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Deny deny deny all plausibility. Even if you are caught red handed.

yeah, but in the decades I've watched her lie for the Clintons I've never seen her this subdued. she usually has the demeanor of a bomb-throwing black panther 1960s radical. in this video she's like a sweet old church lady trying to justify why she stole a $20 bill out of the collection plate and hoping to do so in a manner sufficiently respectable enough that she's not ex-communicated.

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Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters


“If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.”

“And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience.


“I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted.



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Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters


“If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.”

“And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience.


“I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted.



First reason to vote for Hillary I've heard of

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The Cartoon Reality politicians are playing America like children. Here's how they see you. 


Liberals idealism believes humans are basically compassionate and responsible for supporting each other to achiever our best outcome. It holds a worldview that America is built on egalitarian values with a tradition of all men "people" are created equal. It fears that excluding minorities and their beliefs does not make us safer, rather it is literally our countries undoing.


Conservative realism believes humans are basically self serving and solely responsible for the outcomes of our own life. It holds a worldview that America is built on Christian values with a tradition of white male leadership. It fears that sharing power with, or blending cultures and ethnicities is not social evolution, rather it is literally our countries undoing.


Wake the fuck up people. You are fighting for or against a tool of the royal capitalists class, or a crowned prince of the royal capitalists class. There is no actual choice here. When was the last time either of these hemorrhoids did something for anyone but themselves, or was not done in self promotion?  Trust me, the embedded establishment knows they are safe as long as we are blaming each other. The kings of capital who are in charge don't see this in terms of right or left, clearly they see it as them against us, and the royal class is winning. For them, the economy has never been better.


They are playing the public based on core stereotypes and we take up our predictable side and believe them. Fucking hopeless. Each side blames the other as the "problem", but in all reality, if you think either of them are in this for you, YOU  are the problem. 

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The Cartoon Reality politicians are playing America like children. Here's how they see you. 


Liberals idealism believes humans are basically compassionate and responsible for supporting each other to achiever our best outcome. It holds a worldview that America is built on egalitarian values with a tradition of all men "people" are created equal. It fears that excluding minorities and their beliefs does not make us safer, rather it is literally our countries undoing.


Conservative realism believes humans are basically self serving and solely responsible for the outcomes of our own life. It holds a worldview that America is built on Christian values with a tradition of white male leadership. It fears that sharing power with, or blending cultures and ethnicities is not social evolution, rather it is literally our countries undoing.


Wake the fuck up people. You are fighting for or against a tool of the royal capitalists class, or a crowned prince of the royal capitalists class. There is no actual choice here. When was the last time either of these hemorrhoids did something for anyone but themselves, or was not done in self promotion?  Trust me, the embedded establishment knows they are safe as long as we are blaming each other. The kings of capital who are in charge don't see this in terms of right or left, clearly they see it as them against us, and the royal class is winning. For them, the economy has never been better.


They are playing the public based on core stereotypes and we take up our predictable side and believe them. Fucking hopeless. Each side blames the other as the "problem", but in all reality, if you think either of them are in this for you, YOU  are the problem.


Uhm...you told us what we already know, bro!

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^yeah eloquently put as usual..


But think it's down to protecting liberty now and in this case though we get played by both sides , one is trying to seal the deal other trying to stop the heist.. the white male power thing long gone, but coming here and being Chinese in America does no good for any body. Kinda over simplified. (I'm a white male)

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Uhm...you told us what we already know, bro!


Not everyone knows it, fact is there are a couple hundred million voters that don't know it, as they are voting for one or the other of the two candidates that were in the debate last night.

Johnson was on Jimmy Kimmel last night, that is who everyone should be voting for, if he could win enough states in the electoral college, neither trump nor Hilary could get the 270 electoral votes needed to win. 

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Lobbyist, special interest, run both dems and republicans, the values they espouse seems like talking points that plays into our values. They will make promises to get you all lathered up but in reality the establishment is like the umbrella corporation that percolates every nook and cranny in washington.

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Not everyone knows it, fact is there are a couple hundred million voters that don't know it, as they are voting for one or the other of the two candidates that were in the debate last night.

Johnson was on Jimmy Kimmel last night, that is who everyone should be voting for, if he could win enough states in the electoral college, neither trump nor Hilary could get the 270 electoral votes needed to win. 

Now that would be an interesting outcome for this election. For that I might vote this season.


^yeah eloquently put as usual..


But think it's down to protecting liberty now and in this case though we get played by both sides , one is trying to seal the deal other trying to stop the heist.. the white male power thing long gone, but coming here and being Chinese in America does no good for any body. Kinda over simplified. (I'm a white male)


When it comes to where the $ goes. Dem vs Rep, different packaging same product.


Shit, most Americans wouldn't know what a liberty is if it bit them in the ass. Not saying the 2nd Amendment isn't important, but the Patriot Act gutted the 4th Amendment with no clear definition of what constitutes a "suspected Terrorist". We, the victims of this grand theft stood by and did nothing saying "I have nothing to hide, so no biggie"  This from the same people who don't trust our corrupt establishment run government. WTF? It's hard for me to stomach that level of ignorance. Short sighted cartoon reality folk have no idea what they passively gave up  but the people in power sure as hell do.  Bush ran it through, and Obama kept it in place. Both sides guilty as fuck IMO.


How would you feel if Hillary wins and Trump starts his own revolutionary party? As the law stands, Hillary could proclaim it an act of treason, define them as domestic terrorists, have them surveilled, arrested and jailed without charges. Now how do they feel about the Patriot Act?


If we are putting our faith in the word of politicians to protect our liberties, we are passive burned toast. 

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I know I took a day off today... (Traveling all day)


Have you guys seen the shit leaked today? It's a game at this point.. and both Project Veritas and Wikileaks are waiting for Dems to make their moves.

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Now that would be an interesting outcome for this election. For that I might vote this season.




I am thinking the best chance he had to get the most coverage to make his point has passed, he needed to have a ten minute spot just after the last debate to tell all the country what his views were, and to explain that the only chance to keep either of these candidates from being elected was to vote for him, and he needed to explain that he understood that he would not get elected either, but if he had enough electoral college votes, neither of them would be elected either as they would not be able to get the 270 votes needed.

This above is not something that any one person can do, it would have to happen on the internet now, it would cost tens of millions to put rallies together now and get the coverage needed to stalemate this election, and I don't believe that Gary Johnson has them kind of funds to waste trying to save a lost cause.

My neighbor thinks I am an ignorant idiot and has said that to my face, he thinks that since I have Obama care health coverage(I am low income) that I should be grateful that I am still alive and be voting for Hilary, he also believes with most my other neighbors that Republicans are the reason that this country is in trouble, I keep saying it is not Republicans that are the problem, it's politicians that are the problem, it's all of them, but it falls on deaf ears, so I believe it is people like him that are the problem, and he will never change until someone does fix it and show without a doubt that it was the politicians that were the problem, then he will believe.

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