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Bush was bad 8yrs ago. We did exactly what we didn't need.


Air force 1 to Torrey f******* pines SD saturday.. huge motorcade up the coast, sunday to a bankrupt Country Club in rancho Santa Fe.. Off to Hawaii.. again


After lecturing rural Oregon on gun control

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Bush didn't couldn't take a shit without being told how. It was his handlers.

If this were the case, then he would have not qualified to fly a Delta wing fighter-one of THE most difficult types of planes to fly on the planet
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If this were the case, then he would have not qualified to fly a Delta wing fighter-one of THE most difficult types of planes to fly on the planet


Well here's the truth. Airman G. W. Bush was somehow selected to attend pilot training even though his test scores were the lowest acceptable for that position. From November 1968 to November 1969 Bush trained on the T-41 Mescelero propeller-driven basic trainer, and the T-37 Tweet primary jet trainer. Bush ranked 22 out of 53 students in his class. Although he qualified to fly the plane in the Air National Guard, Bush never qualified as a F-102 instructor (the intended position he trained for) because he did not meet the minimum 1,000 flying hours needed. From June 1970 to oct 1973 Bush logged a total of 267 hours on the F-102 and the highest mission he saw was on air defense alert in Ellington Texas.


The F-102 wasn't difficult to fly, it was an absolute POS that was phased of the National Guard in 1974 and replaced by the F101B and F101F. The F102 entered the United States Air Force's air defense in the late 1950s, and by the mid 1960s, most of the 1000 F-102s built were transferred from active duty Air Force to the Air National Guard. The rest were converted to unmanned QF-102 (FSAT) Full Scale Aerial Target drones and shot out of the sky. This should give some idea how much of a POS this plane was, and the level of confidence the US Government had in Bush's ability to fly. 

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Please let there be a viable third party candidate who will suck the life out of both party's rotten hearts. That would send a clear mandate to Washington. Turn out the lights Mother F*&^er, your party's over. 

Trump is the third party candidate !

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Well here's the truth. Airman G. W. Bush was somehow selected to attend pilot training even though his test scores were the lowest acceptable for that position. From November 1968 to November 1969 Bush trained on the T-41 Mescelero propeller-driven basic trainer, and the T-37 Tweet primary jet trainer. Bush ranked 22 out of 53 students in his class. Although he qualified to fly the plane in the Air National Guard, Bush never qualified as a F-102 instructor (the intended position he trained for) because he did not meet the minimum 1,000 flying hours needed. From June 1970 to oct 1973 Bush logged a total of 267 hours on the F-102 and the highest mission he saw was on air defense alert in Ellington Texas.


The F-102 wasn't difficult to fly, it was an absolute POS that was phased of the National Guard in 1974 and replaced by the F101B and F101F. The F102 entered the United States Air Force's air defense in the late 1950s, and by the mid 1960s, most of the 1000 F-102s built were transferred from active duty Air Force to the Air National Guard. The rest were converted to unmanned QF-102 (FSAT) Full Scale Aerial Target drones and shot out of the sky. This should give some idea how much of a POS this plane was, and the level of confidence the US Government had in Bush's ability to fly.

Incorrect. ANY Delta wing aircraft is difficult. his hours, length of service e.t.c. are moot points. 99% of AF pilots aren't instructors. And yes, the plane was a POS-because it was difficult to master. But he did punch his ticket for it. And the un-debatable point is-stupid people can't accomplish this.

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Incorrect. ANY Delta wing aircraft is difficult. his hours, length of service e.t.c. are moot points. 99% of AF pilots aren't instructors. And yes, the plane was a POS-because it was difficult to master. But he did punch his ticket for it. And the un-debatable point is-stupid people can't accomplish this.


Incorrect!!! My dog does tricks.


Bush was a rich man's son who never worked a day in his life.



Being able to pilot a Delta Wing aircraft and being able to be a good quality POTUS are not the same thing.



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Incorrect. ANY Delta wing aircraft is difficult. his hours, length of service e.t.c. are moot points. 99% of AF pilots aren't instructors. And yes, the plane was a POS-because it was difficult to master. But he did punch his ticket for it. And the un-debatable point is-stupid people can't accomplish this.


Wrong, this man was stupid, and he flew a shitty plane under highly controlled circumstances, safe at home.



Flying for the US Air Force is not the same as being stationed in Ellington Texas and flying in the Air National Guard. Flying low-level attacks against armed ground troops is where the F102 was challenging to fly, but that mission is one the National Guard was NEVER trained to do. In the hands of the ANG, the F102s only roll was air defense as an intercepter. It had a deadly flaw in it's design that caused an engine stall and loss of control under a certain combination of angle of attack and airspeed. Ellington Texas is surrounded by fully trained military air bases so even their roll as intercepter was redundant to the power of 4. Bush was there for safe keeping during the Vietnam war.

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And don't forget this Draft Dodging fuck





Now it's not fair to say that.






































































































Hillary's penis and balls were well tucked under always and the hormone treatments meant even the best of medical scientists couldn't tell of the eligibility existent in Hillary at the time.

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I will take this 




Over this anytime! 




Bush is barely a vet. Picture is misleading.



And don't forget this Draft Dodging fuck




Basically Bush was a draft dodger too.

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The only draft Bill Clinton got is between his boxers at the hotel.


I actually think the guy is starting to crack like charton heaston. Arguing with 24 year olds, saying weird shit for no reason.

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Being able to pilot a Delta Wing aircraft and being able to be a good quality POTUS are not the same thing.

He was better than any democrat since Kennedy. And the point is,IF he was as stupid as some claim,he wouldn't have been a pilot. Much less one flying Delta's

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As mentioned above, Trump is the de facto third party candidate, based on the hate and discontentment coming from both parties.  I'm sure he weighed the options of a real third party run, and correctly observed that it would just be a spoiler allowing a dem win, as Perot in '96.  Since his running platform includes enough concepts that are anathema to the gibs-me-dat crowd that vote democrat for free shit. a run in that party wouldn't work, so that left the republicans.  As we all know, both parties are two sides of the same coin, and they take turns getting elected, looting the treasury, and pointing fingers at each other and lying to the public that that shit will cease once they're elected.  Now Trump comes along and wants to upset the apple cart, as the government game has been played to benefit the government, and has been for years.  His platform is more aligned with the Tea Party, and more so, the Borders.Language.Culture mantra of the Michael Savage audience, which is immense. 

I'm sure that you've heard someone remark that "I didn't leave the democrat party - they left me."  when they slid so far to the left that they have a candidate that openly embraces socialism, a concept that we fought at least two wars against it's ultimate result.  That proves that in three generations we've gone from the melting pot to the chamber pot.  The same thing can happen to the republicans if they aren't careful, and we're seeing them taking a hard look at their hole card and winding their neck in when it comes to the all out assaults on Trump, given that he's secured the delegates needed.  After all, they need all the votes that they can get, as the democrats have had the dead and illegal alien votes for years now. 

I'm sure that you've also heard the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  Let's look at Trump's enemies; first we have the media, the same ones who greased the skids for Barry from Honolulu (or Nairobi, or wherever the fuck he's from, the jury is still out on this little tidbit from the most transparent administration in history) from poncy little shirtlifter Anderson Cooper to ancient coffin-dodger Larry King, who resembles a lizard suffering irritable bowel syndrome.  The more they rail against him, the more he rises in the polls, which is amusing to watch.  Then we have the world leaders that Oshitbag mentioned on his latest apology tour.  Those Mexican and central american shitholes that want to export their human debris up nawth to let the stupid gringo care for them.  The seventh century throwback terrorist sand nations that fear the loss of jihad infitration through so-called refugees, allowing them to destroy host nations like Germany (whom Merkel had done more damage to than the 8th Air Force in the '40s.)  Developing nations that exported our manufacturing base under Clinton and sell us back our stuff tariff free.  Basically everyone who's been mouth fucking us and stealing our lunch money for the last fifty years or so.

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Bush is barely a vet. Picture is misleading.




Basically Bush was a draft dodger too.

Mike- I see your in the middle of one of your "everything you post is wrong" spats.ANd guess what-Foreigners don't get to comment on American servicemen.

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I'll not say anything about servicemen, that's for sure.


Bush didn't serve, only wore the trappings of a serviceman safe in Texas while out waiting the war in Vietnam. He's never had a job in his life. Anything he has, was handed to him. A perfect lump of clay to be molded by his political handler(s).  If Nixon was the most hated president of my time Bush is truly, the most useless.

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