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What you think and wrote does not apply to all. So just like Muslims, you can paint everyone with the same brush. 


So once again, Bullshit!


Absolutely, doesn't apply to all. This was even more true 50 years ago. Catholics care less now about their religion now probably because their parents didn't brainwash them so much or they were more easily led away. Maybe this is because Catholicism, or any religion, for that matter, does not serve their needs as well. That's not bullshit.

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I think Americans probably think foundly of Israel thanks to AIPAC and the UN, I really think there are 2 Israels, one that does business and one that pays of the Generals, they are bullys in my opinion. They keep building these ugly condos to draw a new line in the sand to push out families that have been there for many generations and basically kill them.

Of course we love them because we supply them with fresh arms, Hilary is   was really hot on this topic. 


However you might be able to have a better conversation with an Israeli vs an American because of all the post ww2 propaganda.

After 9/11 I started to read a lot about the middle east. I simply had to know why. Read everything I could get my hands on. It can almost be boiled down to a a few statements.

islam at best case is a religion in what would be the dark ages in Europe. Know from the start of the first converts it has always been at war, never ever has there been a year of peace.

The Jews. It is David vs Goliath over and over again. Small number never having enough equipment. Losses to powers like Rome, Wins over Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Almost ingrained daily fight for survival.


All of which would have no meaning or value in the rest of the world except for one thing. Crude oil.


You mean like Hanan Ashwari who is a woman Christian who is largely responsible for the recognition of Palestine in the first place, as well as a prominent legislator for Palestine for many years before resigning?

Or did you mean something else?



Palestine is really mild compared to the region including Israel.

Excuse me while i pick myself up off the floor from laughing

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Absolutely, doesn't apply to all. This was even more true 50 years ago. Catholics care less now about their religion now probably because their parents didn't brainwash them so much or they were more easily led away. Maybe this is because Catholicism, or any religion, for that matter, does not serve their needs as well. That's not bullshit.

Right a lot of brainwashing out there, part of all religions hide the truth , are corrupt.


Maybe fear/guilt can be good , ^catholic thing

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Catholic parents don't condition their kids???????? Look up cult recruitment practices and tell me the difference! Course they do.


To believe that the only way to god is through a religion run by fallible humans who translate/filter the meaning of the bible. To mindlessly believe in a church top heavy with a hierarchy of noblemen and 'princes of the church' to keep control and run the vast organization of ceremony and pomp, bowing and scraping to a Pantheon of idols (it's OK because they are saints and icons) and enforces obedience to them with constant threat of excommunication for an impossibly long list of sins.Then has the nerve to dole out forgiveness at confession for every sin committed during the week. There is no guilt like Catholic guilt. A religion that is an endless spinning wheel of guilt and forgiveness, guilt and forgiveness. Catholics are leaving in droves??


I guess it could be argued that Catholic parents don't brainwash their kids..   Down to 1/5 from 1/4 of the total population in the US, in just 7 years. For every new member 6 leave.


We Irish and Irish descendants have a mantra!  We love our church, it's the clergy we don't trust!  Recent scandals reinforce this basic distrust.

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Religions:  Only we hold the real truth about God's master plan, and if you don't believe our telling of the truth then you are a bad person and God will punish you in some very nasty way. God always get's his revenge. 


Sceptic: So let me get this straight, my eternal salvation depends on surrendering my spirituality to a highly profitable and centrally organized belief system.  Oh, and I have to choose the one true path to God from a short list of savior representative, pick from hundreds of versions of that savior's story, then the right sect of that version, and if I get it wrong, my ass is a pile of smoking pain? Nah, I ante buy'n those odds. I'll keep my spirituality thank you.

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FFS, get back on track, or, shut this thread down!!!


/cranky RW

It's true. Religion gets too messy. Don't kill Cuz. I really want to relish in everyone's disappointment of Trump not prosecuting Hillary, and failing to deport immigrants, and not building a wall, and generally proving the majority of people right.

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^^ something is going down. If not all trumps campaign promises, the end of the dem party and the Obama scheme

Think it will be hard to keep all promised, though I think for the first time ever we have a guy that is going to make the attempt. 0bama is no where near done taking apart the Dems, not leaving DC setting up a de facto head of the party. Before it is over this will be interesting to watch.

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Fulfill those that are the easiest to do and please the most voters.


Fulfill a few small difficult 'throw away' ones so you can point them out later.


Fulfill one extremely difficult one for the good of the nation, even if it's unpopular, and you loose the presidency. This happens perhaps once in a generation and becomes your legacy.

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I always been comfortable with believing in a god....however...I don't follow nor trust any religion due to the shenanigans exposed, I believe that god has lost faith in humanity and is now kicked back in his couch with a box of popcorn watching it all go up in flames and at some point he/she/it/whatever will hit the reset button and start over again as we did as kids playing SimCity.....ya....I'm weird like that ;)

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I think RW is right, as much as we would like to hear and experience the siren's call,  we should row away from the rocks here.



Lets apply ourselves to the politics at hand.


Yeah, lets get back to something even more deserving of derision.

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I think RW is right, as much as we would like to hear and experience the siren's call,  we should row away from the rocks here.



Lets apply ourselves to the politics at hand.


couldn't agree more, I've got some 810 pedals for sale,  google me your address

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