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What's up with Israel bashing ? They're the only country over there that wants peace and won't attack innocent people or countries.They're greatly outnumbered population wise and by how much land they have and yet continue to exist.As far as the Middle East goes,it's a country that just wants to be left alone unlike others in that region that want all non-Muslims dead.

Yes they want peace, and to them that means everyone else has to be dead. Last year there was a rocket attack that wounded an Israeli police officer WOUNDED! so how did they retaliate? They motared a fucking playground and killed something like 14 civilians....Yeah they don't attack anybody and just want peace....


Jews have played to victim while being just as bad if not worse than whoever they say is the aggressor. Who owned the most slaves from the founding of the 13 colonies to about the civil war? Fuckers Jewish slave brokers, you don't learn that in school. Second largest was blacks themselves one tribe capturing and selling off another kind of thing.


Christians are just as bad they slaughter millions 'in the name of the lord' during I think it was 7 crusades to capture "the holy land".


Disclaimer: I'm not anti semetic I'm anti religion, religion has killed more people than anything else in the world.

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Yes they want peace, and to them that means everyone else has to be dead. Last year there was a rocket attack that wounded an Israeli police officer WOUNDED! so how did they retaliate? They motared a fucking playground and killed something like 14 civilians....Yeah they don't attack anybody and just want peace....


Jews have played to victim while being just as bad if not worse than whoever they say is the aggressor. Who owned the most slaves from the founding of the 13 colonies to about the civil war? Fuckers Jewish slave brokers, you don't learn that in school. Second largest was blacks themselves one tribe capturing and selling off another kind of thing.


Christians are just as bad they slaughter millions 'in the name of the lord' during I think it was 7 crusades to capture "the holy land".


Disclaimer: I'm not anti semetic I'm anti religion, religion has killed more people than anything else in the world.

Thanks for pointing out who attacked who first.Your first sentence describes the Muslim countries surrounding Israel perfectly.I'm not defending any religion or promoting any.

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Yes they want peace, and to them that means everyone else has to be dead. Last year there was a rocket attack that wounded an Israeli police officer WOUNDED! so how did they retaliate? They motared a fucking playground and killed something like 14 civilians....Yeah they don't attack anybody and just want peace....


Jews have played to victim while being just as bad if not worse than whoever they say is the aggressor. Who owned the most slaves from the founding of the 13 colonies to about the civil war? Fuckers Jewish slave brokers, you don't learn that in school. Second largest was blacks themselves one tribe capturing and selling off another kind of thing.


Christians are just as bad they slaughter millions 'in the name of the lord' during I think it was 7 crusades to capture "the holy land".


Disclaimer: I'm not anti semetic I'm anti religion, religion has killed more people than anything else in the world.

Really calling up the crusades, that happened when?

One glaring point here, no civilians. Do a little research into what is taught from day one.


If your interesting in a body count what is going on from islam attacking the world. The web site tracks week, month and year numbers.14 looks real small very quick.


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People have been killing each other over religion in that part of the world for over 3000 years, the sole reason for Israel's existence was for the UN to have an ally in in area.


Yeah I pointed out who attacked who first but if I punch someone in the face then they go and kill my dog, I'm going to punch them in the face again. It's an unbalanced tit for tat. There is a reason everyone around them hates them.

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Here's the thing. 1/ The jews were given the 'holy land' by god himself (that's huge!!!). 2/ They did also win it themselves by historical conquest...... but then lost it and were scattered over the earth for 2 millenia. After WW2 no one wanted to deal with them, no one liked them, no one wanted them so when they carved out a new home in Palestine the world said' fuck it, do what ever the hell you want and fuck the Palestinians too'.


Now 1/ and 2/....those are pretty strong motivators to fight to keep it.

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People have been killing each other over religion in that part of the world for over 3000 years, the sole reason for Israel's existence was for the UN to have an ally in in area.


Yeah I pointed out who attacked who first but if I punch someone in the face then they go and kill my dog, I'm going to punch them in the face again. It's an unbalanced tit for tat. There is a reason everyone around them hates them.

Everyone around Israel hates the rest of the world ! Israel's not the only target.Yes people have been killing over there for thousands of years,i believe even before Israel existed.

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fuck Israel, I wish we would stop siding with them

Uh , that wish dosn't look good with trump


Aren't they going back to Jerusalem for the capitOl..


And playing the victim .. they fire rockets from playgrounds


I thought israel will let anyone live there, and at the size of LA? Total anihilationn.. help me dhp

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Here's the thing. 1/ The jews were given the 'holy land' by god himself (that's huge!!!). 2/ They did also win it themselves by historical conquest...... but then lost it and were scattered over the earth for 2 millenia. After WW2 no one wanted to deal with them, no one liked them, no one wanted them so when they carved out a new home in Palestine the world said' fuck it, do what ever the hell you want and fuck the Palestinians too'.


Now 1/ and 2/....those are pretty strong motivators to fight to keep it.


Eeerrrhhhhmmmm (RW clears throat).


This thread is Cuz Merica, not Cuz Jewtopia.


Just sayin...................

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, I expect this out of the US Media, "Taking to his infamous Twitter account" showing its blatant bias. Was the Aussie media backing the felon for president?

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People have been killing each other over religion in that part of the world for over 3000 years, the sole reason for Israel's existence was for the UN to have an ally in in area.


Yeah I pointed out who attacked who first but if I punch someone in the face then they go and kill my dog, I'm going to punch them in the face again. It's an unbalanced tit for tat. There is a reason everyone around them hates them.

I don't think Israel is all that hated anywhere, except in the middle east(where is looks to be more a religion vs a group of people). To many other countries has business contracts. do you hate people you do business with? One thing that is interesting, defense arrangements with both the US and Russia.

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I don't think Israel is all that hated anywhere, except in the middle east(where is looks to be more a religion vs a group of people). To many other countries has business contracts. do you hate people you do business with? One thing that is interesting, defense arrangements with both the US and Russia.


I think Americans probably think foundly of Israel thanks to AIPAC and the UN, I really think there are 2 Israels, one that does business and one that pays of the Generals, they are bullys in my opinion. They keep building these ugly condos to draw a new line in the sand to push out families that have been there for many generations and basically kill them.

Of course we love them because we supply them with fresh arms, Hilary is   was really hot on this topic. 


However you might be able to have a better conversation with an Israeli vs an American because of all the post ww2 propaganda.

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But Obama didn't lose. He won bigly. Twice.


Funny reading that article after this one...




Ahh the 24 hr news cycle and it's need to plagiarize in order to make deadlines.

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I think Americans probably think foundly of Israel thanks to AIPAC and the UN, I really think there are 2 Israels, one that does business and one that pays of the Generals, they are bullys in my opinion. They keep building these ugly condos to draw a new line in the sand to push out families that have been there for many generations and basically kill them.

Of course we love them because we supply them with fresh arms, Hilary is   was really hot on this topic. 


However you might be able to have a better conversation with an Israeli vs an American because of all the post ww2 propaganda.


Well there are about 4 million Jews in the US and just under 6 million in Israel. The NRA has about 4.5 million and look at the influence it has.

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