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Datsun Lovers trying to hurt me

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God love that poor girl. There is no part of her that I find attractive and I am old strip club perv who used to lean towards the younger girls. she makes a cute dude though.



I used to bang punk rock chicks who looked like her back when I was growing up.


No problems in that department!

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maybe you should whine about the blue 510 0n craigs list thats going for $9500 ? seems all 510 datsuns i see are well over 4k... and half of them are in pieces , unfinished , piles of Junk 







http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/4695036787.html  $ 9500 ...

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maybe you should whine about the blue 510 0n craigs list thats going for $9500 ? seems all 510 datsuns i see are well over 4k... and half of them are in pieces , unfinished , piles of Junk 







http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/4695036787.html  $ 9500 ...



I'll second that! 


The ones I see that are nicely restored are over $10,000 and that is with new paint, and engine and suspension conversions, in essence they are ready to go!


Well worth the money IMHO!


But then I see an inordinate amount of 1/2 finished projects for $5000-$7000  


I guess the speed the owners took wore off......

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hey so I have been trying to sell my datsun 510 for over a week now on craigslist so i can buy an engagement ring for my amazing girlfriend, but there is a group of Datsun people who keep flagging my add and having it deleted because they are trying to screw me over. Can any one help me with this. You can see my add in portland oregon's craigslist (if it hasnt been flagged again) i have not put anything dishonest in there and I am not even asking that much. I feel really frusterated lik. Kindae, Datsun fans are really horrible people and I have never been treated so disrespectfully by a group of people until now. Why is this? Are Datsun fans all weirdos who want to ruin other people's lives so they can get a cheap datsun? Why is everyone who likes Datsuns just so unethical? Please help me out here.


Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, but the reason it is flagged is because somebody wants it. The person flagging it is probably someone that has contacted you already and is interested in buying it. They don't want others interfering.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago and I actually sold it to the chump.

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 Diamonds do not impress me.

They don't impress me either. Just looks like costume jewelry to me.


Ok now Colorbox ,, read it again,, whilst picturing your grandma and grandpa having sexual intercourse.

DUDE! Why you always gotta go there!!!??? :blink:  I love you but why! :rofl:

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Diamonds are the worst investment right now as they can be cultured like pearls, I want my ladies wedding ring to be made of Russian meteor.


I'd never get married, its the kiss of death for relationships. If you want to stay together forever join opposing political groups.

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Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, but the reason it is flagged is because somebody wants it. The person flagging it is probably someone that has contacted you already and is interested in buying it. They don't want others interfering.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago and I actually sold it to the chump.

I was thinking the same thing !

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some Peeps over on the craigslist thread said he is getting flagged because the car was re painted a different color and that it is a flip sale... So he only bought the car to flip it for more money... original purchase price was around 2k , he is selling for 4k ..FYI

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I personally see nothing wrong with that. If you can make a profit why not. Sounds like people are jealous.


I agree, but whining about hurt feelings is. What the fuck do you expect posting on an enthusiasts forum when all you are really interested in is making a buck? Go flip a honduh.... won't hurt my feelings.

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So...i get this email...


So I have an honest question. I Am also trying to sell my Datsun 510 on craigslist and someone has flagged my add over 10 times in the last week. Are you the person flagging me? I can’t figure out why all of the other Datsuns seems remain fine and dandy on craigslist, but the minute mine goes up it gets flagged every 2 hours.  I am not accusing you, but i really want to know honestly from one person to another if it is you. In the midst of that I have a huge request, honestly I am not mad at you, because I totally get it if you need money and have a hard time with there being competition on Craiglist.  If you are the one who is doing it, can you please stop, I am a college student and am really struggling financially right now and want so badly to ask my girlfriend to marry me, but I can’t buy a ring without selling this car, like I barely have enough money to pay rent right now. Like I said, if you have been flagging me in an attempt to rid craigslist of competition, I get it, but honestly please stop. Thank you so much for your time.
Elliott Koivisto

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