financial backing by Soros...............that old scum bag (better yet, HE is the douchebag) will do anything/ spend whatever it takes, to smear Trump.  Sad part, is it HAS been successful, to a point..............and i do not think it is over yet!


Trump IS getting railroaded, by the left States, the left prosecutors getting away with breaking/twisting the laws!  Are you aware that most if not all of the indictments, are in deep liberal States?  Reason?  MUCH more likely, to get further thru the courts, than might happen in a conservative State.  They know that even if Trump wins a case, people with TDS (you Mike?), will only remember the indictments, NOT that he won a case.  That is called smearing his character & it has worked in many cases.  Remember the two tiered judicial system we have mentioned, that we are currently living with, here in the States these days.........it is real, in my view. 

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16 minutes ago, Duncan said:


And the thing about using a cash app, but paying her man in cash has sent a lot of BS meters to being fully pegged on 10.



A woman paying a man cash for sex? Lets see... that makes him a male whore and she's a sugar mommy?

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19 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Ugh.  Do you actually read any of the conservative (yes Trump supporters) reports on these cases??  Any of the "other perspective"?  That info IS out there.........you just need to know where to see it, where to hear it, where to read it.  So what if he did mess around with Stormy Daniels?  I don't give a rats ass, as long as he Makes America Great Again, just like he tried to do 2016-2020!  Do I agree with soliciting with prostitutes?  No, but people do, what people do.


That E Carol hussy, was a witch hunt, with rumors of financial backing by Soros...............that old scum bag (better yet, HE is the douchebag) will do anything/ spend whatever it takes, to smear Trump.  Sad part, is it HAS been successful, to a point..............and i do not think it is over yet!


Trump IS getting railroaded, by the left States, the left prosecutors getting away with breaking/twisting the laws!  Are you aware that most if not all of the indictments, are in deep liberal States?  Reason?  MUCH more likely, to get further thru the courts, than might happen in a conservative State.  They know that even if Trump wins a case, people with TDS (you Mike?), will only remember the indictments, NOT that he won a case.  That is called smearing his character & it has worked in many cases.  Remember the two tiered judicial system we have mentioned, that we are currently living with, here in the States these days.........it is real, in my view. 


A lot of my info is from here. I don't care about Stormy just the juicy bits. I think the too/doo is about where the hush money came from? Otherwise who cares?


If he was railroaded, he was financially capable of hiring good attorneys and detectives to look into it, and beating it. Surely he had some say in jury selection!!! WTF happened there? I think he could have beaten this. He had a chance to take the stand and deny it but he didn't. WTFs with that???? What does it say to you when someone refuses to deny something? Surely his council advised him to get up and say what he says in public. The jury needed to hear him say that. The public is sick and tired of old men with power like him an WeInstein. But narcissistic fuck that he is, he did it his way, tweeting and railing at the judge and everyone. Well $5,000,000 later and further defamation and now it's $87,000,000? All preventable or much less. Fuck him.     

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