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I too really like the idea of having more space... and its really easy to make the request for more space when you can't get your car out of the show when you've been showing it, or can't get out of a seller's space on a hot day.


Just keep in mind a bigger event space typically means more rental costs and insurance costs to the organizer (Jose.)  It could also mean he has to pay staff to operate the gates if it has more than one entrance.


Which could easily mean he has to charge us more money to walk-in, and for a seller's space. Jose has to make back enough money from walk-ins and sellers to recover all his outlying operating costs, in order to keep our beloved event happening... three times a year! 


If he can't find a proportionately bigger space out of the eye of the discerning public ("ewww! Dirty car parts! Loud cars! Ick! )  proportionally manageable, and proportionally affordable (in So Cal where real estate is not cheap, even for a day) these changes could change the whole flavor of our traditionally cool, and low-key event. 


I second Jose's request. Lets keep our eyes open for other low-traffic-impact areas that might be workable sites for the future, and PM those ideas to Jose! Even if you thinkg the idea isn't a "go," it might generate other lines of thinking on other locations. I'm sure Jose won't be offended by your ideas & suggestions, if you're not offended he doesn't he readily glom onto your idea. He has a lot to consider, that we never think about. Like dips in the drive way, dips who live in he area, etc, etc.


I live in San Diego which I'm guessing is too far. But in brainstorming, I'm thinking ...Other park & ride sites? County parks with a lot of open space & shade? Singular private industrial lots?

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A bigger parking lot would be nice.I went to the event a couple years ago.When i saw how packed in it was i decided theres no way im putting my car in there.I dont know how you would get out if you wanted to leave.That and a grumpy old man trying to park his truck drove like he didnt give a shit what he hit.What he almost hit was my wife,i pushed her out of the way.I bought some stuff and did enjoy the show.What about a church parking lot ? Obviously not on a Sunday though.

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sunday show not on a sunday might not be a hip idea 

i love the show and the venue 

bigger is not always better but I show up early and dont leave till the end of the day 

we drive down saturday to go to as great show on sunday and sometimes stay till monday but many times we return home sunday eve so we can resume our regular schedule

I personally like sunday  

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If anyone finds a bigger place where we can do this event please let me know.

How hard would it be to get access to a high school parking lot (I imagine probably impossible, but who knows)? High schools have huge lots for students, and most schools have solar panels now, so there's tons of shade, and probably no shortage of space. The current event location is pretty good being right off the freeway, but it does get pretty cramped. You'd have to talk to the district for that one...

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That is a great idea for our considerations! It is big, shaded, typically closed on weekends, something to consider if anyone knows someone in administration they could check with?


I've worked for a couple school districts in my lifetime in bldg main, groundskeeping, and custodial. The problems that occur here, are there are a lot of state regulations apply regarding children's safety that still applies to weekends where kids go to play on the playgound equipment, or attend HS school practices or functions that still occur. Their priority is school functions and they won't reschedule for outside events. We would always be trumped, as it should be.


Other state regs applies: No weapons of any kinds even pocket knives, no drinking, no smoking etc, etc, on school grounds. The rebel burn-outs would quickly draw "the law" in a residential neighborhood.


Administrators are responsible to school boards and won't want to take the risk or want to deal with managing outside insurance (theirs won't cover non-school events, and they educators don't deal with insurance,) the schools are still responsible for security, if you can see their point from their business view.


The North West Datsun PickUp BBQ is a much smaller event and lately held at what I think is a county park, maybe an unofficial event that just utilizes some of the park area. It is away from most residences, shade, benches and tables, all nice on a hot day. But if there was swap meet with trash and left over car parts to contend with they might not like us there so much.  Also when there are sales some communities want their share and to get involved with vendor permits and the likes. Private property may be a better choice? I'm not a lawyer or commercial property owner so I'm not sure if private property exempts these events or not. Working for a city I just know what I've seen and heard happen.


I'm thinking for a swap meet with old dirty parts (treasure!) maybe commercial areas away from shopping malls and residential areas? big parking lots like a trucking company, closed or open drive-in theaters (prob not good for lowered vehicles, eh? lol) , closed businesses who want the revenue?  Or maybe just a different/larger park & ride?


Love the ideas. Keep on brainstorming!

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  • 4 weeks later...


He typically has them every 4 months on a Sunday. That would make the next one in November, probably the first or second Sunday since Turkey Day falls later that month.  I may easily be wrong. (maybe because I was looking forward to it so, and was dissappointed to learn they're every 3 months vs. 4)  but I thought this last one posted on the events page a bit later than usual. But even so he still got the word out a month in advance!  Jose's great and networks with everyone. He'd love to have another seriously knowledgeable parts vendor like you with your luck of finding good stuff. You can always PM him if you're thinking about making it and haven't seen any any details.


  ft aka tdaaj,

  PM BluebirdSSS. Tell him your traveling from Canby area and maybe he can give you more concrete details. I can vouch for how much stuff your bring and the rarity and quality.


  By the way... PM me if you have a nice 620 KC dome light and lens. I've got one but the base is cracked, and the lens is yellow.

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More good Good ideas to consider


I like the idea of rose bowl or irwindale raceway if they are affordable and manageable. Big venues often want big rents/ins to make it worth their while, especially if they require their staff on gates or security. But if they had a smaller contained area it may work.


A drive in is probably more contained and affordable, but ya gotta watch out for all the speaker posts, and they typically aren't flat, not so friendly for lowered cars with spoilers and air dams.


I was hoping there might be a bigger park & ride someplace, possibly with some shade? County/ rural city/ parks/ fair grounds often have less rules. I went to a fishing swap meet one in a marina parking lot. Anybody got connections to a big commercial property? Closed dealership or commercial building with parking lot that is closed on weekends. Industrial Private property typically has less regs as long as you're off the street and public property.


Keep em coming, the more ideas the better possibilities, I'm sure Jose is trying to think outside the box too.

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Thank you great ideas great info believe me I've been looking for a while also. In three weeks I might get approved on a great place where we can have the Datsun Festival . Once I have that locked in I will be doing a small BBQ Datsun day where you can come enjoy some hot dogs and burgers and talk about the new event and I will open up to suggestions and ideas. For example naming the different kind of categories for awards and how many Datsun model categories we will have at the event.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

More good Good ideas to consider


I like the idea of rose bowl or irwindale raceway if they are affordable and manageable. Big venues often want big rents/ins to make it worth their while, especially if they require their staff on gates or security. But if they had a smaller contained area it may work.


A drive in is probably more contained and affordable, but ya gotta watch out for all the speaker posts, and they typically aren't flat, not so friendly for lowered cars with spoilers and air dams.


I was hoping there might be a bigger park & ride someplace, possibly with some shade? County/ rural city/ parks/ fair grounds often have less rules. I went to a fishing swap meet one in a marina parking lot. Anybody got connections to a big commercial property? Closed dealership or commercial building with parking lot that is closed on weekends. Industrial Private property typically has less regs as long as you're off the street and public property.


Keep em coming, the more ideas the better possibilities, I'm sure Jose is trying to think outside the box too.


Unfortunately Irwindale speedway will be closing down in favor of an outlet mall within the next year or 2, would have been really great for me there!!

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Raceways have always had a rough go surviving financially. I grew up at Riverside Raceway. As a boy we got to watch the racing events for free, as long as we we sold programs. One of the benefits of being a boy scout.


Later when I was old enough to drive the local car clubs got to race competitively for only $ 10 per car.  It was a real blast. But that raceway closed down.


Orange County Speedway  also closed down due to financial hardship along the I-5 near Irvine Meadows Ampitheater (now called something else,) 


Then they closed down Ontario Motorspeedway not long after the California Jam Concert Series.


Raceways were expensive to rent because they needed liability insurance in case of a crash while racing, and they needed security to keep people from heading out onto the track and showing off during  non-racing events.


It will be sad to see Irwindale follow the sad trend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this to get an idea of what people are looking for. Mostly have 521/520 and 620 parts to bring.


-521 hood, straight & rust free. Doesn't need front trim.

-521 rear sidemarker light gaskets/packing/weatherstrip

-Parcel tray with the metal edge/lip & hardware/brackets.

-Datsun 1600 fender emblem in excellent/NOS condition.

-Rearward side hood bumpers, part # 65157-B0100.

-Red hazard knob/switch in excellent/NOS condition.

-Metal dash top, undamaged.

-Driver side roll-down window glass in excellent condition.

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