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Forced religion is child abuse, spoon feeding the next generation bullshit fables that were written to control the weak minded 1700, 1300, or 5000 years ago should be globally banned. Teach kids about right and wrong and to be good people not if you are bad you will go to hell (oh wait you just have to say you are sorry and then you get to go to heaven )


Religion itself is our main problem (well besides overpopulation) these days, to many differences and judgements are formed based on which branch of brainwashing you received as a child, whoever didn't drink the same kool-aid as you must be wrong or evil.

This makes you the same as the people you are complaining about. Because you dislike and disagree with what they have to say you insist that they should no longer be allowed to teach their beliefs.


Your religion may be deism or atheism, but you have as little tolerance and as much religious extremism as any group you might point the finger at.


That is based on the quoted statement. Perhaps you don't actually feel that way, but your statement sure comes across that way.

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US Special Forces are testing a tiny bug-like drone that could change the future of warfare.


The teeny flying robot, called the PD-100 Black Hornet 2, weighs 18 grams with cameras and fits in the palm of your hand. The device, which can fly for up to 25 minutes with a range of two miles, also features both regular and thermal cameras.


Designed by the Norwegian company Prox Dynamics, the drone’s minuscule size and embedded technology make it an ideal tool for covert missions. The British military began implementing the device with soldiers in 2013, and now the US military is apparently showing interest.



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This makes you the same as the people you are complaining about. Because you dislike and disagree with what they have to say you insist that they should no longer be allowed to teach their beliefs.


Your religion may be deism or atheism, but you have as little tolerance and as much religious extremism as any group you might point the finger at.


That is based on the quoted statement. Perhaps you don't actually feel that way, but your statement sure comes across that way.

There are people who are teaching their children that the world is 5000 years old and that fossils are put there by the devil to test their faith. The Westbro Baptists, no more needing said then that. mormans taking child brides in Utah. There has been enough musslim shit to choke a horse these days so I don't need examples of how fucked their extremists get. Eating kosher cause God won't like you if the spoon from the big bowl touches the plate you are going to eat off of.


It is all nucking futs prehistoric and ridiculous.

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yc4460j.jpgUS Special Forces are testing a tiny bug-like drone that could change the future of warfare.The teeny flying robot, called the PD-100 Black Hornet 2, weighs 18 grams with cameras and fits in the palm of your hand. The device, which can fly for up to 25 minutes with a range of two miles, also features both regular and thermal cameras.Designed by the Norwegian company Prox Dynamics, the drone’s minuscule size and embedded technology make it an ideal tool for covert missions. The British military began implementing the device with soldiers in 2013, and now the US military is apparently showing interest.http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-the-tiny-drone-the-us-military-is-testing-2015-6

Total distraction, back in 05 they already had a fly size prototype.

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One, it's spelled Mormons. Two, Mormons aren't polygamists. Mormons haven't believed in that since the 1800s and its prosecuted in Utah by the state as a crime. When it was practiced it was entirely voluntary and didn't involve children.


The polygamist groups that exist in Utah are splinter groups that aren't the same church. They left to start their own church. Much the same way Lutherans and Calvinists and other protestant churches left the Catholic church and started new churches. Mormons follow polygamy as much as Jews follow the Pope.


I agree that the problem occurs in extremism. Once an extremist, one forgets that others feel differently and are allowed to. One insists that only your way of thinking is acceptable and all other forms of thought must be removed and destroyed.


But here, respectfully, I'm really bowing out of this discussion completely.

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It's all just random rambles, hopeful of a day that we as a species could possibly unite for a common goal, maybe try and make the world a better place.


But of course it will never happen the only thing we will do successfully as a group is bleed this planet dry of anything of use leaving behind a pile of waste that will rot for eternity.

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It's all just random rambles, hopeful of a day that we as a species could possibly unite for a common goal, maybe try and make the world a better place.


But of course it will never happen the only thing we will do successfully as a group is bleed this planet dry of anything of use leaving behind a pile of waste that will rot for eternity.

Now we have something we can totally agree on :). I suppose more accurately, :(

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I agree that the problem occurs in extremism. Once an extremist, one forgets that others feel differently and are allowed to. One insists that only your way of thinking is acceptable and all other forms of thought must be removed and destroyed.



Cannot find it right now but IIRC Christopher Hitchens said that any form of fundamentalism is dangerous.

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The purpose of life is to beget more life. (we are not here, to not be here.. so think about that for a minute) We are self-serving self replicating DNA. We are the top of the food chain and damn good at it and everything about us is geared towards reproduction. No different than flowers, just better. Possessed of almost infinite intelligence that allows us to ponder ourselves and everything around us in our world, inventor of myths and religions to explain things while sitting around the fire....but again, just self replicating DNA. Here for a flash.... and gone for eternity. Carrier and custodian of your father's father's father's genes handed down through 8,000 generations to today. 

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The purpose of life is to beget more life. (we are not here, to not be here.. so think about that for a minute) We are self-serving self replicating DNA. We are the top of the food chain and damn good at it and everything about us is geared towards reproduction. No different than flowers, just better. Possessed of almost infinite intelligence that allows us to ponder ourselves and everything around us in our world, inventor of myths and religions to explain things while sitting around the fire....but again, just self replicating DNA. Here for a flash.... and gone for eternity. Carrier and custodian of your father's father's father's genes handed down through 8,000 generations to today.

Not really the champagne and candles kinda guy are ya.

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