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INSMNCS: John Cain

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I don't know Mike, I'm only 28 and think most people are in way too big of a hurry. Like the guy that weaves in and out of traffic just to end up next to you at the next light, that guy gives me a good laugh every time.


The problem is systemic.  We are a world of instant-gratification now.  We MUST have everything right now.  Get the new thing, right now!  Instantly!  Share stuff, instantly!  Drive where you want instantly!  Drive 400 hp SUVs because they'll get you there instantly!


People need to learn to slow the fuck down and take it easy.  Unfortunately, the tech isn't allowing us to do that.  Just more more more all the time.  I may end up moving to Canada, eh?  Save me a room Mike? ;)

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Generally adolescence ends around this time (26+) when the brain finally matures. So you start to see that their are other people in the world. Figuratively speaking.

Been like this since I started driving. I drove a scout for over a year, I couldnt be in a hurry, I would die.

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I agree the tech is not helping, but this problem started a bit before tech. This all was started by a bunch of greedy people that realized two things. 1. People couldn't afford crap due to inflation, to "HELP" the general public they dreamed up credit cards and financing for products other than housing. 2. They quickly figured out that people were all to eager to use this new found "FAKE MONEY'' aka plastic money, and a good way to increase profits would be to convince people that they need these items NOW even if they had no money.

Once this thought process of needing whatever they wanted was established it quickly bled into all facets of life. Not just being impatient about purchases. 

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"Killer robots which are being developed by the US military ‘will leave humans utterly defenceless‘, an academic has warned."


already there and the media is making it palatable.



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Deez Nuts is running for president


You know the biggest names in the 2016 presidential campaign - Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, and lately, Donald Trump. But it turns out the field of declared candidates is far larger than the 21 Democrats and Republicans whose candidacies get regular coverage in the media.


An independent named Deez Nuts, for example, filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission Sunday. He joined more than 500 other people who have done the same.


There is also at least one cat: Isaac Weiss, a 17-year-old high school student from Louisville, filed a statement of candidacy for his friend's cat "Limberbutt McCubbins." McCubbins was the 192nd entrant into the race.



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