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HAHA, during Northridge in 1994 (6.7) I wasn't even sleeping.


I was downhill skiing nose first and everything started shaking....REALLY hard.


After everything and everyone calmed down in the light of the new day...


...I was psyched and relieved that my dealer was open for business as usual!

I was working for So.Cal Gas co. when that happened. I was in the middle of it all.Pictures up the wazoo.

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The California delegates to both Republican and Democratic conventions should throw a wrench into the delegate voting sequence by selectively yielding to small vote states and keep putting of the California cornucopia of votes until they finally vote in Wyoming's [or Virgin Islands] spot!  Make the dicks sweat and realize that if they don't pay attention to California we just might stop attending their fund raising jaunts.  Feel free to forward to the California Democratic and Republican party headquarters, I would not give either the pleasure of getting my Web Address and then flooding me with fund appeals!

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If Hilary does win it will be easy for Bill. Hes already had a walk through and knows every secret door in the white house.


He might need to brush up with the new bellhops downtown.

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Yup, I just got back into town at 4:00pm, went to bank then from there drove to Econo Sales in Springfield before they closed to get the remaining fabric I need to finish the bottom part of the rear seat...god forbid those idiotic protesters decide to march back towards Springfield main street after their protest and start wrecking businesses....fuck you....not risking it.....need to finish this thing!

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Mr. T's got nomination all wrapped up, why would he waste his time going to The People's Republic of Eugene for Christ sake? No love for him there. He should just wave hi to the folks in Portland and get the f&$k out of the Pacific North West and head straight for Orange County and San Diego. If he's seen with nothing but hostile crowds it won't play well in unifying the party. What does he have to gain, I don't get it?

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Mr. T's got nomination all wrapped up, why would he waste his time going to The People's Republic of Eugene for Christ sake? No love for him there. He should just wave hi to the folks in Portland and get the f&$k out of the Pacific North West and head straight for Orange County and San Diego. If he's seen with nothing but hostile crowds it won't play well in unifying the party. What does he have to gain, I don't get it?

Space was registered for before nomination he said.

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Most Merican states make no distinction between the right to bear arms, and what constitutes responsible gun ownership. Although in some states it's required by law, if the federal government passed a law mandating safe gun storage, It would be seen as a violation of the 2nd Amendment. When it comes to gun ownership, our government isn't allowed to conduct, or even fund the collection of research data and statistic related to gun violence and death. You should know by now, logic and common sense does not apply here in the land of the free. 

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I read the article. Seems to me the common element is kids. They are killing people. Let's fucking stop making kids. Problem solved



Nowadays even the gays are having kids.


Not directly of course but by proxies.

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I just wonder if all these Aussie folks who are calling for stronger American gun laws understand what happens when someone lies on a U.S. federal firearms background check form? Not a fucking thing. There are all kinds of harsh penalties the feds can impose on people caught lying on federal background checks but they choose not to.


Do you know what never gets robbed even in the roughest of American ghetto neighborhoods? Post offices. Do you know why? Because even the hardest, baddest street punks in the world know that if you steal from Uncle Sam he will fuck you up like the pimp he is but people who lie on background checks don't cost or make him any money so he doesn't bother them. on the other hand, if someone who lied on that form eventually managed to obtain a gun and goes on a killing spree anti-gun politicians bemoan the deaths, call for more gun control laws but forget to mention that the killer should have already have been in jail for lying on a federal background check form designed to weed out killers.


Vice President Joe Biden grudging met with some NRA execs a few years ago. He allotted them five minutes. If you don't like guns, fine but a lot of Americans own them - way more Americans than those who support gay marriage or transgender bathrooms and the NRA is the biggest representation of gun owners in Washington, D.C. so they were allowed a whopping five minutes....? Any way, the NRA asked for greater prosecution of people who lied on ATF background check forms. Biden said the feds didn't have the man power to enforce all the existing laws and then said we need more laws on the books......to.......stop.......criminals.


"During the National Rifle Association’s meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and the White House gun violence task force, the vice president said the Obama administration does not have the time to fully enforce existing gun laws.


Jim Baker, the NRA representative present at the meeting, recalled the vice president’s words during an interview with The Daily Caller: “And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”


Submitting false information on an ATF Form 4473 — required for the necessary background check to obtain a firearm — is a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison, depending on prior convictions and a judge’s discretion, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


He pointed to the low number of prosecutions for information falsification and the relatively low felony prosecution rate for gun crimes.


Biden was apparently unmoved by Baker’s concern.


In 2010, prosecutors considered just 22 cases of information falsification, according to a 2012 report to the Department of Justice by the Regional Justice Information Service. Forty additional background-check cases ended up before prosecutors for reasons related to unlawful gun possession.


In all, prosecutors pursued just 44 of those 62 cases. More than 72,600 applications were denied on the basis of a background check.


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/18/biden-to-nra-we-dont-have-the-time-to-prosecute-people-who-lie-on-background-checks/#ixzz485GXpMqN


the laws to curb gun violence exist. the feds are not interested in stopping gun violence. they are interested in banning guns.

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I just wonder if all these Aussie folks who are calling for stronger American gun laws understand what happens when someone lies on a U.S. federal firearms background check form? Not a fucking thing. There are all kinds of harsh penalties the feds can impose on people caught lying on federal background checks but they choose not to.


Do you know what never gets robbed even in the roughest of American ghetto neighborhoods? Post offices. Do you know why? Because even the hardest, baddest street punks in the world know that if you steal from Uncle Sam he will fuck you up like the pimp he is but people who lie on background checks don't cost or make him any money so he doesn't bother them. on the other hand, if someone who lied on that form eventually managed to obtain a gun and goes on a killing spree anti-gun politicians bemoan the deaths, call for more gun control laws but forget to mention that the killer should have already have been in jail for lying on a federal background check form designed to weed out killers.


Vice President Joe Biden grudging met with some NRA execs a few years ago. He allotted them five minutes. If you don't like guns, fine but a lot of Americans own them - way more Americans than those who support gay marriage or transgender bathrooms and the NRA is the biggest representation of gun owners in Washington, D.C. so they were allowed a whopping five minutes....? Any way, the NRA asked for greater prosecution of people who lied on ATF background check forms. Biden said the feds didn't have the man power to enforce all the existing laws and then said we need more laws on the books......to.......stop.......criminals.


"During the National Rifle Association’s meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and the White House gun violence task force, the vice president said the Obama administration does not have the time to fully enforce existing gun laws.


Jim Baker, the NRA representative present at the meeting, recalled the vice president’s words during an interview with The Daily Caller: “And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”


Submitting false information on an ATF Form 4473 — required for the necessary background check to obtain a firearm — is a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison, depending on prior convictions and a judge’s discretion, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


He pointed to the low number of prosecutions for information falsification and the relatively low felony prosecution rate for gun crimes.


Biden was apparently unmoved by Baker’s concern.


In 2010, prosecutors considered just 22 cases of information falsification, according to a 2012 report to the Department of Justice by the Regional Justice Information Service. Forty additional background-check cases ended up before prosecutors for reasons related to unlawful gun possession.


In all, prosecutors pursued just 44 of those 62 cases. More than 72,600 applications were denied on the basis of a background check.


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/18/biden-to-nra-we-dont-have-the-time-to-prosecute-people-who-lie-on-background-checks/#ixzz485GXpMqN


the laws to curb gun violence exist. the feds are not interested in stopping gun violence. they are interested in banning guns.

 Did you read the article? It was about safe gun storage, not gun checks. Seems like a total no brainer, but still, if the feds tried to pass a law mandating safe storage the gun lobby would squeal "They're coming to take your guns away!" 


The idea that the government is at fault for gun violence because they don't prosecute 100% of all suspected cases of falsifying background checks is ludicrous. Over 40% of all guns sold have no background check at all, and that doesn't account for the transfer of unregistered guns. Hell the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives isn't even allowed to track how many guns are sold or how many of them are used in crimes.


If you try and look up hard data and statistics on guns sales, violence, and crime, you will find there's been none sense 2012. Is this part of the Government's disinterest in stopping gun violence? No, in 2012 the NRA quietly pushed a provision through with the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) restricting data collection about the ownership and use of firearms. From 1986 and 1996, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control conducted peer-reviewed research that showed having a gun in the home puts the occupants at 270% greater risk of homicide, and a 480% greater risk of suicide. The NRA then took action to prevent the CDC from publicizing these results, and blocked continued funding of government research into the impact of firearms on public safety. NRA got another amendment through in an appropriations bill that cut all spending on firearm research with an added clause that “None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control."  The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has been without a permanent director since the position was made subject to Senate approval in 2006. Here again the gun lobby has blocked confirmation of any director during that time.


Now you try and tell me the Government is "not interested in stopping gun violence"? I'm sorry Dude but I have to call Bull Shit on that one.

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