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the mother fuckers held my paycheck for a whole week which they never have done mind you its still on hold actually. OK so i paid a bunch of bills thinking OK i have x amount of dollars left. wife runs the Z outta gas 4 blocks from the house today. no problem ill go to the gas station get some gas. card declined WTF so i get like 3 dollars cash. come home and look online THE MOTHER FUCKERS HIT ME FOR OVERDRAFT CHARGES LIKE 10 times with one more pending check still on hold. hopefully i can keep my cool talking to these cunts Monday cause if not i literally can't afford to go to work.

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good wait till they just surprise you one day and just decided ya know what screw this Guy that gives us his money for free were gonna not send him any alerts make him think everything's cool till he needs money for a emergency. then nail him so he owes us more free money. Look i agree with overdraft charges etc. but when they watch your activity and hit ya when you need it the most. its uncalled for and fuckin cold blooded greed. i love to talk with a lawyer right now but can't afford to start my car up!

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i would march my pissed off ass down to the bank and and demand to see the GM. tell them you won't leave till they eat all the charges and un hold your check. tell them if you don't your gonna stand out side their bank with ten of your friends holding signs decrying their shitty service.

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I belong to a credit union also, and I also have a backup line of credit connected to all my open accts. like DanielC mentioned above.

You need to go there with your wife, keep your cool, do not threaten to do anything, or sound like your threatening to do anything, and get the over drafts reversed since you deposited your check a week ago, if they won't reverse them, first do not put anymore money in that bank, second I would go to the attorney generals office and file a complaint, because they had not done it in the past, why did they do it now, this is what I would do.

I might let them know the next thing they will be getting will be from the state of oregon if they don't reverse the charges, but only after I had a talk with the attorney generals office to make sure I know exactly what I was doing/saying.

The most important thing here is to keep your cool, getting to excited in a bank, airplane, government office will get you arrested in this country anymore.

I have had my disagreements with my bank in the past, mostly about my line of credit, but I always walked out with exactly what I wanted with no other issues.

I would go the post above route after I filed a complaint at the attorney generals office, but be assured, that route will get you thrown out of that bank/credit union.

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I belong to a credit union also, and I also have a backup line of credit connected to all my open accts. like DanielC mentioned above.

You need to go there with your wife, keep your cool, do not threaten to do anything, or sound like your threatening to do anything, and get the over drafts reversed since you deposited your check a week ago, if they won't reverse them, first do not put anymore money in that bank, second I would go to the attorney generals office and file a complaint, because they had not done it in the past, why did they do it now, this is what I would do.

I might let them know the next thing they will be getting will be from the state of oregon if they don't reverse the charges, but only after I had a talk with the attorney generals office to make sure I know exactly what I was doing/saying.

The most important thing here is to keep your cool, getting to excited in a bank, airplane, government office will get you arrested in this country anymore.

I have had my disagreements with my bank in the past, mostly about my line of credit, but I always walked out with exactly what I wanted with no other issues.

I would go the post above route after I filed a complaint at the attorney generals office, but be assured, that route will get you thrown out of that bank/credit union.


This is the right course of action.

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My wife has been with the Office of the Attorneys General for more than 25 years and i can tell you for a fact , filling a complaint with them would be like putting it on paper and throwing it in the ocean to get help...They can`t, don`t, and wont help with small stuff like this.they are set up for the big picture stuff..and that`s it...They probably wont even forward it just round file it.. But going in person to bank and stating your case hopefully will get you what you want, in this situation ..



If not ,,,i know where we can borrow a D9 caterpiller and it`s on... :lol:

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Be careful of your words. Had a friend just about get in a lot of trouble before because of a short sentence he said. Of course, the bank used it as an excuse to screw him.




Don't get a hot head and screw yourself into a corner man. Know what you're gonna say before you walk in the door and leave it at that. make sure that they know how you feel, without getting overly excited. And most of all, don't let them screw you.




I hate banks.

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I like my bank. But agree most banks are dick faces.


If this situation happened to me, I feel confident my bank would make things right. They have never held a check I've deposited unless I ask them to do so. If I deposit cash or checks the money is immediately available even on off hours ATM deposits.


If your banks doesn't make things right. Pull all the money and go to another credit union.

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No offense, I like your fab skills 'n all, but can you really blame the bank? I understand being upset, but ultimately it was your responsibility to make sure you had the funds ready. Check your balance online before making a bunch of payments or withdrawls if you're relying on a paycheck to paycheck balance. I accidently forgot to pay one of my cc's a couple months ago and got hit with the late payment & interest fees. Yeah, it sucks and I was a little pissed because I didn't get the reminder email that month, but ultimately it was my own fault. I calmly called the cc company and thankfully was able to get the fees reversed, but I didn't really expect them to.


This reminds me of this commercial they play on the radio where they paint the bank as evil because it has fees for checking, etc and they use a stupid line like "The bank wants to charge YOU to use YOUR OWN money." It's a bunch of retarded entitlement BS on the individual's part. Banks are a business and they don't make any money off fluid checking accounts, especially ones that fluctuate to near zero on a regular basis, so darn right they're going to charge fees and hit you with overdraft fees when they make you a loan while providing you with service you don't even pay anything for. Free banking isn't some God given right. Be accountable, not like all these retards that took out mortgages they couldn't afford and then turned around and blamed the "evil" banks.

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My wife has been with the Office of the Attorneys General for more than 25 years and i can tell you for a fact , filling a complaint with them would be like putting it on paper and throwing it in the ocean to get help...They can`t, don`t, and wont help with small stuff like this.they are set up for the big picture stuff..and that`s it...They probably wont even forward it just round file it.. But going in person to bank and stating your case hopefully will get you what you want, in this situation ..



If not ,,,i know where we can borrow a D9 caterpiller and it`s on... :lol:



I do understand what you are saying, but I have filed three complaints with attorney generals office in the last 10 to 15 years with positive results, two were against a engine remanufacturing company in spokane, and one was against AT&T, they wouldn't go away even though I paid them, they wanted more, they went away after the state of washington got involved, never heard from them again.

But you are correct, there are likely more important things for them to focus on, but I am focusing on the attorney general office, the branch of, "consumer protection", I guess I should have specified that before.

Keep in mind here that I will exhaust every avenue I have before I will go to the state, my truck sat 6 months in a field before I gave up and went to the state about the engine issues, and I fought with AT&T for several months also.

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At my bank my savings and checking are linked.. If I overdraft it comes out of my savings. Also got txt message alerts when the account is running low. It's a CU as well

thats not the point the point is his pay check was in the bank if they hadnt been holding it so long he wouldnt of had the issue to begin with


ive had the same issue with wells fargo i walked all the way up the chain of command and ripped the guy a new asshole he refunded my over draft charges and gave me a 25 dollar gift card


this is why i run cash all the time

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I like my credit union. Had a bad check given to me. Bank charged me. I talked to them, they were understanding and reversed it.


I cant overdraft my account, unless I run my card as credit.


Also, my bank wont charge an overdraft unless the account has been overdrafted for more than 30 days. I have dipped to below zero with no charge.


Free banking is nice, basically I have never been charged a single thing, get free checks as needed, and the people are super friendly.


All I really know, is I hate non credit unions, you are even less of an asset to them.

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I have had this done to me before. Wasnt so bad for me since I do have quite a bit in savings, they reversed my over drawn fees after they realized their mistake, they also honored my checks. I was nice about too because people do not respond well to assholes. This taught me one valuable lesson, never write a check without the money being verifiable (by yourself) available.

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I had that happen with tax return money. Check was over $5k so they put a hold on it. I went to the bank and told them it was a GOVERNMENT check from the IRS. The bank (b of a) said it was policy, but still reversed the overdaraft charges.


I also had a company I worked for passing bad checks and withholding 401k deposits. The company ended up closing and I never got paid for 3 weeks of accrued vacation.


Life is not fair. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on.

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I had that happen with tax return money. Check was over $5k so they put a hold on it. I went to the bank and told them it was a GOVERNMENT check from the IRS. The bank (b of a) said it was policy, but still reversed the overdaraft charges.


I also had a company I worked for passing bad checks and withholding 401k deposits. The company ended up closing and I never got paid for 3 weeks of accrued vacation.


Life is not fair. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on.

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Did they ever say why they held your check in the first place?


Normally a check is only held if their is a negative balance upon the deposit of the paycheck.


It's funny, I work at a bank, I get stupid fuckers like you coming into the bank yelling and talking shit because they don't keep a eye on their accounts and spend more money than you have, then they are pissed about a charge that could have been easily avoided by simply checkin your balance before you buy something.


And wayno is correct. I normally wave 1000's of $ in fees as long as the customer acts professional and doesn't throw a tantrum because they where fucking stupid and spent more than the account had.


Your idea is perfect though, don't use a bank, your not smart enough or able to balance simple math.



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Did they ever say why they held your check in the first place?


Normally a check is only held if their is a negative balance upon the deposit of the paycheck.


It's funny, I work at a bank, I get stupid fuckers like you coming into the bank yelling and talking shit because they don't keep a eye on their accounts and spend more money than you have, then they are pissed about a charge that could have been easily avoided by simply checkin your balance before you buy something.


And wayno is correct. I normally wave 1000's of $ in fees as long as the customer acts professional and doesn't throw a tantrum because they where fucking stupid and spent more than the account had.


Your idea is perfect though, don't use a bank, your not smart enough or able to balance simple math.




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I'm open Saturday. And how is it not right that you over spent and now have no funds to maintain your gas needs.


Lesson learned, balance your checking and savings better.


The simple fact is that you messed up. If your bank won't help you with the fees then that sucks and I'm sorry, I'm a fee waving king at my bank as long as people maintain a professional outcome.


If it isn't a bank error that caused the fees then they really don't have to do anything, so be nice and see if they will help.


This sense of entitlement and guilt deflection in America is retarded, when you overdraft, your not spending your money anymore, your spending the banks money, so, you get charged

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