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Stupid Washington


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The biggest thing that made "stupid Washington" was all the people from California coming here and trying to make Wa. more like Ca. Please do everyone a favor and stay in Ca.

I hate when people do that crap.  I lived in the middle on knowhere and people from the city that say they hate the city  come out and ruin it trying to turn it into the city. people cant leave well enough alone.

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I love how people that don't live in California bad mouth it like everyone is leftist city slickers. Yeah, we all live on the beach and surf too. Most of California is rural, small towns and farms dominate the landscape. It just gets a bad rap because of LA, the bay area, and Sacramento...where all the pinkos live. The rest of us are normal conservatives, the voting lines get redrawn every few years to make sure we can't change things back to the way is was when Cali was great. Mind you, most of the morons in big cities moved here from another state.

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All the damn Californians moved to Seattle a ruined the whole western half of this state with stupid bullshit laws. Californians wouldn't have such a bad rap if they didn't keep producing a bunch of idiots that move away and try to turn other states into Cali.

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The biggest thing that made "stupid Washington" was all the people from California coming here and trying to make Wa. more like Ca. Please do everyone a favor and stay in Ca.



All the damn Californians moved to Seattle a ruined the whole western half of this state with stupid bullshit laws. Californians wouldn't have such a bad rap if they didn't keep producing a bunch of idiots that move away and try to turn other states into Cali.

You guys cant be serious ? 

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The same guy started both Stupid California and Stupid Washington. Im not sure, but the guy who calls everything stupid maybe is...

If I get the time ill find stupid laws in each state, but most ratsun guys seem to be on the west coast.

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Guest Rick-rat

You guys cant be serious ?


We are very serious, When the Shipyard at Mare Island was shut down we got a shitload of their rejects. The first thing they wanted to do was change the way things were done at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Hell yeah were going to listen to a bunch of useless Californians that did such a fine job they had their shipyard closed down   :sick:    :poop:






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This is silly.  If you have more than 4 cars on your property and are parting them out, if you have pissy neighbors, you can certainly get in trouble.  You'd need quite a few to constitute a wrecking operation.  Regardless, it is for businesses, but code enforcement is complaint driven.  The neighbor who views you cutting up cars and has issues with it can cause all kinds of trouble.  That's why I live in the ghetto.  I can disappear cars quite easily here and no one cares.  However, I haven't scrapped out any cars in a while.  No time, sold all the crap.

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You guys cant be serious ?

Sure are, Im not implying that all Californians are morons's. More often than not some Californian moves OUT of California because the don't like it just to move to a place an go "gee, we should make this place more like Cali, I liked Cali!"........then move the fuck back if its so great, and stop bitching about the rain. If you're worried about flooding don't live in a god damn flood plain.

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Sure are, Im not implying that all Californians are morons's. More often than not some Californian moves OUT of California because the don't like it just to move to a place an go "gee, we should make this place more like Cali, I liked Cali!"........then move the fuck back if its so great, and stop bitching about the rain. If you're worried about flooding don't live in a god damn flood plain.

This is why most northern Californians are for splitting the state, we get the same shit from assholes that move from LA to ''enjoy'' rural life...then buy their way onto the board of directors and try to make it like the shit place they came from. For the record, at 4,000ft we get plenty of rain so it scares the flatties away.

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You northwest guys need more vitamin D or sunshine.If Washington has problems it sure as hell isnt because a few Californians moved there.Maybe your great state is already a mess without Californians moving there ? maybe its the people that were born and raised there ? or its Starbucks fault who knows ? this was a "stupid Washington" post,if you want to comment about California there is a "stupid California" post also.

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Its stupid Washington because of stupid California. We agree on who the idiots are in Cali, I just wish they would stay there.



Trust me, there are more Native Californians I want out than transplants! But you must admit, it sucks to have it rain all the time! And you guys breed weirdos like a Section 8 apartment!

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I need to make a bumper sticker that says "No one is native unless you were the first indigenous people to be forced off your land."  That shit pisses me off.  I see it in Idaho, where, let's face it, most of the Californians move to.  How do I know?  I'm one!!!  :D  Born in Cali, moved to Idaho when I was 3.  Grew up in CDA, consider myself Idaho.  Live in Washington now, more jobs, what can I say? 

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