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Which is why you practice a level of self defense and self awareness. Whether I'm packing or not, I don't like people coming too near me period. Largely as I'm a bit of a germaphobe.


They are starting to get into inventing holsters that have a magnetic code that won't release the firearm unless the person wearing said bracelet or ring is the person pulling the firearm. The tech has already been used and is on sale for gun safes and from what I read, it's pretty close to reaching the sale market for holsters. They're also starting to produce Biometric safety's on guns as well. The tech behind this one is a little beyond me until they release a bit more on how it works. But ID coded weapons will very likely be in our future.


Not sure how I feel about the idea of ID coded weapons and such, but it's going to happen. Pros and Cons in both directions. Best we can do is see where technology and the law takes us.


More sexy archers now if you please :D



I had a conversation with a woman the the grocery store who was open carrying. I asker why she chose to open carry?: "its my second amendment right and totally lwaful in Washington state". Why don't you conceal carry? "Its hard to conceal a gun this big(she had a full size block on her hip) and it doesn't require a permit". If I was a crazed madman and I wanted to kill people would you shoot me?: "yes I would, to defend myself and those around me.". What if you're the first person I see and I grab your gun and kill you with it and go about my killing spree, then what would you do? : yiy wouldn't get my gun." I could have just before I started talking to you when you reached for that package if lunch meat, you had one hand holding yourself up and the other reaching for the product, which was your draw hand, it would have been very easy to take it.....her only responce was a shocked look, so I told her get a conceal carry permit and walked away

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Whoa there easy with the name calling

Yeah i guess it would have more sting if i really gave a fuck either way about the two party, brain washing that less intelligent people seem to kow-tow down to.

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Unfortunately a 2 party system is what we're stuck with in America. As far as 'liberal' vs. 'conservative'. Those are mind sets, philosophies even, and have nothing to do with party lines technically. Having one mind set or the other has nothing to do with intelligence, just what your personal beliefs are. Try not to just make generalizations about others unless you're looking to have the same done back. That's my philosophy.

Yeah i guess it would have more sting if i really gave a fuck either way about the two party, brain washing that less intelligent people seem to kow-tow down to.




Can't deny that. Chances on getting rolled just to steal your gun are pretty high in a place like that. Another reason why I feel concealed carry is a better idea.

Smoke bombs, black belt and explosives are the future of self defense, guns are sketchy jail time, if you walked around parts of Oakland open carry you'd be dead in year.

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