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state laws that could affect a ratsun owner.


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Figured this could be a good topic to have as many of us have parts vehicles and some have even sold a few parts. I'm currently learning quite a bit about laws and penalties lately for wa state myself. For istance back in 2010 wa up the penalty for non transfer of vehicle(including) parts cars from $100 fine to possible jail time and felony charges. Also if a person buys and second hand part and sells it later on no matter the reason, up to $1000 fine and felony charge.

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So you have to transfer the ownership (of a vehicle) to the new owner to be legit? Here that's about a $28 fee for old vehicles like Datsuns (all over 30+ years so they don't care) .


Second hand parts sold or resold will be hard to prosecute without documentation and proof. That 620 fender you sold has no identifying marks on it. If you bought it legit from a wrecker of yard sale who's going to know you flipped it? 



This is for prosecuting chop shops.

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My last project cost me an additional $120 fee to title because PO had not put it in his name meaning the person on the Declaration of Value and Bill of Sale did not match the old title.


It wasn't a problem for the DMV to process, just a way for them to charge me an additional $120.


Surprise, Surprise

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......and that would be the impetus behind any number of laws enacted to impact car owners, gun owners, land owners, business owners, etc......



I think they keep $20 for a handling fee and send the rest to California - IBTL!

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Ted, you deal in 40 year old POS Datsuns. (term used for effect, no offense) No prosecutor  could believe you were a chop shop. :lol: :lol: :lol:





"Here ladies and gentlemen of the jury is the signed bill of sale for one...  '74 620 L18 5 bolt 225mm flywheel the defendant was caught selling to an undercover officer for $20!!"

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Mike, I appreciate the humor. Its scary having someone come down on you like this. They inspected everything. But, no charges being pursuedas of now. I did have a few discrepancies, and datsun filled front yard. Things could have been worse, as of right now its, clean the yard up, have one vehicle inspected and have 3 datsuns disposed of via scrap or junkyard.


Im just hoping by having a topic like this that it could save others a lot of trouble in the future. Ignorance is no excuse.

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By-laws are complaint driven.  Was it the police and did they have the right to be on your property? If by law enforcement tell them "Get off my lauuuuun."


Fuck, Ted you seen a bit rattled. Maybe car covers so the license or lack of, isn't observable from the street or elsewhere. Maybe clean everything up and get a lawyer's opinion on this. I don't think these laws are for small potatoes like yourself. 

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Never tell the whole unedited truth up front,, never.  Never let them onto property without first knowing exactly what they do .. or don't,,  wanna see there.


Listen to others that have went through very similar type things when they try to stop you from tipping your hand to early in the game. :hmm: Cuz that's all it is to them.. a legal game.

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Never tell the whole unedited truth up front,, never.  Never let them onto property without first knowing exactly what they do .. or don't,,  wanna see there.


Listen to others that have went through very similar type things when they try to stop you from tipping your hand to early in the game. :hmm: Cuz that's all it is to them.. a legal game.

It's your property! No warrant, no entry. If they go ahead anyway, any reasonably competent lawyer [now that might be a stretch] knows "The poisoned fruit of the poisoned tree" adage. Any evidence obtained in an illegal or unwarranted search or discovery case is inadmissable in any court of law.

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Thats cute mike you think its his property, saddly we own no real property in the united states, we just rent it saddly :(

  As long as he is living there he is "Secure against unreasonable search and seizure". this even extends to vehicles including campers and trailers. No warrant, I'm leaving.
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Thats cute mike you think its his property, saddly we own no real property in the united states, we just rent it saddly :(


Sorry, but excluding over riding mineral claims like on all homesteaded property [mineral rights retained by the Federal Government] your ownership is traditionally "Ad astra ad infernos." From the highest heavens to the very depths of the earth. Hence the selling of mineral rights and air rights for erection [no that's not a dirty word] of overpasses and monster ugly buildings. The PanAm building was built over the New York Central's right of way over Grand Central Terminal under just such an air rights deed of sale.

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This is after the fact now, once they get on the property, you either do what they tell you to do, get a lawyer, or move.

I have been threw this in the past, I was stupid enough to let them see in my garage, I had a fish room going, at one point I thought I was going to have to move, then after I removed all the fish tanks from the garage, I grew a spine, I told them to enter my house they would need a warrant, they were very unhappy about that turn of events, they thought they had a sheep.

That's when they started on the "it will cost you money next time I come", told them again they would need a warrant, they left and that lowlife called the fire dept a couple weeks later, as he wanted in my house, lucky I was home, I basicly told the fire dept. that there was no fire and to go away, that lowlife sped by on the way out of my dead end street, never seen that lowlife again after that day.

Clean it up Ted, don't let them see inside anything, keep all doors closed, keep the blinds shut,and when they want to start walking around the property, tell them no, and when they start wanting other things done, tell them you did what you asked, now will you please leave, if they won't leave, you will likely need a lawyer.

Once they are gone, you should move if you can, as every time you have a few friends over, that very same neighbor is going to cause you more trouble, they got you in line once, they will try to do it again if they think you are not measuring up to their standards.

Mentioned fish room.










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Fish room? Sheep? Really? I could not imagine living near some assholes who cared if I had a motherfucking sheep! Hell, my wife wants sheep. I don't feel like building the fence.


If i can legally own something, why the fuck couldn't I have it? Don't put up with that shit. They're paid by taxes. They're harassing people who pay taxes. Take your taxes and move somewhere that cares about you.


This whole story sounds foreign as fuck to me. I'm dumbfounded that people in the United States of America have to worry about uniforms coming on they're property and taking it. Fuck that!




They thought THEY had a sheep. Gotcha. I read "They thought I had a sheep."


I still stick by what I said. I dare somebody to tell me how many fish I can raise.

Edited by Rhapakatui
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