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Please explain your conclusion.





Who cares about Hillary? She's history.


President-Elect Trump seems to have a lot of questions concerning his business entanglements/ dealings with the Russians.


I don't care one way or the other, this is America, the only crime is getting caught right?


I am wondering if and when the cost/ benefit ratio tips against him as many people of his own party are questioning his involvement with Russia.


He is used to being the top dog in his businesses, using the power of the paycheck over his employees.


I wonder if he realizes that he does not own the republican party (or does he?).


I wonder if President-Elect Trump would be able to handle a concerted effort by politicians whom know the rules to take him out if it was worth their time?


The kind of back room politicking that historical intrigue is made of?


Why do they really need him anyway? He got them them the presidency and the congressional majority, what's he done for them lately?


Stay tuned...

I read the article ! 

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NO ONE, I mean NO ONE in the history of the world has ever had enough money or fame, EVER. It's the greatest drug there is. Out of 330 million HE? is the only one who cares about the country and it's citizens enough to become president of the country? Please, ..... what came first, selflessness or the presidency? POTUS simply attracts the biggest addict. 


If you want to measure caring, it should be by what you are willing to sacrifice and how much. He may care but he doesn't care that much..... it would get in the way.

How much will Trump be sacrificing to be POTUS ? Quite a bit if since you asked.Turning over control of his businesses.Not having the freedom to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.Possibly being a target for a deranged lunatic that wants you dead.Constantly having the Secret Service following you around.Lack of privacy.Stupid repetitive questions from the media.POTUS is a full time very stressful job.If those aren't sacrifices please list some things you would consider appropriate sacrifices to prove the well meaning of accepting the job.The guys not even going to accept a paycheck for the job.

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Charlie Sheen tweets for God to 'take' Trump next




"I spend $2000 a day on crack, hire prostitutes, beat up my fiancée and might have given HIV to my sexual partners because I knowingly hid my diagnosis from them. Now, let me tell you why Donald Trump is a bad guy!" - Charlie Sheen



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 The guys not even going to accept a paycheck for the job.




Right here is a yuuuuuuuuge red flag.


President-Elect Trump has never done a thing pro bono IN HIS LIFE.


I am supposed to believe and accept that all of a sudden he is going to be as magnanimous as that?


Sorry, not me.


Many people believe that he will cover himself i.e. profit on a much larger level in not so legal ways from his time as President

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Right here is a yuuuuuuuuge red flag.


President-Elect Trump has never done a thing pro bono IN HIS LIFE.


I am supposed to believe and accept that all of a sudden he is going to be as magnanimous as that?


Sorry, not me.


Many people believe that he will cover himself i.e. profit on a much larger level in not so legal ways from his time as President


Let the Bullshit Games Begin! 



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Trump does not have enough money or fame. Mikes conclusion is proven time and again.


I see more danger in Pences Supreme Court nomination.


I like Mike Pence as a consummate politician, I may not agree with him on some things but he is very "presidential" and knows how to play the game.


The fact that he released his tax returns and President-Elect Trump did not shows more transparency and maybe he is preparing us for something?

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Right here is a yuuuuuuuuge red flag.


President-Elect Trump has never done a thing pro bono IN HIS LIFE.


I am supposed to believe and accept that all of a sudden he is going to be as magnanimous as that?


Sorry, not me.


Many LIBERALS  believe that he will cover himself i.e. profit on a much larger level in not so legal ways from his time as President

Fixed it.Sounds to me as if you'd be real happy Hillary Clinton would have been elected.

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How much do you do for free then?


All of it. If you serve your country it should be 'free' of compensation or the expectation of compensation. Paid to serve makes you by definition a mercenary.





The fact that he released his tax returns and President-Elect Trump did not shows more transparency and maybe he is preparing us for something?


Where the fuck does it say you have to release your tax return?????? I respect him more for not disclosing it. It is, after all, nobodies friggin' business but the IRS. Don't know where that started but he's correct for ending it.

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All of it. If you serve your country it should be 'free' of compensation or the expectation of compensation. Paid to serve makes you by definition a mercenary.








The people that serve they're country deserve what little is given to them(not talking about politics)and more.they put they're lives on the line

To give us what we have

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Whose interest is he looking after then ? He certainly isn't doing this President gig for the money or fame.He already had plenty of both.Is there maybe a small possibility he cares about the country he lives in and its citizens ? Or is that going out on a limb with that assumption ?


It's power not the paycheck, although there is insane profit that comes from the influence that power provides. Just ask the Clintons. This mad drive for power includes poor guys like Burnie too. What a particular candidate cares about is what they've cared about before running. in Trump's case it has always been about more power influence and money. There is good reason why Trump didn't show his IRS forms, it paints a very unflattering picture for a guy who's selling himself as a successful business man who "cares" about the American people's interests.


There is a depth of corruption in NY politics, Trump the individual and Trump inc the business was and still is front and center in that troff of power and corruption. Trumps interest is to expand the Trump inc brand. Only now he has the might of the most powerful form of influence on the planet at his disposal. There is no separation being made between Trump inc, and business of America. If you doubt this, the Trump family who run Donald's private business interests will have office space one door away from the Oval Office. This represents a very clear window onto what Trump cares about and how he blurs the line between business and government. His cabinet is literally the Oligarch's court. 


So if you're asking me if I believe Donald's Trumped up reality star image and his campaign rhetoric... I'm not going out on that limb. 

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Where the fuck does it say you have to release your tax return?????? I respect him more for not disclosing it. It is, after all, nobodies friggin' business but the IRS. Don't know where that started but he's correct for ending it.


True, it is not required for pols. to release their tax returns but it's good public relations Mike. 


I would disagree that it is nobodies business, I would think the people of the U.S. might be interested if President-Elect Trump is being leveraged by foreign entities or governments.


This is the only reason people are clamoring for the tax returns as President-Elect Trump has been somewhat cryptic or evasive on the issue.


Even Hillary released her tax returns and we all know what she was up to.


I know Vice-President Elect Mike Pence is a stand up guy from the contents of his tax returns.


Frankly, I would rather have his clean living christian leadership than President-Elect Trumps hedonistic gold plated nightmare any day of the week.

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All of it. If you serve your country it should be 'free' of compensation or the expectation of compensation. Paid to serve makes you by definition a mercenary.

 I see what you're getting at here, but where does this "mercenary" definition begin and end with respect to public service? And if public serves should be free of compensation doesn't that limit it to only those who can afford to serve?

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Right here is a yuuuuuuuuge red flag.


President-Elect Trump has never done a thing pro bono IN HIS LIFE.


I am supposed to believe and accept that all of a sudden he is going to be as magnanimous as that?


Sorry, not me.


Many people believe that he will cover himself i.e. profit on a much larger level in not so legal ways from his time as President

That's what every politician does, but just still take the pay check too. Any president in the last 80 years left office with much more money than when they were elected, and it ain't from the paycheck.

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Yeah, that's the game. It's the way it is in America.


I don't really care as long as things run smoothly because for me, it's all about money as well.


It's just the first thought that popped into my head when I heard that President-Elect Trump was taking a dollar paycheck was,


'Wow, he must have a really big plan to be compensated on the down low then".

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I'm not sure why "Scarface" the pit bull needed a sweater in TAMPA but the cuddly little fur baby didn't care for it.


Dog viciously attacks family after woman tried to make it wear a sweater


A dog incensed by a woman’s attempt to make it wear a sweater attacked her and two others in Tampa, Florida on Friday, police said.


CBS Tampa affiliate WTSP reports that 52-year-old Brenda Guerrero tried to put a sweater on the dog, a pit bull mix named Scarface, in the backyard of her home -- and the dog attacked her.


It didn’t stop there. The woman’s husband, Ismael Guerrero, heard screams outside the house and ran out in an effort to pull Scarface off his wife. The dog then started to attack him, too.


The couple’s son, 22-year-old Antoine Harris, stabbed the canine in the neck and head -- and the dog attacked Harris, WFTS reported.


The dog got into the family’s home, where two children were in a back room. Tampa police called in Animal Control, which tried to tranquilize the dog. Tampa Police Department officers then used a stun gun and bean bag gun to subdue Scarface -- and Animal Control later captured the canine.



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#trump says 'fuck you, to releasing tax returns'.




True, it is not required for pols. to release their tax returns but it's good public relations Mike. 


I would disagree that it is nobodies business, I would think the people of the U.S. might be interested if President-Elect Trump is being leveraged by foreign entities or governments.


This is the only reason people are clamoring for the tax returns as President-Elect Trump has been somewhat cryptic or evasive on the issue.


Even Hillary released her tax returns and we all know what she was up to.


I know Vice-President Elect Mike Pence is a stand up guy from the contents of his tax returns.


Frankly, I would rather have his clean living christian leadership than President-Elect Trumps hedonistic gold plated nightmare any day of the week.


I find it refreshing that someone stand up and say 'none of your business'.


There's a box you check when being leveraged?


The Tic just HAD to release hers after Donald waffled. Now that's PR.


Pence.... vanilla.



Agree, maybe with the last. Better back up choice than Spiro or Dan Quale..

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The people that serve they're country deserve what little is given to them(not talking about politics)and more.they put they're lives on the line

To give us what we have


'Common lou, pretty obvious we're talking politicians here and not the military..

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