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I am definitely not a fan of President-Elect Trump and his Twitter bombs;


It makes him look stupid and uninformed.



Yea it's amazing more liberals didn't vote for him.Stupid and uninformed ? I do agree though about Trump tweeting,nobody should be doing it ! 

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I despise twitter but Trump is using it to bypass the media. rather than give press conferences he tweets out 140 characters that the media is forced to report on but without the ability to twist his words. I get a kick out of it because it leaves the press out of the loop and essentially forces them to cover him objectively by having only information that can instantly be verified by the average citizen. his press team is seriously considering abandoning traditional press conferences in favor of public releases via social media. there is no law that says Trump must give these press conferences and by refraining from doing so he doesn't re-legitimize the main stream media that wants to de-legitimize his presidency.

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I despise twitter but Trump is using it to bypass the media. rather than give press conferences he tweets out 140 characters that the media is forced to report on but without the ability to twist his words. I get a kick out of it because it leaves the press out of the loop and essentially forces them to cover him objectively by having only information that can instantly be verified by the average citizen. his press team is seriously considering abandoning traditional press conferences in favor of public releases via social media. there is no law that says Trump must give these press conferences and by refraining from doing so he doesn't re-legitimize the main stream media that wants to de-legitimize his presidency.


This is agreeably .... true.

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I despise twitter but Trump is using it to bypass the media. rather than give press conferences he tweets out 140 characters that the media is forced to report on but without the ability to twist his words. I get a kick out of it because it leaves the press out of the loop and essentially forces them to cover him objectively by having only information that can instantly be verified by the average citizen. his press team is seriously considering abandoning traditional press conferences in favor of public releases via social media. there is no law that says Trump must give these press conferences and by refraining from doing so he doesn't re-legitimize the main stream media that wants to de-legitimize his presidency.



President-Elect Trump uses Twitter because his life and experience in his alternate reality would not stand up to scrutiny by real reporters in the arena of a real press conference.


So he gets to type 140 character missives with no follow up questions or in depth exploration of the issue at hand, no we get blurbs which have to be interpreted, followed up on or walked back on by his handlers. 


Twitter is probably the lowest common denominator of online "communication", even this thread on this forum has a back and forth which Twitter lacks.


Now there is an app. to check the claims IN his Twitter Tweets, (Twitter Tweets, god that sounds so f!@$ing lame, and to think this may be the preferred communication method by the most powerful person on the planet.) so the average citizen can see that President-Elect Trump has a peculiar relationship with what you and I might call the truth. Ah the problems of perception.




I would think that President-Elect Trump might want to make friends with the press and have them on his side, but he is probably afraid of objective reporting and real reporters ain't gonna lie down for him.,.

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President-Elect Trump uses Twitter because his life and experience in his alternate reality would not stand up to scrutiny by real reporters in the arena of a real press conference.


So he gets to type 140 character missives with no follow up questions or in depth exploration of the issue at hand, no we get blurbs which have to be interpreted, followed up on or walked back on by his handlers.


Twitter is probably the lowest common denominator of online "communication", even this thread on this forum has a back and forth between users which Twitter lacks.


Now there is an app. to check the claims IN his Twitter Tweets, (Twitter Tweets, god that sounds so f!@$ing lame, and to think this may be the preferred communication method by the most powerful person on the planet.) so the average citizen can see that President-Elect Trump has a peculiar relationship with what you and I might call the truth. Ah the problems of perception.


I would think that President-Elect Trump might want to make friends with the press and have them on his side, but he is probably afraid of objective reporting and real reporters ain't gonna lie down for him.,.

Wait....wut??? Objective reporting and real reporting.....Bwaaahahahaha!!!!!!


Hahahahahaha hahahaha!!!


These are the real reporters saying trump was way behind clinton and will lose the election to Hillary Clinton by a massive landslide......right?



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Do what math.. that you're 20 trillion in debt...I believe you.


Health care system change, if any, will be slow or not at all. Fuck private insurers let them go out of business same with drug companies. Government is the insurer and pays the bill. Hospitals/doctors get paid flat rate for services by the government, they don't like it and are good enough, they can go into private practice. Maybe their 'medical student loans' could be traded for years of service. People don't pay and have more to save or spend . Government collects taxes... not necessarily new taxes. Hospitals and dug prices and the FDA are kept in check. Just who the fuck thought a toe nail fungus cure was needed????? Fucking drug companies can start making cures for things instead of treating the symptoms.


Two comments!


1)  Federally sponsored student loans can be forgiven if the recipient takes certain public benefit jobs.  Do the search on your own, I don't exist to pander to your lazy streak.


2)  Re medical school expenses.  Little known fact the US Department of Defence runs its own fully acredited medical school The Medical School of the Armed Forces!  It's free for the students with a caveat.  You attend as a [name your service] enlistee, all books, tuition, housing and food are provided and you get a salary to go to school.  If you flunk out, you serve the rest of your 4 year term as a enlisted troop [probably but not sure as a medic].  If you graduate, you serve your first few years as a trainee [no that's not the technical term] at say Brooks army hospital or the Navy Bethsada facility and go on to put in a total of 5 years as a Commissioned Officer in one of the Armed Services as an Army or AirForce Captain/Navy Lieutenant with 4 years of prior enlisted service, a good salary bump up.  Promotion in the Medical Corps is not competitive, it is "fully qualified" which means that if you don't get caught screwing the General/Admiral's wife you get the next rank.  Then after 5 years of commissioned service, plus 4 years enlisted service, you have a choice!  Put in 11 more years, retire on half pay and strike out on your own medical career with exemplary service at first rate military hospitals, or test the waters at 9 years, all debt free.

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President-Elect Trump uses Twitter because his life and experience in his alternate reality would not stand up to scrutiny by real reporters in the arena of a real press conference.



Now that is fucking hilarious! LOL! Real Reporters! 


Why do you think he is doing Twitter? To get around the fuck head reporters who foretold of his imminent loss during the elections! 


Dude, you are liberal Gem! 

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The reason he used twitter is because it can talk to over 18 million people instantly. That's more that any single news cast. And no media spin.


Even if you think twitter is bullshit, it's a platform that that can be used where you can form your own opinion rather than someone telling you how you should feel.


Uncensored media. Except for when twitter suppresses trending topics.

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Two comments!


1)  Federally sponsored student loans can be forgiven if the recipient takes certain public benefit jobs.  Do the search on your own, I don't exist to pander to your lazy streak.


2)  Re medical school expenses.  Little known fact the US Department of Defence runs its own fully acredited medical school The Medical School of the Armed Forces!  It's free for the students with a caveat.  You attend as a [name your service] enlistee, all books, tuition, housing and food are provided and you get a salary to go to school.  If you flunk out, you serve the rest of your 4 year term as a enlisted troop [probably but not sure as a medic].  If you graduate, you serve your first few years as a traine [no that's not the technical term] at say Brooks army hospital or the Navy Bethsada facility and go on to put in a total of 5 years as a Commissioned Officer in one of the Armed Services as an Army or AirForce Captain/Navy Lieutenant with 4 years of prior enlisted service, a good salary bump up.  Promotion in the Medical Corps is not competitive, it is "fully qualified" which means that if you don't get caught screwing the General/Admiral's wife you get the next rank.  Then after 5 years of commissioned service, plus 4 years enlisted service, you have a choice!  Put in 11 more years, retire on half pay and strike out on your own medical career with exemplary service at first rate military hospitals, or test the waters at 9 years, all debt free.


What are you so pissed at?


I suggested doctors working off their student loans with work in hospitals. Anything to improve things and lower costs. Flat rate pay. The doctors may not like this pay arrangement so there is an incentive stay and work off student debt then if they choose they can go private or are qualified for a higher pay scale.

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Datsun Mike!


The "do your search" comment was not aimed at you!  It was meant to say that I am not going to do the necessary search function for the readers that want to be spoon fed!


The solution is often to work on an Indian, pardon, Native American or Alaskan community / reservation, or Peace Corps assignment for several years, but that is not the total "forgiveness" route.  Any debtee needs to get off their butt and stop moaning / complaining about the debt trap that they got themselves into.  Going private loan sources is a disaster, Government sponsored loans are the ones with "forgiveness" escape loopholes.


Too many of the younger generation have the "Entitlement" syndrome drumed into them by "progressive" Kindergarten and primary teachers who emphasise "I an important and you have to cater to me!" without pointing out the second half of the social contract.  You need to consider the other persons, it's not about "Me, me,me", There are other people in your real world, not all of whom give a s@@t about your personal wants.  Your right to swing your arm ends at the tip of my nose!

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Wait....wut??? Objective reporting and real reporting.....Bwaaahahahaha!!!!!!


Hahahahahaha hahahaha!!!


These are the real reporters saying trump was way behind clinton and will lose the election to Hillary Clinton by a massive landslide......right?




Now that is fucking hilarious! LOL! Real Reporters! 


Why do you think he is doing Twitter? To get around the fuck head reporters who foretold of his imminent loss during the elections! 


Dude, you are liberal Gem! 

By all means be cynical and jaded, it is the easy way out, suits you just fine.


Believe what you want about the media but it was real reporters Woodward and Bernstein who broke Watergate.


More recently it was the gang at the Boston Globe who brought down the Catholic Church in their pedophilia scandal (see "Spotlight" it's a great film).


I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions.


Actually the only issue I have with President-Elect Trump is when he uses Twitter to communicate misinformation!


He makes himself look stupid and ill- informed.

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By all means be cynical and jaded, it is the easy way out, suits you just fine.


Believe what you want about the media but it was real reporters Woodward and Bernstein who broke Watergate.


More recently it was the gang at the Boston Globe who brought down the Catholic Church in their pedophilia scandal (see "Spotlight" it's a great film).


I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions.


Actually the only issue I have with President-Elect Trump is when he uses Twitter to communicate misinformation!


He makes himself look stupid and ill- informed.


Meth is bad, mmmmkaaaay.

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By all means be cynical and jaded, it is the easy way out, suits you just fine.


Believe what you want about the media but it was real reporters Woodward and Bernstein who broke Watergate.


More recently it was the gang at the Boston Globe who brought down the Catholic Church in their pedophilia scandal (see "Spotlight" it's a great film).


I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions.


Actually the only issue I have with President-Elect Trump is when he uses Twitter to communicate misinformation!


He makes himself look stupid and ill- informed.

He'd look that way at a press conference as well. I don't think he's dumb, but he does come off arrogant and ill informed. I'd dodge press as well if I were him.

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Got it. Our doctors, the really good ones, are in high demand south of the border. Seems a shame to loose that talent to better pay.


And the US Armed Forces are benefitting from a similar coincidence!  The US and Philipines peace treaty allows Philipinos to enlist in the US Armed Forces.  Philipino Medical Schools are accredited by the USA.  Graduate Philipino  Medical Doctors are allowed to enter USA Armed Force's medical ranks with the same rank privileges as USA medical school graduates [and I must say, personally I have been delighted at their competancy and expertise, [i am USAF Retired] especially when I needed a rectal exam for prostate cancer!  Their hands are MUCH smaller than a German ethnic doctor [small (deliberalely) joke there] but they are totally true to the medical ethic.  "First do no harm" so they in my experience always insist on the latest medically proven lab tests.  Philipines loss!  I don't know but definately America's gain in this instance. 


A similar professional transfer is occuring in the import of Registered Nurses into the US!  Look around you [if you can]the next time [sorry about that] you are admitted to the Emergency Room or Surgical Center.  They are not all Hispanic RNs even though many Philipino's have Hispanic surnames due to centuries of Spanish [named for King Philip of Spain] conquest prior to the Spanish American [Remember the Maine] war that brought the Philipines under American control in 1898.!  We generously surrendered our control on July the fourth, but the local government transferred the official "liberation" date to the birthday of one of their resistance leaders [sorry I have run out of facts and names, time to go to bed].

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