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Car Alarm

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Just a fun topic, but let's say you pimped out your ride and wanted to make sure no one would gank it... if you could buy any alarm system out there, which would you get that you would feel would do the best job? I mean, if someone has enough time they can probably still steal it, but what would do the best job of deterring a loser thief, or helping to recover it if it was stolen? Just curious what everyone uses/wants.

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I feel like keyless entry is move useful than a bunch of noise no one notices.


GPS, two way pager, kill switch or immobilizers..



I've had a compustar alarm, it met all of those requirements. Nice to know when someone door checks you in the parking lot so you can come out and get plate info.. 


Or this happens:



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Yeah but a real thief would probably walk around Fats hoopty to get to a better car.






















Kids:   can't live with them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, can't get his mom to let me kick him out.





:rofl: :rofl:

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Yeah, I can totally see myself forgetting to unlock that chain, lol. Yeah I was thinking a kill switch with gps and paging is a good route. Does anyone pull their steering wheels when not driving? I've seen that and it seems pretty effective. Most thieves don't carry a spare, ha!

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Yeah, I can totally see myself forgetting to unlock that chain, lol. Yeah I was thinking a kill switch with gps and paging is a good route. Does anyone pull their steering wheels when not driving? I've seen that and it seems pretty effective. Most thieves don't carry a spare, ha!


Yeah, I can totally see myself forgetting to unlock that chain, lol. Yeah I was thinking a kill switch with gps and paging is a good route. Does anyone pull their steering wheels when not driving? I've seen that and it seems pretty effective. Most thieves don't carry a spare, ha!


Just don't put that removable steering wheel in the trunk!

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Honestly i have issues with carrying used wrenches in my pockets into stores ,, i can't even imagine a steering wheel.  And now our county outlawed plastic bags,,, hell,  i can hardly juggle the crap i bought in the store.

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Just take something off the car when you leave it that prevents it from running.  I'm all for yanking the distributor rotor.  Most people don't carry a spare Datsun rotor around in their pocket.  But I like the hidden kill switch idea.  That's what I had on my old hardbody, still need to put one on the red truck but I doubt anyone is going to run off with it.  On the fuel injection rigs just wire a switch to the fuel pump feed.  It'll start for about 2 seconds then die.  Anyone wanting to steal it won't spend the time to look for the switch and it's not like they're going to diddle around under the bed hooking up a 12 volt signal to the pump.


If someone wants it bad enough, they're going to take it.  I don't worry about them taking my cars so much as they're not things with high scrap value or valuable motors/parts.  I worry more about them ripping stuff out.  So hide everything, even the shitty stereo.  Or just run a shitty stereo.  However, methheads with opportunity will steal a tapedeck.  They're methheads.  Not a lot of brain power there.

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Yeah, for vacation I'd say HRH has the best answer. Remove steering wheel, battery, starter, etc. Maybe leave huge piles of random junk around the car, tweaks can't resist going through other peoples shit and they may forget about the car.

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I think you all missed the OP's point. The same reason I am debating getting an alarm. Removing this or that or a club, chain around the wheel, whatever is not going to keep someone from taking my stereo!


But while we are off topic, I want THIS!


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Clubs don't work on real thieves, or anyone with a sawzall

Neither does an alarm system.I use a club,a hidden switch for the fuel pump and remove the rotor if im gone for a few days.I have the back windows wired shut,that was an easy way to get in to a two door 510.Also keep the car under a car cover.After an alarm system malfunctioned and left me stranded i tore that POS out.

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