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Your moms aunt Flo's 411

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Nope still deeply despises them . We been together since we were 14,, she gave up having a beater car clutter free life many moon ago.


I was hoping the 1200 i bought a week or so ago might get driven around by her till dependable, and then sold for money to throw at her 77 celica toyota coupe,,, she's always on my back about getting on the road again.




I'm surprised after all her years of overexposure to Datsuns she hasn't caught the bug. I didn't know that was possible.


Im thinking she probably secretly likes them but doesn't want to admit you've been right all these years!

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No i can assure you she genuinely thinks Datsuns are stupid..  She's a Toyota lover ,,, she owns 2 76 celicas and a 87 and 88 turbo supra............. All broken down of course,,,  but that doesn't matter to her at all


I'm surprised after all her years of overexposure to Datsuns she hasn't caught the bug. I didn't know that was possible.

Im thinking she probably secretly likes them but doesn't want to admit you've been right all these years!

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No i can assure you she genuinely thinks Datsuns are stupid..  She's a Toyota lover ,,, she owns 2 76 celicas and a 87 and 88 turbo supra............. All broken down of course,,,  but that doesn't matter to her at all


My wife hated my 1967 RL411 until I pointed out that that was the car I used to get the parts to fix her "good cars", then she noticed that it was the only car that her 4 foot 11 inch body really fit into!  She has since agreed with my tongue in cheek description of it as "The cutest car in the world."

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  • 3 months later...

So on this holiday weekend,,,, instead of doing any work on this menstrosity  that would make it a better car... I drove all the way up to an apartment complex in a shit hole called Redmond,  to help Fucking Ted tow this pile of crap . 








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 It was built to pull my neighbors roadster racecar behind his crazy stretched 521.. I saw you guys-es comments when you posted  but still working on pictures of whole thing all together ,, but been running to Seattle and then it ,,,,,,,,,,, snowed and youngest are here driving me bonkers all day. 



.Here's a couple from when we went to quesadilla factory meet but had to use my bigger trailer to haul the John Deere mobile. 





And one from my front yard with that douche UberKevin in it 









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  • 1 month later...

Aunt Flo seemed lonely so i traded for her to have a friend .


67 SSS stroked to 2000 ,, 720 short 5speed,  infiniti G20 brakes and carbs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lots of carbs.





On it's "maiden" voyage, ( first and last day it hasn't rained in months)  we went to Fuji Teriyaki ,, if this was Yelp i would give 5 stars,,, man that crap is good.













 Funny thing,,,  i recently cleaned out garage and have been selling off bunch-o-shit to fit a 64 factory V8 4speed ranchero we bought a few years ago,,,, and is still in old guys barn as he won't let us take it home till we have a garage space for it..

    Now this thing is parked in it's spot... So noooow i will have to build another shed to put ranchero in,  as this now resides in it's newly acquired spot..


2 steps forward 1 step back........... NOPE


2 steps forward and ,,,,,,,,, pay money out. 









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 You haven't priced rust free factory 4speed V8 60s Fords lately i reckon.  Shit man,,, It's worth more than all the Datsun junk in my yard and garages combined right now.   :lol:

  Like said though,  i'm getting free storage, as long as he stays alive,  so i guess that isn't the worst problem a guy could have. .



 What i'm doing now is helping my nephew's wife sell her late fathers junk so i got one of these for sailing on the book of faces to bring in the big bucks to keep the dream alive


Honda-derp ..








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Winter wheels.. cuz they do alot of garage sitting now that the state in the infinite wisdom has decided to use salt brine in freezing weather.  And as you probably have heard once,,,  it rains a shit ton here , ( the travel brochures aint bullshitting about that) ,, soooo need wheels that don't need either cleaning or that go low on air in garage if left for weeks at a time. 



haven't decided if going to just buy some 185/60/13s or use some other enkei 92s 14" wheels with low profiles on them the boy has stashed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, were i can get at them..  :lol:










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That Honderp has seen some better days. :lol:


Haha yeah it looks like it got drug up and down a gravel road by a truck with no mud flaps..  A guy asked me if i could circle,,  and take a picture of all the chips in windshield ,,, and it ended up looking like the god damn Studebaker in the muppet movie...  :rofl:  :rofl:






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  • 1 month later...

 So i bought me a pair of 215/50/13s for the back to replace 215/60/13 tires i bought in the 80s,,,,  and they look stupid .. 


   Probably going to have to go from 205/60/13 in front to 185/60/13s  and drop the car so it doesn't look like when they trailer a monster truck down freeway.. 






. C-- wouldn't  trade again  :hmm:   





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left - right 


New 205/60/13 old 205/60/13  *** New 215/60/13  old 215/6013  







It's not that much but the size difference magnifies the rear droop something fierce .


This is a 185/60/13 snow ( i assume tread is taller than normal road tire) to show size is about the same.





I got these a few weeks ago and might run them with 195/6014s on all 4  if worst comes to worst 




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