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Local store has a new product. Picked up a 6 pack just to see what it taste like,....to me it taste like root beer spiked with bourbon. Has a kick 5.9%.











































The last part is most important thing ;)

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[vent]my company is in the "process" of tanking. (We're called process fabrication). A consulting company made an appointment with my owner this morning to discuss expanding our business.


We build structural steel for the drilling and refining of petrochemicals.


Gas is less than $2.00/gal. No one in their right mind is drilling currently. There are several major refining expansions scheduled for next year. Meanwhile, there is no work for a minor subcontractor like the one I work for.


The discussion this morning was about expanding our business into government contracts. It sounded great.


My owner made an appointment to talk with an advisor tomorrow at 8.


In the meantime, I looked up the company that we were talking with. They have at least 6 aliases. Apparently they look for small businesses in trouble and charge exorbitant fees for consulting them.


I advised my boss of their history and he agreed that he will skip the meeting and let me tell the guy of our findings.


I'm thinking that all of my personal, political, and professional frustration will be unleashed on a crook.


It should be a welcome release.



I'll let you guys know how it goes in the morning along with details of the company names.

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[vent]my company is in the "process" of tanking. (We're called process fabrication). A consulting company made an appointment with my owner this morning to discuss expanding our business.


We build structural steel for the drilling and refining of petrochemicals.


Gas is less than $2.00/gal. No one in their right mind is drilling currently. There are several major refining expansions scheduled for next year. Meanwhile, there is no work for a minor subcontractor like the one I work for.


The discussion this morning was about expanding our business into government contracts. It sounded great.


My owner made an appointment to talk with an advisor tomorrow at 8.


In the meantime, I looked up the company that we were talking with. They have at least 6 aliases. Apparently they look for small businesses in trouble and charge exorbitant fees for consulting them.


I advised my boss of their history and he agreed that he will skip the meeting and let me tell the guy of our findings.


I'm thinking that all of my personal, political, and professional frustration will be unleashed on a crook.


It should be a welcome release.



I'll let you guys know how it goes in the morning along with details of the company names.


Put your cell phone in your upper pocket and record the conversation. PLEASE!

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Well they called to reschedule the meeting.  I told the guy on the phone that we weren't interested in doing business with them and to cancel it.  He said he's going to call my boss on his cell.


Damnit.  I had all this stuff printed out about their court cases under various business names.  I wanted to see the guy's face when he saw it.




Meanwhile, here is a list of names that I found.  All of these are the same company doing the same thing.


Corporate Business Solutions

Global Resources LLC






International Development Services


Enterprise Service Solutions




If you get calls from someone wanting to speak to the business owner and asking for the owner's information, it's probably them.

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Well they called to reschedule the meeting.  I told the guy on the phone that we weren't interested in doing business with them and to cancel it.  He said he's going to call my boss on his cell.


Damnit.  I had all this stuff printed out about their court cases under various business names.  I wanted to see the guy's face when he saw it.




Meanwhile, here is a list of names that I found.  All of these are the same company doing the same thing.


Corporate Business Solutions

Global Resources LLC






International Development Services


Enterprise Service Solutions




If you get calls from someone wanting to speak to the business owner and asking for the owner's information, it's probably them.



Vulture like practice....

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Just like those vampire lawyers who prayed on people desperate to keep their homes out of foreclosure. Pay them a $3K retainer and never hear from them again. Ugly fucking shit.


It's disgusting these predators get away with despicable actions like that, FUBAR.

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