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Rustina 510 emergency surgery

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Tristin, you made me laugh.  So wrong in this thread.  ;)  Rustina, man, don't worry about what they removed.  You can grow that shit back.  I hope your pain eases up man, you got dealt a shitty blow by life.  I'm confident you can make it though.  If Pumpkin can heal his bum ticker, you can get the upper hand and kick that cancer in the ass!

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Thinkingspoitively is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Best wishes and thoughts.

Get as much sleep as you can down the line , vitamins , good nutritous food.

Get your wife to snag you your mp3 ! ... and


Hang tight you can beat it.


(You probably want to take a baseball bat to this post .. I don't blame you)

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It was a shock to see this post.. I've been thinking about it since you posted it. All I can offer you is positive thoughts however I wanted to say.. I know someone that went through this. It was not nearly this abrupt but they went in and took care of business and that person is doing very well to this day. I really do wish you the best of luck.. We are all pulling for you. If there is anything that we can do, don't hesitate to ask.

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Dang man! Hope all gets better. Take it a day at a time.



Just fucking kill me. I've never felt this bad ever


Just hold on tight man, it gets hard but trust me, it always gets better. 


Keep positive and keep your head up, we're all rooting for you.

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