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New Classifieds

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Somewhat sucks that all the ads are mixed in together...ie.....FS in with the WTB
The old classifieds was easy to navigate finding ads from members looking for specific parts ....and now????
Was going to bump my parts FS in the old classifieds....fuck it.....just hoard 'em I guess....lol
Not sure what happens when the 2 weeks expire after posting an ad...????....... I definitely won't be renewing all the time. 
And what happened to editing one's own posts????
A lot of pics in my Shit thread are MIA after the Photofuck incident and I was trying to 'update' all of them, I can only edit the last post.....oh well
Again....fuck it.....lol


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AHHHHH HAAAAAAA.... i figured it out....










they're trying to making internetting more harder so we all go out and datsun our projects more.....



interwebs.harder=give up and go datsun....





or ...maybe ....








its part of the leno deal...

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secondly tbh again,   i only see two mods on here really ever....... d mike and redeye....skib has even been less of a presence,  lately...well except to ban a few people ....maybe the case can be made for a few new mods .......(but not tristin..lol).... seems easier to add a few mods then change up everything everyday ...

I vote for Kami and Tristin as mods.

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^^^^ i vote izzo, rat wagon and banner ....but take away banners ability to edit his own threads or posts .... only everyone elses :rofl: :thumbup: ...i vote jrock gets perma banned....like ip address banned... :ninja:

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Any idea on how to renew ads? I have some that are about to expire and want to renew with price changes.



I asked Thomas and he said you should be able to renew at least twice but he hasn't looked to see how it is done or selected.





That ... and I see some posts here get deleted (like mine did - and this one might), which is also misleading.

Deleting posts is avoided at all costs. I have inadvertently erased posts before but always notify the poster what happened. Does anyone remember what happened to Insomniacs 1??? (yeah, that wasn't me lol) There have also been posts or topics so over the top disgusting that they were taken down ASAP. Any others were at the request of the original poster who complained about trollish comments made on his thread. If the complaint is valid, usually these are not erased but hidden from membership view and are recoverable for future review by mods. Mods can at their discretion, remove posts that are disruptive to the community, again they are usually just hidden from view. All spam posts are erased.

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You guys dont have to worry, I dont even want to be a mod. I have no desire to mod a site that thinks it doesnt need the help... You guys are safe from my "assumed moderator overload routine." 



I just want to be able to edit my own posts...

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The editing bit was totally my fault. I forgot to revert a temporary setting. Sorry about that—should be fixed now. 

That could be a game changer - thanks for looking into that.


My primary beef (I have lots of them) was not being able to post the question folks had, with my answers.


With that issue addressed things could start looking up.  I'm not ready to post anything anytime soon,

it still sucks having WTB mixed with FS / FT stuff, but it is better now.  Thanks for all the admin work!

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It just seems like there is 1% of classifieds vs before.


It just seems like instead of asking for a little help from normal reputable members (with same levelheadness as current mods or what not), it has been all but killed off.

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I've been busy with my move to Alaska, so I haven't logged on in awhile.....  I was subcribed to the classified section so I could catch all the new listings as they came in.  I just realized tonight that I haven't been getting updates as to new listings.  I got to page 6 of the 25 for this thread before I gave up reading all the comments.


I appologize for asking these questions that have probably already been asked:


Can I still, or, iIs there a way to subscribed to the classified section?  Or classifieds sections?


Was this change a money/donation issue?


Or a time management issue?


Or an issue with content?


I too used the old classifieds for finding the prices I should ask for my parts that I list.  In fact, I purposely modified my ads to show what the selling price was so other people could use my posting as a reference.  And I tried to leave up at least one picture of the part so that too could be used for reference. 


Honestly I love the Ratsun sight.  I love the usability of it.  In fact because this sight is so easy to use, I gave up going to the Realm unless I could not find my answer here first.


There might be a lot of bickering here sometimes, but like the rest of life, you just have to ignore it.  When you get this many people together in one place, you're going to find some people just can't get along.


In short, I greatly believe in the comments and chatter of things for sale for the purpose of information.


Just another thought;  if issues are because of money; could we not produce an expense report and have it posted?  Use that report to draw up monetary goals for the community to donate towards?  If I saw a chart of what the cost was to run the site and a graph of how much money had been collected for the month or year, I would be more motivated to donate.... Which I will do after I write this reply.....  Or a second, I'm sure less accepted option:  Make the community more like a Club, and charge an entry fee after a trial period.... Or charge a one time small fee like $5 before a newbie can post in the classifieds.  That would cut down on the people that just sign up to post for sale ads..... To which I have no opposition to personally.  I don't care who you are, or what your intent is, if you have a part for sale that I need, I'd like to know about it.


Well since I have not read the other 19 pages of this thread, I hope I didn't repeat too much already stated.  I hope my words have some influence or lead to greater ideas towards the improvement of an already great site.


Thanks, Kyle

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