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Family took a loss last week

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Long story shot, my dad retired in April out of the automotive business and sold his shop. He sold it to a guy (snake) he's known and has done business with before. We had a couple project cars on the property that were supposed to remain there out of the way of the new owner but when he started moving in and renovating the property he changed his mind and bugged my dad to move them even tho the property was big enough for them to not be in the way. So they were moved to a different property not too far from my dads shop and this happend...









We lost my 71 Chevelle, My dads Tempest, and my brothers 69 Nova which had the most sentimental value because we were going to pass it on to my nephew. Pretty bummed about it but there's nothing we can do, the cars are done they weren't insured and I highly doubt the guy will reimburse us for going back on his word so it's a total loss for us. We have no clue where or how the fire started but you can see my car right in front of that bus burning. Don't think i'll ever own a muscle car again at least not for a long time this kind of left me bitter.

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Dude, sorry to hear it.  I would suggest to anyone reading this thread: "Storage insurance."  I actually have it on my red hardbody right now since I'm not driving it.  Super cheap, easy to do, saves my bacon if something happens to it.  Hindsight is always 20/20, but you can always prevent the next time.

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that is a bummer sorry for your loss 

someone needs an ass kicking and with a name like snake you need to make it a good one 

Dude you have no idea everyone in my family wanted to kick his ass from stuff before this even happend, his names not snake by the way that's just what I call him because he's done shady shit


I can't imagine. Sorry doesn't cover it I'm sure, but it's all I've got. It'll be hard, but I hope you find a way to move on to the next one.

Appreciated man, that chevelle was my first car as the nova for my deceased brother. No way in hell i'll be able to afford another let alone have the initiative to buy one after this it's left me bitter with muscle cars. IF I do decide to get another muscle it will be a 69 camaro for my dad. He had one but gave it back to the person he bought it from becasue they bugged the crap out of him to get it back and I know that's the one car he's really wanted. But like I said that's IF I decide to venture into muscle again...  


Saw that shit on the news.. Freakin bummer. The building owner's insurance might cover some of the loss...

Yea man it was a trip actaully seeing it on tv, it might but I most certainly doubt we will get anything for the cars


That fucking sucks so badly! I would be furious.

I was a mix of emotions man, I just really wish we didn't loose the 69 nova out of all of them I was really looking forward to giving it to my nephew for his first car when he became of age like his dad.

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