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Wow! She could've gone as "Scary Hillary" for Halloween.

what if she intentionally went before the cameras looking haggard in hopes of generating public support for keeping her out of jail, i.e., "Oh my God! this election took such a toll on her health! Have a heart, Trump! don't lock that sickly old woman up!". Then, a week after she's off the hook she's out shilling for her party suddenly vibrant and fresh as a daisy and appearing on every Sunday talk show "looking fresh, strong and ready to fight for the American people!". naw, lock that ass up.


re: obamacare -




dims alone voted in obamacare with "0" repug support and lots of backroom deals. it's passage ended multiple dim dynasties (Mary Landrieu of Louisiana springs to mind) and even though it's touted as the signature piece, crown jewel in the Obama presidency dims in my part of the world never mention it in their campaign advertisements. It made a lot of Obama cronies rich and disrupted lots of health care for lots of folks. Obama told America that a vote for a Trump was a personal repudiation of his administration. looks likes the country took him at his word.

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Not one single politician aka real owners puppet will enact anything that will ever actually help stop sickness or make people's lives advance past the status quo.


It's not in the interests of the real owners for cancer to be cured,for people to be so well they do not need medical coverage.


That's just health,all the other ills that exist also have false hopes that are trotted out to make people believe that "one day" they will have a better life.


This (life as we know it) is "it"


Settling for it is not a sin.


Accepting it is being pragmatic.

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While I love watching congress asking these questions and watching the person(s) in the hot seat sweat and stammer...... That the fuck happens? anything? What's the sense of this exercise if no one is held accountable? At least no one seems to be.


I think they are digging out the rats first. Did you here him issue warrants and put an additional 22 million for overtime and furthing the investigation. This lil mormon dude is the face of justice. Im less empressed with Gowdy.

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You have a right to expect better. Get rid of the insurance companies or knock those blood suckers in line. Trim their profits back to something fair. As they fold up and go under, and fat cats go elsewhere for their blood money, absorb them and run them for zero profit with a proper manager under government control and over sight. Everyone is covered when they start into the work force. Everyone pays even if not used. Just like insurance company. You pay hoping you won't need it but if an accident should happen you are covered. Payments while in good health covers others that are not. You are covered by others




That's why Ryan needs to go, he's the leader of the GOP (until Trump is sworn into office) and everything has to go through him, don't forget he was protecting Clinton, I'm sure they got dirt on that scumbag, can't wait to see it :thumbup:


Ryan must know an axe is heading his way.

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absorb them and run them for zero profit with a proper manager under government control and over sight. Everyone is covered when they start into the work force. Everyone pays even if not used. Just like insurance company. You pay hoping you won't need it but if an accident should happen you are covered. Payments while in good health covers others that are not. You are covered by others


This is all well and good, except for one thing. When the government holds a gun to your head and says you must do it. You deserve a choice as to whether you participate or not. 


But I also believe we need a MUCH smaller government, so take that with a grain of salt...

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You have a right to expect better. Get rid of the insurance companies or knock those blood suckers in line. Trim their profits back to something fair. As they fold up and go under, and fat cats go elsewhere for their blood money, absorb them and run them for zero profit with a proper manager under government control and over sight. Everyone is covered when they start into the work force. Everyone pays even if not used. Just like insurance company. You pay hoping you won't need it but if an accident should happen you are covered. Payments while in good health covers others that are not. You are covered by others





Ryan must know an axe is heading his way.

No thanks to Government controlled healthcare.They cant run a country efficiently,why would anybody think they could handle health care ? Look at what's happened to our veterans that have health care through our government.

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So instead of Obamacare, each person could have just been paid $1.13?

$360 million just to roll it out the door and now bloomberg says the obamacare website alone is in the $2 billion range as the average premium doubles and elderly men are required to have plans that allow them access to birth control pills? Yeah, we could have better served the public's healthcare needs for way less and not have enriched the insurance industry to do it.
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No thanks to Government controlled healthcare.They cant run a country efficiently,why would anybody think they could handle health care ? Look at what's happened to our veterans that have health care through our government.

Those who profit feed you this fear. Year after year. We are not asking them to cure cancer or even read a fucking TB test. Doctors will continue to do the heavy lifting. All the gov. would have to do is manage a leger. That's is all. Our gov can do that. Big med wants you to rally and herald the inefficiency and inability of government to do anything.

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$360 million just to roll it out the door and now bloomberg says the obamacare website alone is in the $2 billion range as the average premium doubles and elderly men are required to have plans that allow them access to birth control pills? Yeah, we could have better served the public's healthcare needs for way less and not have enriched the insurance industry to do it.


I'm just pointing out that your meme made no sense, otherwise I agree.  My insurance has about tripled since Obamacare started...

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This is all well and good, except for one thing. When the government holds a gun to your head and says you must do it. You deserve a choice as to whether you participate or not. 


But I also believe we need a MUCH smaller government, so take that with a grain of salt...


You accept car insurance to drive public roads, house insurance to secure a loan, both to protect yourself. It isn't socialism to band together economically with everyone contributing to cover those few with problems..


No thanks to Government controlled healthcare.They cant run a country efficiently,why would anybody think they could handle health care ? Look at what's happened to our veterans that have health care through our government.


That's not an argument. And GEE look how well your people were covered before Obamacare. Health insurance companies have brain washed you while fucking you over for years.... and for profit!!! Capitalist way... you can fuck me, but only if you make a profit off me and or my sick children. How is it, the richest country in the world, can't provide for it's most vulnerable citizens? and the people, don't even ask why. The government throws you to the health insurance wolves to make do as you are able? Sell an B-1 bomber and get er done.  

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Those who profit feed you this fear. Year after year. We are not asking them to cure cancer or even read a fucking TB test. Doctors will continue to do the heavy lifting. All the gov. would have to do is manage a leger. That's is all. Our gov can do that. Big med wants you to rally and herald the inefficiency and inability of government to do anything.

So are you saying all is fine with the veteran medical system? How about other systems within the federal tax supported institutions..


I don't mind having a single payer option but want an open competition national system left alone for people not wanting to partake in a federal system, and there should not be a mandated penalty for not being part of the federal system.


The funding for the federal system should never be budgeted from the general fund either. Lock those moneys up like the first SSI system was until greedy politicians unlocked the system to rescue other failing BS.


Option are always better than being stuck in one giant system. All eggs in one basket is never the best choice.

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Federally backed and mandated monopoly might be the reason why.


If my employer would pay me directly the portion of my insurance that he pays, then it would be basically worth it for me to self-insure.  Of course, there's always the chance of something catastrophic, though.  But $10k/year in the bank would easily cover all the normal medical expenses.

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Lack of everyone on board is another.


You accept car insurance to drive public roads, house insurance to secure a loan, both to protect yourself. It isn't socialism to band together economically with everyone contributing to cover those few with problems..




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Those who profit feed you this fear. Year after year. We are not asking them to cure cancer or even read a fucking TB test. Doctors will continue to do the heavy lifting. All the gov. would have to do is manage a leger. That's is all. Our gov can do that. Big med wants you to rally and herald the inefficiency and inability of government to do anything.

Nobody fed me any fear.Do you really think its that simple ? wow,i'm surprised it hasn't been taken care of yet.Maybe Trump should hire you on to help him repeal Obama care.

You accept car insurance to drive public roads, house insurance to secure a loan, both to protect yourself. It isn't socialism to band together economically with everyone contributing to cover those few with problems..



That's not an argument. And GEE look how well your people were covered before Obamacare. Health insurance companies have brain washed you while fucking you over for years.... and for profit!!! Capitalist way... you can fuck me, but only if you make a profit off me and or my sick children. How is it, the richest country in the world, can't provide for it's most vulnerable citizens? and the people, don't even ask why. The government throws you to the health insurance wolves to make do as you are able? Sell an B-1 bomber and get er done.  

That is an argument,especially if your somebody that had his rates go up and coverage go down since this Obama care went into effect.Ive been paying for my own insurance for years with no issues.I guess its only fair that a responsible person gets fucked so some lazy ass can get himself insured.If you think Obama care has made sure all Americans are insured,your'e wrong.A lot of people can't afford it and would rather pay the penalty when tax time comes around.

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You accept car insurance to drive public roads, house insurance to secure a loan, both to protect yourself.


Yes. But when the government forces me to have it, that's a different story. The risk is mine, the choice should be mine. I dislike the government constantly trying to protect me from myself. 



It isn't socialism to band together economically with everyone contributing to cover those few with problems..


Actually, that's exactly what socialism is.   :rofl:




That's not an argument. And GEE look how well your people were covered before Obamacare. Health insurance companies have brain washed you while fucking you over for years.... and for profit!!! Capitalist way... you can fuck me, but only if you make a profit off me and or my sick children. How is it, the richest country in the world, can't provide for it's most vulnerable citizens? and the people, don't even ask why. The government throws you to the health insurance wolves to make do as you are able? 


Currently my distaste for the government healthcare program has nothing to do with actual healthcare. My government insists that I have insurance, to the point that they will fine/tax me if I don't. That is RIDICULOUS. 

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You accept car insurance to drive public roads, house insurance to secure a loan, both to protect yourself. It isn't socialism to band together economically with everyone contributing to cover those few with problems..




That's not an argument. And GEE look how well your people were covered before Obamacare. Health insurance companies have brain washed you while fucking you over for years.... and for profit!!! Capitalist way... you can fuck me, but only if you make a profit off me and or my sick children. How is it, the richest country in the world, can't provide for it's most vulnerable citizens? and the people, don't even ask why. The government throws you to the health insurance wolves to make do as you are able? Sell an B-1 bomber and get er done.


I and millions of people where better covered, in fact....i have none now thanks to Obama....I'm not paying $600/mo with a $7,500.00 deductible, fuck no!, i used to pay $160/mo. How am i better covered now????

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Why are you replying to your own posts?  :rofl:



It's a reply to the post directly above it.


Nobody fed me any fear.Do you really think its that simple ? wow,i'm surprised it hasn't been taken care of yet.Maybe Trump should hire you on to help him repeal Obama care.

That is an argument,especially if your somebody that had his rates go up and coverage go down since this Obama care went into effect.Ive been paying for my own insurance for years with no issues.I guess its only fair that a responsible person gets fucked so some lazy ass can get himself insured.If you think Obama care has made sure all Americans are insured,your'e wrong.A lot of people can't afford it and would rather pay the penalty when tax time comes around.

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