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Collapse of democratic institutions??? Give me a fucking break. You mean institutions built on lies and deception and coverups? That exposing this shit is the end of everything? It should strengthen them and the respect for them by weeding out the old guard that can't be honest with the citizens they work for.  


Flynn fucked himself by not being truthful about what he did or did not do. Got caught/exposed and had to quit... boo fucking hoo. How he was caught doesn't matter, what matters is that there was something to be caught over!. Politicians need to man up and realize that this is a new age and nothing is secret any more. Said this about the Tic. Just imagine how the world would be if there were no secrets, no lies and that secrets couldn't be kept, impossible to keep, that sooner more than later you will be exposed. Knowing this, maybe there wouldn't be any in the first place. Maybe new politicians would stop all the bullshit right up front and deal honestly with people. Racism didn't stop overnight, changes in attitudes took time

Like always Mike, you take it 10 steps further out of bounds then it needs to be.

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Hahaha! When you do tell jokes, they are quality.


An honest politician? Well I believe in evolution.


Like always Mike, you take it 10 steps further out of bounds then it needs to be.




"The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup(or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function."



the swamp draws first blood

Times are changing is all. It's harder to do or say shit and get away with it. Knowing this, people in those 'democratic institutions' need to keep this in mind and change how they do business. If someone is dishonest, they should be protected from being outed???? Is this what you mean by how a 'liberal democracy is supposed to function'???? So you think it's ok to be lied to as long as you don't find out???




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Started with guns...

I think this was one of my earlier posts...

5 day waiting period for a mental assessment, as if just wanting a gun is the first place isn't proof enough.

To be fair I was provoked by total gun nut-jobs and then there were more responsible gun owners.
By page 8 we were mentioning Jefferson and the constitution, blah blah..... off to the races....

650 pages later....

Cuz Merica is the Kobayashi Maru of trolling. An cunning, unbeatable 'no win' scenario.

So here we are swearing at each other prodding and trolling and arguing about the color the shit is we're stirring.


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If I was being shot at I'd grab the guy in front of me for a shield too FFS.



Or don't get in a situation where your going to be shot at ie a riot.



Or, if you do get sucked into the situation, don't be a self-centered pussy that grabs another innocent just to save your own ass.

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Wasn't a riot when you got there, I remember that, it escalated very quickly once it got going. Was a total shit situation.



Nope, it was literally just a bunch of stupid college kids learning about how the Bill of Rights worked. I honestly didn't care about the WTO, I just wanted the extra credit for going. That's why my sign wasn't for or against anything.



Or, if you do get sucked into the situation, don't be a self-centered pussy that grabs another innocent just to save your own ass.

We couldn't push through and we're almost instantly swallowed in the crowd. It took hours of going in, finding one, pulling them out, going back, finding another and making them stay way the fuck back. Got the job done, those rubber rounds leave nasty welts, and the sonic shit they used was very painful. I got a surgical type mask from one of the aide stations but it didn't really help with the gas.

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We couldn't push through and we're almost instantly swallowed in the crowd. It took hours of going in, finding one, pulling them out, going back, finding another and making them stay way the fuck back. Got the job done, those rubber rounds leave nasty welts, and the sonic shit they used was very painful. I got a surgical type mask from one of the aide stations but it didn't really help with the gas.


My wife and I had gone to the old Bon Marche downtown store that day, when we parked in the garage we were about 3 floors up looking over the intersection where it started.  After watching the crowds for a short bit I turned and told her we needed to get what she wanted and get out of Seattle ASAP.  You could see and feel the bad vibes from up there even.  Can't even imagine what is was like down on the street.

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An honest politician? Well I believe in evolution.



Times are changing is all. It's harder to do or say shit and get away with it. Knowing this, people in those 'democratic institutions' need to keep this in mind and change how they do business. If someone is dishonest, they should be protected from being outed???? Is this what you mean by how a 'liberal democracy is supposed to function'???? So you think it's ok to be lied to as long as you don't find out???




and here we have the classic Mike double down. How much of the transcript of the phone call did you read?

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"Aetna CEO: Obamacare in 'Death Spiral'"



"Insurer Humana bails on ACA exchange business for 2018"



and we can not get the idiot republican'ts to repeal it before it fails on its own.

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Out here in California the porta potty's on job sites are covered with Hispanic gang banger bullshit.

We have those here too. Then there are several responses that prove racism is still going strong. Then it gets political. Sometimes religious. Then there are the swastikas. There's usually a least one pentagram (by the time I'm done). Some pornographic cartoons about supervisors...


Did you see the one on the ceiling?

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Or, if you do get sucked into the situation, don't be a self-centered pussy that grabs another innocent just to save your own ass.


I think it was tear gas and rubber bullets. But good luck living up to your own expectations. 




and here we have the classic Mike double down. How much of the transcript of the phone call did you read?


You have got to be kidding. Didn't see a link to the transcript but I'll take your word that there was one. Are you saying he did not lie or mislead or a lie of omission???? Cause if he didn't then no problem. But it would be strange that he quit over nothing.

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Out here in California the porta potty's on job sites are covered with Hispanic gang banger bullshit.

In my neck of the woods it's mainly redneck poetry:

"There I sat all tired and dirty...trying to shit 'til three thirty"


"Here I sat all broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted. Later on I took a chance, tried to fart and shat my pants"



I've learned some things from hispanic crews too...one port a shitter informed me that everyone from Jalisco is maricón.


Hell, in one there was a treasure map showing where someone buried a sack of herb...at the bottom of the tank.

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I think it was tear gas and rubber bullets. But good luck living up to your own expectations. 




I'm not seeing how a statement made by you, about how you'd handle the situation in question, brings into question my abilities or actions in the same situation.


And yet you bitch about other people's diversionary and off topic answers lol.  It's laughable how you always have a way to get out of your own statements when the reactions don't head the way you expect them to.

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I'm not seeing how a statement made by you, about how you'd handle the situation in question, brings into question my abilities or actions in the same situation.


And yet you bitch about other people's diversionary and off topic answers lol.  It's laughable how you always have a way to get out of your own statements when the reactions don't head the way you expect them to.


Kellyanne Conway?

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Why so hurt? You said Diversionary off topic answer. If you read the subject it was about riots and police tear gas and rubber bullets. Hardly life and death.


Or, if you do get sucked into the situation, don't be a self-centered pussy that grabs another innocent just to save your own ass.


Feels great to say this doesn't it? Like a moral high ground.


Rubber bullets but lets say real bullets. Sure everyone would like to think they would act nobly, and maybe they would, but self preservation is a strong motive and why, when the ship goes down, it's every man for themselves.



I'm not seeing how a statement made by you, about how you'd handle the situation in question, brings into question my abilities or actions in the same situation. 


Pulleeze. Everyone's possible actions in a situation are unknown..... even you. You can' t know how you would react, you can only know how you would like to react. So again, good luck with that. It's unknowable. On the flip side maybe I would let myself be killed, you never know.

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My friends son came home from the second day of the WTO ( wanted to get on TV ) he was hit in the legs at least twice and once in the face when they launched rubber bullet grenade(s) into crowd........... He was wearing normal winter cloths and holy shit those things fucked him up...     


Me,,,,,,, i would advise anyone to duck behind whoever or whatever is there,, chicks included ,, chivalry my ass, dude still has a tiny spot on his face to this day.  Just don't make it someone you have to ride home with

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Why so hurt? You said Diversionary off topic answer. If you read the subject it was about riots and police tear gas and rubber bullets. Hardly life and death.



Feels great to say this doesn't it? Like a moral high ground.


Rubber bullets but lets say real bullets. Sure everyone would like to think they would act nobly, and maybe they would, but self preservation is a strong motive and why, when the ship goes down, it's every man for themselves.




Pulleeze. Everyone's possible actions in a situation are unknown..... even you. You can' t know how you would react, you can only know how you would like to react. So again, good luck with that. It's unknowable. On the flip side maybe I would let myself be killed, you never know.

Not hurt in any way, we're just having a conversation, last I checked anyway. All good here.


No moral high ground, just a statement in response to yours.  So you're saying that only officers and members of the military won't run away to save themselves first?  And there aren't any civilians that have similar instincts to step into harms way to protect others?  Remember these questions are based off of your generalized statement of how people react in these types of situations.  You have a tendency to swing around your personal observations as absolutes that are the only viable outcome.


I said "save your ass", you misinterpret that as me changing it to a life or death situation? Hiding behind someone else to shelter yourself from tear gas and rubber bullets still qualifies as an action to "save your ass." Your mistake, not mine, and I was still on topic. Again, you're making excuses for yourself.


And just to be clear, the part I disagree with is the use of someone else as a shield to protect yourself.  If you don't want to be part of a potentially violent altercation or one that has turned violent, just run to save yourself if you're so inclined. No need to purposefully cause harm to another when you could have just left them alone and ran to a safe location on your own.


And now you think you know me? You know what kinds of situations I have or haven't experienced in life already?  Sorry, but yet again, you're wrong. I've been through a riot situation, held in a hostage situation, and came home to an active burglary in progress.  During all of them I did what needed to be done to save myself, after making sure to help others that needed it in some form.  So yes, I do know exactly how I will react in these types of situations. Please quit thinking you know everything, when you have no idea of my background.

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