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Where was it built? The TV? Honestly I am curious..


The most progressive civil rights policies have come from the republican establishment yet Dem's take credit for them and try to own them. Has It only been in the last 25-30 years?


But really what instances in your memory that have caused such a reputation, and I hope none of this came off snarky.


K. So, this is not entirely impartial. But there are a few solid take always of policy shift. The party went through a dramatic shift in the 20's-30's as well as the 60's 70's. We are in the wake of a party in serious flux. They are seeking new star quarterbacks but unfortunately they are getting creamed by new, vocal, ummm, dirtbags. If the Republican Party went back to pre- Christian driven policy, we might be able to have a dialogue with the country again. That won't jive with a few strong Christians here, but I'm not really caring. The message of unity is a dagger of division at its Core. With outside laws involved, how can a nation possibly discuss social policy? Laws?


The party has a grand ol history. And they have done much to shape the nation. But they have been bought, divided, misrepresented, lead astray, until they earned the label.


Not that I'm suggesting this Party is exclusive in that folly. The other grass ain't greener. They are both green plastic.

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TO AN EXTENT? Freedom from taxation was THE biggest impetus for the American revolution



No taxation without representation was the demand made originally. 


It's been said that had George III and the English Parliament allowed this demand to be met,the Colonies would've remained so for period of time significantly longer than just a few years.


Would the Colonies have eventually gone their own way? 




So soon if they got representation? 


Not likely.

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And presidential candidate......

Brother Ko, your shouting again.


Into the naughty corner mate :)


P.s. God knows, the sight of her makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out, and I aint Murican.

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K. So, this is not entirely impartial. But there are a few solid take always of policy shift. The party went through a dramatic shift in the 20's-30's as well as the 60's 70's. We are in the wake of a party in serious flux. They are seeking new star quarterbacks but unfortunately they are getting creamed by new, vocal, ummm, dirtbags. If the Republican Party went back to pre- Christian driven policy, we might be able to have a dialogue with the country again. That won't jive with a few strong Christians here, but I'm not really caring. The message of unity is a dagger of division at its Core. With outside laws involved, how can a nation possibly discuss social policy? Laws?


The party has a grand ol history. And they have done much to shape the nation. But they have been bought, divided, misrepresented, lead astray, until they earned the label.


Not that I'm suggesting this Party is exclusive in that folly. The other grass ain't greener. They are both green plastic.



This is what Barry Goldwater had to say about the rise of the christian in the right wing:




“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” 


“I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of conservatism."


For those of you whom don't know who Barry Goldwater is; Goldwater is the politician most often credited for sparking the resurgence of the American conservative political movement in the 1960s. He also had a substantial impact on the libertarian movement.


The infiltration of the evangelical into the right wing is why I will vote democrat in the next election.


I will never, ever cast a ballot for an evangelical, I will vote against them.


As previously stated by someone else on this board, the republican party used to have a firm intellectual base from which their policies stemmed.


Now they are the party of the f#$%ing insane.

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The worst damage that the evangelical christian has done to the republican party is that on the surface one would believe that it is de riguer to be christian to be republican.


One might find that most Americans would agree to republicans' conservative principles were the party not infected with religious hypocrisy.

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The left has its dogma's that get overlooked or if you dare to challenge you get the wrath of the ideological left.... The wackos are running the loony bin on both sides.


All the generations coming up into adulthood, and the not so younger generation need to do a better job of asking questions rather than setting themselves into a concrete idea. There really isnt enough healthy skepticism that I can see, but like everyone I cant see all angles. Knowing this should really prompt a lot of looking around and reading alternatives rather taking hard lines to define themselves..


Do people really not get enough information, or hard truth? Is the entertainments we enjoy affecting our ability to see things more clearly? 


Emotional manipulation seems to really cloud all of us.

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The worst damage that the evangelical christian has done to the republican party is that on the surface one would believe that it is de riguer to be christian to be republican.


One might find that most Americans would agree to republicans' conservative principles were the party not infected with religious hypocrisy.



It's unfortunate that the synergy between conservative ideals and religious moral structure got so inbreed and F'ed up in the pursuit of political power. The separation of church and state was not an anti religious sentiment, it was an acknowledgment that the two exist for VERY different functions, and on very different plains of consciousness. One is a spiritual belief system, and the other is a cognitive social construct. Once the business of politics starts legislating spiritual beliefs, shit starts getting ugly fast. "My god tells me such and such is a sin, so if you want my vote, you have to pass a law banning such and such for everyone in the name of my God" The crazy thing is, that is a HUGE pile of political hypocrisy when you consider the highest conservative Ideals are personal freedom and self reliance. Real self reliance is navigating your own moral path, not taking others freedom to make their own path. It's simple, freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.

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I must be missing something,can you point me in the direction of the part that says i personally have a right to take land that belongs to the citizens and our Government ? Just asking because when i find it to be true im declaring the lower half of California as mine and telling everybody else to leave because i have rights.

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I must be missing something,can you point me in the direction of the part that says i personally have a right to take land that belongs to the citizens and our Government ? Just asking because when i find it to be true im declaring the lower half of California as mine and telling everybody else to leave because i have rights.

You should look to Mexico law to claim Southern California.

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I must be missing something,can you point me in the direction of the part that says i personally have a right to take land that belongs to the citizens and our Government ? Just asking because when i find it to be true im declaring the lower half of California as mine and telling everybody else to leave because i have rights.


Mostly overcome by time, but it's called the Homestead Act which allows anyone to stake a claim to 40 acres for each family member of public lands, improve it for 5 years, plant some trees for an additional 40 acres and then receive full title to the land, except that Uncle Sam slightly screws you by retaining mineral rights so that the coal company can rip your land to dust and make off with the underlying minerals!  Sort of like what Germany does in digging coal!

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Sheesh not even one!!!



 Romantic concept, but totally untrue. Although it ended it, the civil war was not about freeing the slaves. It was about saving the union. While the North became industrialized, the South stayed an agrarian economy. This created serious disagreements on taxes, tariffs, and states rights vs. federal rights. Differences in cultures, and political beliefs festered until South secede from the Union. The slaves were freed at the very end of the war, not as a victory in and of itself, but as a death nail in the South's economic engine, ending their ability to wage war.

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