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If someone did this to your car...

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RVD is on the right path. That's my exact point... It's just the same with any other property. If the police have probable cause they can impound at any point. If you're accused of murder with a handgun you're going to be arrested and your gun "impounded" as evidence. Then due process happens... If you're found guilty you're sentenced and your gun is seized. If you're innocent you're let go and your firearm is returned to you.


If the authorities believe you to be a threat with a vehicle, it can be impounded. If you're found to not be a threat, it'll be returned to you. If not, it's seized.

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So about ten years ago I got pulled over for "reckless driving" and rightfully so. My girlfriend wanted waffles at 2 am and I got pissed.

The cop pulled my ass over and called in for the tow truck.  I am not bullshitting, sat there on the curb for about 5 minutes until the cop got a call and then peeled out.

They will impound your ride before you know it.




your an idiot to think otherwise

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Guess I'm one of the only people that think if you're being an idiot with your toys they should be taken away from you...




Carry on with the thread.

This reminded me of a friend of mine. Bought a cbr929, fast production bike of its year, no motorcycle endorsement, gets pulled over for doing 120mph, gets off with a ticket for 10 over. Total bullshit

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Don't throw rocks children. And don't try to take what's not yours. Especially if it's mine.


I had a toothless chick come yell at me for spinning my tires on a bridge in the middle of the woods.


She tell me "I got kids on this road."


I explained that the car wasn't moving so there was no threat, and apologized for scaring her.


Had she touched my car, I may have taken a tire tool to her nose, cause she didn't have any teeth to remove.

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Guess I'm one of the only people that think if you're being an idiot with your toys they should be taken away from you...




Carry on with the thread.

No you're' not the only one,i think they should take you're car and you're license also.I dont get why anybody would defend somebody for endangering others.This topic hits close to home for me.My wifes friend/coworker was killed on a stretch of highway near our house.Its a winding 55 mph highway,State route 67.The two idiots trying to prove who had the bigger dick ended up killing a 25 year old mom that had her infant in the car with her.To make this tougher the girls mother was following her daughter home in another car and witnessed the whole thing.Very sad and tragic.One of these dicks was caught,the other was never found.Ok i'll quit throwing rocks now.

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The trick to that is finding the cutoff point. I admitted to a crime just then. I spun my tires on purpose. It was childish , and illegal. Exhibition of acceleration is what they call it here. Should my car be taken away?


I once wrecked my truck going the speed limit.... sideways. Should I have been blocked from ever driving again?


Maybe so. But don't try.

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At my old house there was a guy who would race his loud Harley down the street late at night. It would wake you up every time. I wanted so bad to come out one night and swing a baseball bat at the guy as he sped past. He irritated the hell out of me. So I can totally understand how the guy in the blue shirt feels. You can only take so much of that crap before you lose it. I hope he broke something expensive on the Lambo. The guy in the Lambo won't file a complaint either, because he knows the po-po will find out about the street racing, and those are serious charges in many places, some of which carry jail time.

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Don't throw rocks children. And don't try to take what's not yours. Especially if it's mine.


I had a toothless chick come yell at me for spinning my tires on a bridge in the middle of the woods.


She tell me "I got kids on this road."


I explained that the car wasn't moving so there was no threat, and apologized for scaring her.


Had she touched my car, I may have taken a tire tool to her nose, cause she didn't have any teeth to remove.

best post of the thread so far.

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Damn 25 million smokeys on the road, auto zone would change its name to the buggy hut.

I read that in the 50s there were 24 hour tire shops.

Unlikely. Back then people could actually change their own tires. Even TV stations went off the air at midnight. Everything shut down.

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Me and my wife have lived in this house/place since i was 24 years old ( very near 48 now)  so we have went from the driveway where all the black marks start,,  to the older couple with kids..  My neighbors boys used to pop wheelies in their sprint cars in front of our house,,  seen the younger brother a while back, and he is a old man now..


The moral of my story is when some young clown does a donut in my driveway a 2:30 in the morning, or a couple hondas are lining up for a drag down the straight away that is south of us ,,, i say meh :yawn:  you will have to do better than that... I seen friends of mine hit trees in my front  yard because they were drunk and missed my driveway by about 180 feet. :lol:

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