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If someone did this to your car...

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The solution is to execute more people.  Get the population down.  Less people=less problems.  In this case, kill them both.  The lambo owner clearly has more money than he knows what to do with, and the douchebag with the rock had to get somebody to videotape it.  As usual though, arguing on the Internet is like winning the special olympics. ;)  And THAT'S not politically correct.

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When i was still having carb issues on art, we had this homeless guy walk out in front of us, then start walking towards my car acting like he was going to hit it. Normally i could smash off, but arts carb was acting up, i threw in reverse and flipped around.  Guy was a fucking freak.  And if he would of kicked art, he would of been a dead hobo

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they are both ass hats would have been cool if the rock hit the driver then the driver lost control and hit the rock thrower 

do unto others as you would have done to you or 

an eye for an eye 

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Dude throwing a rock is a sandy cunt. Fuck him. Having more money than you know what to do with is not wrong. It's a circumstance that we would all be glad to encounter. The wisest of us would buy a fast car and drive it. The weakest would bend over for jealous assholes with rocks. The only fault was two guys in a car running away from one guy with a rock. We fucked with dicks on resi streets when I was younger , but we used paintballs and slingshots. No real damage done aside from pride. Rocks a Lambos makes my soul cringe. That fuck will be judged by Peter. Peter will be like, "You! The dick who fucks with Lambos. You want to go to this Heaven? Fuck you! Back of the line asshole". Cause Peter definately drives a Lambo.

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they are both ass hats would have been cool if the rock hit the driver then the driver lost control and hit the rock thrower

do unto others as you would have done to you or

an eye for an eye

This times 100. Acting a fool in a car and street racing is never ok... It's also never OK to throw rocks at cars, no matter how the driver is acting


What if the rock hits the car and the driver swerves and crashes into the thrower?- a house? -your kids? Just because someone is a jackass doesn't mean you're allowed to act like a jackass back.


You already had the Lambo on film being an idiot. Report it to the authorities... They love cracking down on idiot drivers. Drivers get arrested all the time for posting racing videos on YouTube.

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Guy had multiple rocks, you can see him pull the other out of his pocket and throw it also. Maybe they were trying to prevent more damage by driving away a safe distance... and then returning later for some street justice... but probably something to do with court/lawyers instead of a beatdown.



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"If you have the urge to be a dick be careful where you do it."


Again if driving like a dick (we are all capable of it and often are) don't get caught, don't get filmed and don't get rocks thrown at you. If you aren't smart enough to avoid it then think of these as a dick tax.





"And, he "just happened" to have a rock in his hand! Sure, I always take my pet rock with me when I go for a walk."


Clearly there was more to this. Enough for someone to go get a camera or cel phone out and a rock. The driver was probably ripping around for a while.




"while I agree....I've seen parents flip out worse than that over someone doing 20 mph in their neighborhood.  and from the looks of things, the lambo is on a main street, neighborhoods on the side(if your kids are playing next to a 6 lane road, theres more problems than people speeding imo)  and the guy goes off about street racing, but theres only one car.  so while part of me thinks the guy in the lambo was being an asshat, another part of me thinks that the guy tossin rocks was an overprotective, overbearing parent that thinks their child needs to go to the hospital every time the kid sneezes.  if the first is true, dude shoulda thrown more rocks. if the second is true, I would have pulled off to the side, gotten out, called the cops, followed him home when he ran cause he most likely would have, and pressed charges for attempted assault with a deadly weapon, and taken him to small claims for repairs. as dumb as that may sound, you can pull it off with a good lawyer, and I have good lawyers in the family. i'd rather send his ass to jail for a few years, than go there myself."


Street racing implies a competition of acceleration and speed. The only difference here is there is only one car.  Does this make it twice as safe? half wrong? Street racing (wrong) = rock thrown at car (wrong) = even.

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The kids with the camera could make a few bucks selling this clip to Fox news, people love watching shit like this.

Its a 4 lane road ( 2 each way ) with bike lanes, the houses are along the side of the street we don't see, 35mph tops.


On you tube you've got:

Snake vs Mongoose

Gangster vs Veteran

Nissan vs Lamborghini    :rofl:

and now

Douchbag vs Asshole


the asshole clearly won,

saw a Lambo driving home from work the other day, I don't like them really, prickmobile comes with a lifetime supply of hair gel.


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It looks like an industrial area , people go to those places at night to race , straight street ,no intersections , it depends on how many passes the guy made , I am sorry we really don't know what transpired , I would not have stopped for first rock , I got into it with a Cherokee at 7:30 this morning ,not residential street ,and we did not hit 100 maybe 60-70 did not last long ,no one around ,are you going to pull over and throw rocks at me ?

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It looks like an industrial area , people go to those places at night to race , straight street ,no intersections , it depends on how many passes the guy made , I am sorry we really don't know what transpired , I would not have stopped for first rock , I got into it with a Cherokee at 7:30 this morning ,not residential street ,and we did not hit 100 maybe 60-70 did not last long ,no one around ,are you going to pull over and throw rocks at me ?

Industrial area? with tennis courts, basketball hoops, condo's and bike lanes. Take another look.

I could care less about either one of these guys, but that def is no industrial area.

Not trying to be offensive here at all.

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The solution is to execute more people. Get the population down. Less people=less problems. In this case, kill them both. The lambo owner clearly has more money than he knows what to do with, and the douchebag with the rock had to get somebody to videotape it. As usual though, arguing on the Internet is like winning the special olympics. ;) And THAT'S not politically correct.

One day, just one day a year when its all legal, thats all we would need

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yaknow, i've had someone wig out when i went down their street in an old car with a holy muffler. i was going about 10-15 at the time, speed limit being 25, idiot heard the muffler and ran down his driveway, stopped and then out into the street while i was passing him and started hitting my trunk. chased me home and everything. i'm a non-confrontational individual until i get pissed and then i tend to just walk away and personally, some people need to get off their high horses (myself included) and admit that they're wrong sometimes. 


but as to this video, not enough story, how many passes did the guy make? how fast was he actually going? was he just driving through the one time and happen to live in the area so the guy with the rocks was waiting for him to come home? is the guy with the rocks a schizo and off his meds that day? no back story, no follow through, not enough info to really make a judgement on what's going on and reasoning for either party.


personally, if someone rocked my car, they would probably end up with smoldering embers after i found their car, depending on their reasoning behind the rocking and the vehicle i was driving. none of my currents are really rock worthy except maybe my bikes but if someone rocks me on that they're getting a helmet to the face, even if my head is still inside of it at the time

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Residential area totally wrong !!!! But now be real if you or I hit the Lotto and could own that car ! I would make all my buddies drive it ,just not unsafe ,maybe on freeway .


No he couldn't.

Do you not see the tennis courts across the street? or bike lanes?

You are totally wrong dude,

and yes you could make a citizens arrest but it would be a total bitch

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No he couldn't.


The US allows citizens arrests. You do not have the protection afforded to a police officer though. If it turns out that there hasn't been a felony committed you could be sued for false arrest and detainment. In other words you'd better be damn sure. In many states pulling over a driver could be interpreted as impersonating a police officer. Something to think about. 

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Do you not see the tennis courts across the street? or bike lanes?

You are totally wrong dude,

and yes you could make a citizens arrest but it would be a total bitch

Citizens arrest for what ? speeding is not likely to be something you get arrested for.Try it,you might get arrested by a cop or get beat down by the guy your trying to citizen arrest.If anybody was to get arrested about this it would have been the rock thrower for assault.

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Do you not see the tennis courts across the street? or bike lanes?

You are totally wrong dude,

and yes you could make a citizens arrest but it would be a total bitch

In-correct.Location means nothing.Citizens can only make an arrest for a felony.A cop can NOT make an arrest for a misdemeanor he didn't witness.Traffic infractions are just that INFRACTIONS.They rank even lower than a misdemeanor.


John510 has it correct.In fact,I would arrest the rock thrower for


ADW-Assault with a deadly weapon

Malicious vandalism

Impeding the flow off traffic

and then probably throw in jay walking just to piss him off.


Mike-that was my point.There was no felony committed.


If someone tried to "arrest" me for anyting in a car,I'd have them at gun point before they could shit themselves.

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