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Assuming you meant lose and not loose, yeah. I have little to lose. It's just a car. I've already lost several.


Even when the other people have insurance, the insurance companies don't want to pay enough to fix it correctly. So it's not like I'm gaining much either...


It pays not to be too emotionally invested in a tin box. I'm just doing this for fun. My self-worth is not wrapped up in it. Win or lose (or loose), it doesn't really matter in the end. 



Time to rename this thread to Datzenmike trolls the shit out of people...    :rofl:



I think you're missing the point.  It's not about the tin box.  I don't want to be hit by some a-hole and have my car, myself, and/or my family injured and pay for that out of my own pocket.  Yes, everyone driving should be forced to have 500k/min liability insurance.  The consequences for not having it need to be much stiffer as well.  My family has worked and saved extremely hard to have the savings we have, and I resent the people that act like it's no big deal, and the law makers and enforcers who act the same.  I've been to traffic court, I've seen it.  Pisses me off.

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Assuming you meant lose and not loose, yeah. I have little to lose. It's just a car. I've already lost several.


Even when the other people have insurance, the insurance companies don't want to pay enough to fix it correctly. So it's not like I'm gaining much either...


It pays not to be too emotionally invested in a tin box. I'm just doing this for fun. My self-worth is not wrapped up in it. Win or lose (or loose), it doesn't really matter in the end. 



Time to rename this thread to Datzenmike trolls the shit out of people...    :rofl:


This is not the first time I said loose is it? :lol:


There are other considerations like damage to our health and your recovery or your family, in the event of an accident





So Americans hate their government so much that if they are told to do one thing, they do the opposite? Even if it is counter to their well being? Curious.


Well fuck. It's like telling a little kid to stop running or they'll fall..... so they run even faster. Government has laws to wear seat belts but fuck you? Hey I'm all for government not telling me what I can and can't do, but to rebel against your own common sense? Maybe you don't know that seat belts save lives? Not saying you are a bad driver... what about that other douchebag with priors evading a police chase coming toward you? It's the other guy the government is protecting you from.

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Assuming you meant lose and not loose, yeah. I have little to lose. It's just a car. I've already lost several.


Even when the other people have insurance, the insurance companies don't want to pay enough to fix it correctly. So it's not like I'm gaining much either...


It pays not to be too emotionally invested in a tin box. I'm just doing this for fun. My self-worth is not wrapped up in it. Win or lose (or loose), it doesn't really matter in the end. 



Time to rename this thread to Datzenmike trolls the shit out of people...    :rofl:

People SHOULD be forced to have insurance.Several reasons,if not forced they wont do it.Assume you get hit by an uninsured driver and you also are not insured.You are severally injured,who the fuck is going to pay for that ? never mind the car.

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Cool, thanks guys.


My brain has now reverted to my version of normalacy; fucked up as it may be!


                  That's why I like to hang out with "reality challenged" (weird) people -

makes me feel semi - normal.

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In our culture it's considered poor form to abuse women, kids, disabled, animals etc. We consider ourselves 'enlightened' now but it hasn't always been so. Women couldn't vote before 1920, before this couldn't own property when married nor claim money earned. Afghanistan is a different world. Part of the population is wasted as nothing more than child bearing slaves kept under control by enforced ignorance. You can't impose enlightenment on a culture like this, only teach it, and change will take generations.


An interesting quote but better if aimed at Al Qaeda members than the general male population. Strike at those opposing enlightenment and change will follow.

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In regards to the General Mattis meme, right?...fuck it...i liked it it LOL


Actually no... it was to...


                  That's why I like to hang out with "reality challenged" (weird) people -

makes me feel semi - normal.


I guess we are the reality challenged (weird) people. But as long as we are helping him to better mental health, I guess that ok with me.

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No, it is not.  :rofl:



Lose/loose is definitely your there/their/they're...    ^_^


lol I know the difference, but in my head I pronounce it in Canadian. Like moose.


Speaking of 'you', I also noticed when I go back to an old post looking for something else, that I say 'you', but mean to spell 'your'. Watch for them.

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lol I know the difference, but in my head I pronounce it in Canadian. Like moose.


But that's how it's pronounced everywhere.   ^_^ 


Loose (pronounced like moose) means the opposite of tight. Like how most Datsun engines are loose.


Lose (pronounced like ooze) means the opposite of win.  Like how most people reading this thread...

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            Now the San Francisco Teachers Union offers an

anti-Trump lesson plan.

            I hate it when unions get involved in politics -

especially when the members disagree with their choices.



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I've been in a union that 'twisted your arm' to vote a certain way before. (I did the opposite, told them to fuck off too but I was young and didn't like being told what to do) More sour grapes to the election results I'm afraid. Teachers should be neutral when discussing things like this to the young..



Couldn't read, this isn't a link. But this is...



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I've been in a union that 'twisted your arm' to vote a certain way before. (I did the opposite, told them to fuck off too but I was young and didn't like being told what to do) I this isn't quite the same. It's more of how to cope with possible problems caused by Trumps plans. Hell he's not even in office yet. Knee jerk reaction.


Couldn't read, this isn't a link.




Working for a School District with a Union is not fun. These assholes are so fucking left that I want to call them Stock Cars. 


But, I tell them to fuck off at every chance I get. And I also have to unfortunately keep quiet about my politics on the chance of offending or hurting someone. They just sent out an email letting you know where to go to "Chill Out" due to the Election results. I have a good job and it is worth minding my business to keep it. 


Luckily my co workers are not drinking the Flavor Aid. 

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