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Instead of legislation targeting large corps, you may more likely see exclusions for small business.


How do restaurants get away with less than minimum wage? Do they guarantee tips?


cash under the table, like 95% of most small businesses 

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You projected an invalid argument there. I said you rushed to defend big business, not argued for it. Your entire argument may have been pro middle class small business, but you fail to recognize that on the national level, a $7.50 min wage costs us money. It may be indirect, but our tax dolors are going to subsidize big business profits when we pay for their employee's welfare. I don't know how I can make this any clearer, why you think this is invalid, or why you think I don't get what your saying.


You highlighted in red what I said about the distribution of wealth in America. The gap in the wealth that American households have accumulated is more exreme than any at time since the Great DepressionI. I don't know about you, but I see this as an untenable dangerous position for the health of the US economy. Is this an invalid concern, does it not apply to all wage earners top to bottom? If working Americans can't afford to live on their own income let alone save for retirement, shouldn't we try to do something about this before it's too late? I get a sense that you don't want a raise in the minimum wage to effect your business, but what would you suggest as an alternative? Something that hasn't been tried already. 

Oh never mind,its pointless.

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Do you realize that every time the minimum wage has been raised, the cost of living shot up? More so that the actual raise in minimum wage was muted by the increase of cost of living....

 Please, where are you getting this info.

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Is it me or is Hilary more dangerous than Trump? As far as I'm concerned America really started going to shit right around the early 90s when her lying ass husband took office. They say those were America's best years but it's almost like it was all done on credit. It is also when you saw serious decline in social services and quality of life. I'm actual really worried what this cunt will get us into.

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Is it me or is Hilary more dangerous than Trump? As far as I'm concerned America really started going to shit right around the early 90s when her lying ass husband took office. They say those were America's best years but it's almost like it was all done on credit. It is also when you saw serious decline in social services and quality of life. I'm actual really worried what this cunt will get us into.


No shit. I find her untrustworthy. I don't like her at all. Trump is a woman hating, blowhard arsehole but I'd rather see him win just to watch how far he falls.

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Instead of legislation targeting large corps, you may more likely see exclusions for small business.


How do restaurants get away with less than minimum wage? Do they guarantee tips?



                    Our Daughter is a waitress in Virginia.She makes $2.13/hour + tips.

The business is supposed to make up the difference,if they don't make minimum-

wage,but they don't always do this,knowing that the employees don't want to risk

loosing their job. 

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Is it me or is Hilary more dangerous than Trump? As far as I'm concerned America really started going to shit right around the early 90s when her lying ass husband took office. They say those were America's best years but it's almost like it was all done on credit. It is also when you saw serious decline in social services and quality of life. I'm actual really worried what this cunt will get us into.

Hillary won't change shit and will continue our decline. So I see why you say this. But bringing in Trump would bring very unorchestrated, unplanned, shit change. I want to renovate America too. But I'm willing to spend a little more effort finding a contractor that won't demo and bail. Trump would fuck the USA worse. They are seriously the worst two candidates now that Carson left. I want to write in Ron Paul.

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Our Daughter is a waitress in Virginia.She makes $2.13/hour + tips.

The business is supposed to make up the difference,if they don't make minimum-

wage,but they don't always do this,knowing that the employees don't want to risk

loosing their job.

I think that's how it is here too. I think that's a fucked up program. Tips should be tips. When I pay a tip, I should leave feeling like I Tipped. Not like I just helped the restaurant pay her...

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 Please, where are you getting this info.


this was posted before but you scorned the source stating it was extremely bias.




Yet the author is pulling information from neutral sources...


Here is an article from the left stating the same effect.




(Edit) Author is actually from a conservative organization yet published by a left leaning outlet.


Jobs outside the mandated $15.00 hr increase went up due to prices being lower for products, and that increase in lower price demand made more positions available. 


Inside the the effected area of the mandated wage increase caused a net loss of jobs, business closures, and increased product pricing..... 









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You projected an invalid argument there. I said you rushed to defend big business, not argued for it. Your entire argument may have been pro middle class small business, but you fail to recognize that on the national level, a $7.50 min wage costs us money. It may be indirect, but our tax dolors are going to subsidize big business profits when we pay for their employee's welfare. I don't know how I can make this any clearer, why you think this is invalid, or why you think I don't get what your saying.


You highlighted in red what I said about the distribution of wealth in America. The gap in the wealth that American households have accumulated is more exreme than any at time since the Great DepressionI. I don't know about you, but I see this as an untenable dangerous position for the health of the US economy. Is this an invalid concern, does it not apply to all wage earners top to bottom? If working Americans can't afford to live on their own income let alone save for retirement, shouldn't we try to do something about this before it's too late? I get a sense that you don't want a raise in the minimum wage to effect your business, but what would you suggest as an alternative? Something that hasn't been tried already. 



What you don't you get is that if you blanket force huge increases on small business you squeeze people into corporate employment... Do you not see this. After the manufacturing sector took huge hits in the late 90's and early 2000's (this is a first hand example) the only thing left standing was huge corporations that costly hikes didn't effect. These corporations swept in and grabbed all the mom and pop shops in trouble and moved these jobs away after the 2 years required by contracts with the state and county. 13,000 (lower-middle class wage) people lost employment because of shit our gubment did. None of these billion dollar corporations stuck around. They bought up everything and left town. 


You think by forcing this on everyone is a net gain? 


You are damn right I don't want to be told I have pay a set amount for an employee that's beyond my capability to do so. Reason being is because that mandated amount is huge when you have my type of operating costs. Comparing to a company with an operations budget of $3,000,000-$5,000,000 that can withstand an increase that mandate is only seen as a fraction of a percent in the whole budget picture.


I understand you want to help the people who cannot seem to up their level of living for what ever reasons. Thinking you are just going after corps that don't want to pay higher wages is a narrow view. This hurts smaller business far more than any corporation with a huge budget. 


I have already made a suggestion and there are many others that have too. It doesn't have to be outlandish or different. Even Mr. Buffet has said that people of his wealth or even Corporations of his wealth should be made to pay taxes without the deductions afforded to smaller aspiring companies. You cannot get a tax break once you have met a set level of wealth or revenue. Give the small guys a chance to become something big vs lets keep making huge wealth compound creating our imbalance. 


I just have to correct you on the McDonalds part this is not a good example to use for corporate greed. Each and every Mc-D's you see is not corporately owned. It is privately owned and the name is franchised leased from the main corporation. These owners pay fees and buy the corporate products from the main body. The wages and employment are not through the corporation but through private employment. So these places can only employ people based upon how well they sell in that region. So once these owners cant afford to employ Mc-D's is offering new automated systems being rolled out to replace people. 

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Class warfare is an effective tool used by governments to create divide within its population, notice how government creates a problem then shortly after offers "solutions" to fix said problem? If you don't see this.....then they successfully fucked you over.....hence...corporate welfare.

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Then leave cash.

Why the fuck do we teach our children to be honest if the world supports the liars? It's frustrating. Tips are to be counted. The system should allocate appropriately without lies and cheats. Fuck.

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Then leave cash.


That's what I do!  Otherwise in most states the tip designated on the bill goes into a pot that is shared with the manager!  And, in some benighted states, the tip income is credited against the waiter's so called minimum wage, so a well tipped staff may in fact be working only for recorded tips.  Screw the system!  Pay the bill and slip the waiter a good tip if the service deserved it.  Remember "tip" originally meant "To Insure Promptness" in British PUBs.

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Why the fuck do we teach our children to be honest if the world supports the liars? It's frustrating. Tips are to be counted. The system should allocate appropriately without lies and cheats. Fuck.

Would I be doing my kids a favor teaching them how to lie?

Ohh...... :rofl: ........the IRONY!!!!




You support one of the biggest liars in the history of presidential elections!!!








This is rich!





Hypocrisy much?

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Then leave cash.


I seldom tip, or so seldom it could be called never. Having a tip added to the bill or asking for a tip is fucked up and I'll say so to who ever asks. It smacks of entitlement. You don't ask for or expect a tip. It shouldn't be added to the bill either. Do you tip a cashier for doing their job? the drive through at McDonalds? do you tip your doctor? Someone has to earn a tip and I don't mean doing the impossible. When some douche interrupts my meal 5 fucking times to ask if I'm enjoying it or do I want something, that pisses me off. Everyone does it and that's wrong too. Hell, and when they do impress me by being quietly in the background and yet available, genuinely friendly, not fawning over me, I make damn sure it goes directly to them and not in the pot to share with the undeserving. A good waitress will make salary and some tips. The others should up their game or quit. The restaurant should keep only the good ones and when there is a worker shortage raise and pay them what they are worth.  

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