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Work hard to become upper middle class.



Watch inflation drive you back down to lower middle class.










Yay! Raise the minimum wage!



Wait, what do you mean prices of goods and services are going to rise???

Its ok,those that take and want to keep menial jobs will have such better lives now.

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Bias much?


When you read something like this, you have to consider the source. Forbes is as bias pro big business as it comes, because they represent the investor, not the worker, or the economy. From the investor's perspective, razing the minimum wage sucks, because it will harm short term profit, but it will help the over all economy in the long run. Politics twists the fuck out of everything, but they have a complete psychotic break from reality when it comes to minimum wage. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU HEAR FROM WASHINGTON ON THIS TOPIC. 


BS far left perspective of UC Berkeley economist Robert Reich



BS far right think tank American Enterprise Institute



Economic Policy Institute



Very objective, middle ground, and informative article from the Department of Public Policy and Economics at University of Pennsylvania Wharton College


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I been through enough minimum wage increases to understand the impact of them without having any "professional or proffesor of economics" tell me what they think happens.


In 90s the minimum wage in California was right about $4.75.... I was paying about a buck for gas and a meal at any burger joint was no more than $5....steak dinner at any truck stop for $8....buffets for less than that....never saw any electric bill over $80 and lived in Oceanside Ca, then the minimum wage increases.....then So did the cost of living......we now have the highest wages (minimum wage) this country has ever seen.......guess what....we also have the highest cost of living ever.....


No I don't need some fancy pants with a degree to tell me what I should believe about increased minimum wage.

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I absolutely love this





"Work hard to become upper middle class. 



Watch inflation drive you back down to lower middle class.










Yay! Raise the minimum wage! 



Wait, what do you mean prices of goods and services are going to rise??? "

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Tell me how someone making $16 doesn't get absolutely fucked by increasing the minimum wage from $9.25 to $15?



Bias much?


When you read something like this, you have to consider the source. Forbes is as bias pro big business as it comes, because they represent the investor, not the worker, or the economy. From the investor's perspective, razing the minimum wage sucks, because it will harm short term profit, but it will help the over all economy in the long run. Politics twists the fuck out of everything, but they have a complete psychotic break from reality when it comes to minimum wage. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU HEAR FROM WASHINGTON ON THIS TOPIC. 


BS far left perspective of UC Berkeley economist Robert Reich



BS far right think tank American Enterprise Institute



Economic Policy Institute



Very objective, middle ground, and informative article from the Department of Public Policy and Economics at University of Pennsylvania Wharton College


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Is any small business just going to cover the margin? Fuck no.


You think a big corporation is going to cover it? Fuck no. If they do, profits tumble.. investors get nervous, stock plummets. 


Trickle up economics. The wrong way of doing business.

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Burger flippers be making more money than privates in the military, shit sgts half the time don't get that much. Raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour, yeah, you're looking at colonel salary and starting wages for skilled labor. When did burger flipping become skilled labor?

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