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i cannot beleve cops today

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Lawyers are great. Only cost me $1200 to beat a $295 careless driving citation. My guy made the cop look like liar and an idiot. The thing that really sucks is that the cop didn't seem to mind. (Not the first time this happened?) They work for us. We pay their salaries. When they give out these bogus tickets it costs us real money that we work hard for. This is contrary to what we are taught about the legal system (notice I didn't say justice system). We are actually guilty until we prove ourselves innocent. If we succeed, the cop doesn't care because he got paid to go to court (by us) and he can always go write some other BS tickets to make his quota. If there are any fine officers reading this now...FUCK YOU! Go hassle a real criminal.

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I have a certain level of respect and appreciation


Mikey and I got pulled over in my car for reckless driving (a little sideways through the intersection) and for some reason the officer was nice enough to let me go with a warning. A WARNING FOR RECKLESS DRIVING :o

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Guest jaimesix
C = communist or commie fags

O = on

P = peoples

S = shit

what u going to do when they come for you - bad cops bad cops

need i say more

and I dont care if there is cops on this form, reality check time :fu:


I do not care at all about cops in this forum, I wish they would come out so I can tell them all the instances when their peers have robbed me of time, money and have made a mockery out of their pledge to be truthfull honest officers.


I hope any policemen here will learn by listening, it is a corrupted and abusive body, and not only the police, but the blatant judges that not dare rule against them, when you get a ticket, you are in reality facing an force of

cops, judges and state budget officials that will never allow you off the hook like fish on bait.


Shame on that evil breed, with the price of gasoline, and the economy hurting, and these black hearthed batallion is fishing for revenue , fabricating tickets and using the system to it's advantage.

Not only tickets and phantom moving violations, they steal parked cars, refuse to respect the law and impound vehicles under the most amazing and blatant examples of disregard for the law and statute.


About the citation , only if the cop does not show up, or a secret video camera is in use will anyone be able to prove otherwise.


All these imbecile policemen should be on rotation and sent to Iraq, instead of all our cool kids that in lieu of an education, end up in that horror stage.

Send all, ALL cops including hi ranking officers to IRAQ 6 months a year on rotation, and save our precious youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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well said my friend well said i mean part of the cops bitch was he heard mt tires sqweeling how in the fuck is my datsun which is compleatly bone stock gonna do that going around a corner with no preasure on the gas pedal at les then 15 mph is bullshit

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The night after getting a certain project car done... 180hp 1800lbs... I decided it was a "good" idea to go an try it out against the local street racer kids, we went to an industrial area in a small town where cops are the biggest pricks ANYWHERE around (whoops). So I'm racing this guy and beating him handily when around the corner comes the reds and blues flashing, I was doing well over 100 and stomp the brakes, all the kids scatter and I'm the only one caught. He takes me out of the car and hand cuffs me, sits me between the push bars and asks how fast I was going while his partner searches my car, I say I was doing about 80 and he says "yeah thats what clocked you at" ???. I have no license on me, no insurance , no registration, and I'm on probation (facing a 2 year suspended sentence), needless to say I am pretty freaked out... I am certain I am going to prison... he goes to my car and helps his partner search my car, find nothing, the license plate comes back clean, my probation comes up on the check, and he comes back and gives me a big ass speach about how wrong I was and how he could put me away for a long time, then screams "I've got more important things to do than hall your ass downtown, and I NEVER want to see you in my fucking town again!!", uncuffs me and lets me go... and I have never and will never street race again.

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Last year I got a ticket for "wasting a natural resource" . He pulled me over because, and I quote "you were in too high a gear coming into the stop light. I know you planned on timing the light and gunning it through the intersection" WTF?


Of course I used the proper indignant tone when I asked him what gear exactly was I in, and what is the gearing of my transmission and differential? He then got pissed and told me to exit my vehicle, cuffed and stuffed me and searched my car for weapons and or drugs. Of course he found nothing so he sighted me for the bs ticket.


I went to court and kicked his ass. The judge actually asked the officer why we were there wasting his time.


They aren't all bad though. Their jobs aren't easy by any means. It is just some assholes that really mess it up for all of them. As far as quotas, we have allowed ticketing to become a viable revenue stream for municipalities, they will get it were they can.

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Don't even get me started, I don't care how many stories you have about getting pulled over, I can probably top them.


I always go to court, unless I'm making so much money that it would cost me.


Once I got pulled over by five California Highway Patrol officers, all women, guns drawn. Four motorcycle officers and a woman LT in a squad car. Too long a story to tell. Went to the District office to get the names and badge numbers so I could have them all served with subpoenas. It was such a chickenshit ticket. I found out that the officer that wrote the ticket had been transfered and wouldn't be able to make the court date. I pled not guilty and got a big lecture from the woman judge. When I came back for the actual trial, the judge didn't even look up at me. Dismissed, due to lack of prosecution is all she said. I laughed so hard that the bailiff grabbed me by the arm and took me into the corridor and gave me crap about throwing me in to jail.


I'm sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll never understand why someone would want to be a cop.

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Lawyers are great. Only cost me $1200 to beat a $295 careless driving citation.


$1200 may seem like a lot at the time, compared to a $295 fine, but I bet that you would have paid more for your raised insurance rates for the 3 years! Once upon a time I was paying $325 for liability insurance, because I had gotten a street racing on the hwy. ticket ($499), and a month later a careless driving ticket ($399), and had had a 77 in a 55 speeding ticket a couple years prior... Not cool at all!


I've had two really bogus pull overs in my time:


a) Driving my Chevelle about 5 years ago. Cop(s) followed me for about 5 miles. I used all my signals, did the speed limit etc... Finally pulled me over. Came up to my car and said "The reason I pulled you over is because the registered owner of this vehicle does not have a valid operating license"... I was pretty pissed that was the best they could come up with. I handed him my info, and lic. and said "Well, this is my car, and here is my license"... Cop went back to his car for a few min, came back and said "Well, there must be some problem with the computer, looks ok, have a good night"... Pretty sad if you ask me...


B) The last time was within the last year. It was about 10-11pm, left my bosses house from working on his kids go kart, decided to go to taco bell before I went home... I saw the cop sitting on the side of the road when I pulled into the drive through. Got my food, pulled out and he was gone. Well, he must have circled around and got behind me. So, I realized he was there, didn't do anything bad, all I had to do was make it about 4 blocks to my driveway, and I would be home free... Used all my signals, etc, signaled into my driveway, Cop pulled me over. Came up to me and asked "Is there some kind of delay or something in your turn signals?" I replied, "Not that I know of", he then said "Cause it seemed like your signal was either a little too early, or a little too late... You might want to practice using the signal switch with your pinkie"..... "Uhhh... Ok?" ... He asked "So are you going far tonight?", I said "Actually, that's my house right there" while pointing to it... He said "Ahh" and asked me for my info... Came back and said, "Ok, well have a safe drive"... Pretty sad, again...


Sorry for the long responce :o

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When I was younger and was driving my Dart, (if you had seen this car you would understand) whenever a cop came up behind me I would signal and pull over to the side of the road or a buisness. This is a pro-active move designed to more or less force the cop to immediately have to decide whether to stop me, or drive on. Done this dozens and dozens of times, never was stopped. They always drove on.


Usually they don't have anything or very little and haven't quite decided, so if you keep going he'll eventually see something or find fault in some thing you do, or make something up. Always, always, always have working signals running lights, marker lights and brake lights. Ever watch COPS? they always pull someone over with a broken light or no license light and the dummy has a pound of weed in the front seat. They see a loser driving a POS and all they need is an excuse. How friggin' hard and expensive is it to fix a bulb? If you are less than legal: KEEP A LOW PROFILE fix that exhaust and tail light.


At every cross street or intersection, take a brief look both ways, a quick glance. Get in this habit and you can get quite good at spotting cops just waiting to slip in behind you. If nothing else it's a good safety practice anyway. If you are maybe speeding a little, loud exhaust, just having fun and you see a suspicious car on a side street, tone it down and if it is a cruiser try to pull into a McDonald's or something. Get off the street and have a buck fifty coffee instead of a buck fifty fine.


If stopped, be polite. Costs nothing and could save you money. Cops are human too and act in a human way to disrespect. Some will come up to you and act real pissed off (maybe they are) sometimes it's to put you on the defensive. Makes you easier to handle. Just be calm and be polite. Never admit to speeding or you are at his mercy. Say you weren't paying enough attention and didn't notice, or, you were just keeping up and not paying enough attention and didn't notice, depending on traffic. Don't let him/her provoke you, stay cool. Try to say 'I'm sorry, I'll slow down" say it only once or you look disparate. If asked if you think you were in the wrong, never agree. Again you put yourself at his mercy by admitting guilt. Be vague at worst and mildly positive at best. "I'm sure I could have stopped in time" "It's a difficult turn, I had some trouble" If pressed say "I didn't think so" "I don't know this area". If you can't think of anything.. Shut up! Be polite. Sometimes, if you look sorry enough (helps if you really are) the sentence is time served on the roadside.


Oh If all fails and you get a ticket... don't apologize and look like a tool. Be polite and maybe he won't be bothered to show for court.

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it was raining for a little today and i was going through the s corner from springbrook onto 99 west...well iwas going kind of fast and let the back tires break loose on the first turn and as i went left onto 99 the truck started to kick the ass end out so i did a little drift action for a foot of two after getting out of the gas i see a cop on the side of the road pulling someone over...if he could have no been there at that time i would have been toast :)

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I have been pulled over so many times.


one time I was behind a cop, keeping my distance. and he drops back into the other lane and pulls behind me and pulls me over for having red tape on my broken tail light. He said the tape could fall off and white light would show through. I said "that would be no good" and he went on about the ticket I could get and then let me go.


another time is was drifting in this parking lot [just a figure 8 spot] and 4 cops roll up. it was right by my house and the guy that called the cops doesn't like me or my brother because "we have illegal mufflers on all of our cars". the cops asked us what we were doing and we said we were just fixing my friends car. he had it jacked up because he static dropped it and when he drifted around the circle thing he bounced a little and the wheel stuck in the brack master cylinder. right away the cop got pissed and called us all liars, so I asked him to look at the truck. so they whipped out there flash lights and started examining. whoops. the truck was too low. but they hadn't seen it drifting or even moving so there is nothing we could do, especially since we were in a church 3 houses from our house. So they came back to me and my poor little datsun, and started going off on the neighbors saying we were doing cookies. and then he goes "Were you doing cookies?" and i was like no, not unless I accidently gave it too much gas and lost control in my drift. The police officer said he alreadu knew I was lying and he would just let us go home if we just said we were doing cookies so we all said we might have done a couple while we waited for out friend to fix his car. then they all left.


I have never got a ticket but since I have gotten my licence I have gotten pulled over at least 15-20 times a year.


I learned my lesson on speeding inapproprietly in my first month of driving when the cop let me go when I didn't have insurance, reg, my license on me, a broken taillight, and I "peeled out" from te stop light. in my defense it was raining and I needed to get home because I was past curfew and it was my grandmas buick.


as long as I don't get a ticket i don't care if I get pulled over. Even though I know its going to happen if I dont stop getting pulled over. I knock on wood every day.

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me and my brother used to see how high we could get those electric signs that show you your speed when you drive by and blink when your speeding. The highest we got was 87. it was too windy before and after the sign to go much faster.


and the other day we decided to go to salem and we were going about 90-95 on the freeway about to take a exit and my brother was on his bike and I was in my 510. and this copped radared me [because I was in front] and when I saw him it was too late [ dumb black undercover cops at night] but all he did was raise his hands as if to ask what I was thinking and he clocked the bmw behind me and my brother going about 85 that was racing along with us off and on and pulled him over. haha we both felt very lucky.

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Lawyers are great. Only cost me $1200 to beat a $295 careless driving citation. My guy made the cop look like liar and an idiot. The thing that really sucks is that the cop didn't seem to mind. (Not the first time this happened?)


haha, yeah something similar happened to me, but get this, the "justice of the peace" ignored my xlnt defense as well as the clop being an imbecile, and so he proclaims, "i still think you're guilty." :eek::lol:

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i just got a fucking ticket for not using a fucking turn signal he also said i turned unsafely i suposidly came close to the curb when i didnt and suposidly my tires were sqweeling when they werent cops piss me off


on a side note why did i get the ticket when the person who had pulled out backwards into the middle of the street blocking all traffic didn't get a ticket wtf!!!!!



I wont get started on how gay people are against cops.....if you do something wrong then obviously you will get caught eventually. You didn't say you did signal so pay the ticket or go to court, but stop bitching. Yes I like cops....cause most of them are fine people, but I have had my days of the chicken shit reasons for pulling me over. I myself run red turn arrows all the time....if I do get pulled over I expect a ticket and nothing more. but please people stop bitching about it. Just make sure to go "F" yourself when you need them, don't bother with calling and save us all the time of having you breath our air! OOh and don't bother with calling me a dick or bastard or deush bag....cause you can lick my balls PERIOD


PS I'm not a cop....but am thankful for there service.

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Guest jaimesix
I wont get started on how gay people are against cops.....if you do something wrong then obviously you will get caught eventually. You didn't say you did signal so pay the ticket or go to court, but stop bitching. Yes I like cops....cause most of them are fine people, but I have had my days of the chicken shit reasons for pulling me over. I myself run red turn arrows all the time....if I do get pulled over I expect a ticket and nothing more. but please people stop bitching about it. Just make sure to go "F" yourself when you need them, don't bother with calling and save us all the time of having you breath our air! OOh and don't bother with calling me a dick or bastard or deush bag....cause you can lick my balls PERIOD


PS I'm not a cop....but am thankful for there service.


You do like cops??? I DO NOT!!!!!


Is that make me gay?????


Explain yourself

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I'm guessing he is kissing there *** so he wont get pulled over....

Smart man!!!

So I guess I :love: cops too!!! Not in a sexual way of course... Well unless its a hot chick... She can arrest me anytime.... :thumbsup:

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i have bneen in trouble with cops several times. mostly my fault for being stupid. there ahve been 3 times that i have been pulled over that i thought was stupid though. the first was in everett. i was driving a 1980 Buick Regal 2dr. two tone blue. he saw me stopped at a light waiting to turn left. he procedes to make a left, where there was no legal left to be made, and turns right at the exact same intersection i was turning at. pulls over adn WAITS. guess what he pulled me over for AS I WAS PARKING?? to ask where me and my GANG were going. i had me, my wife, a freind and my KID in the car. he then proceds to tell me that he knows i am going to do a driveby and that he's watching my every move. also told me that my licence plate was illegally placed. my bumper was crunched from the PO and hadn't had the $$ to fix it. i was also driving on a suspended but tahts my fault. there was no reason for him to even pull me over other than my plate. oh well. never drove that car into everett again.


2nd time was right after my jetta got fixed. whole new front end, new lights and fog lights. he pulled me over for the fogs. apparently they gave off a blue ligth. ok. that i can understand but still. foglights?? come on! got off with a warning so tahts cool.


3rd time was 4 days later. comming back from my freinds house and a city cop pulled me over after running my plate. it came back totalled. he didn't see the temp plate in my window. ok honest mistake but one i would rather not ahve ahd to deal with. let off with "have a nice night and a safe trip."


all 3 frustrated me as i technically did nothing wrong. wellt he first one i was driving on a suspended but then again he was being a dick. sometimes cops are just doing their jobs but other times they just go overboard on doing it and have a big head.



sorry for the long story.

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whatever this is the general discussion forum i thought i would share my displeasure and see if there were other likeminded people and as for me not mentioning anything about signaling i did signal its a habit for me beleve it or not im actually a good driver

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I wont get started on how gay people are against cops.....if you do something wrong then obviously you will get caught eventually. You didn't say you did signal so pay the ticket or go to court, but stop bitching. Yes I like cops....cause most of them are fine people, but I have had my days of the chicken shit reasons for pulling me over. I myself run red turn arrows all the time....if I do get pulled over I expect a ticket and nothing more. but please people stop bitching about it. Just make sure to go "F" yourself when you need them, don't bother with calling and save us all the time of having you breath our air! OOh and don't bother with calling me a dick or bastard or deush bag....cause you can lick my balls PERIOD


PS I'm not a cop....but am thankful for there service.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Agreed. If you are illegal and are stopped then it's your own damn fault for doing what you did or failing to fix that light. I had a buddy who painted pot leaves on his car, WTF??? wondered why he was always getting stopped. Keep a low profile, keep it quiet (stop playing RAP and instead play good old R&R), if you go lookin for trouble you'll find it.

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I wont get started on how gay people are against cops.....if you do something wrong then obviously you will get caught eventually. You didn't say you did signal so pay the ticket or go to court, but stop bitching. Yes I like cops....cause most of them are fine people, but I have had my days of the chicken shit reasons for pulling me over. I myself run red turn arrows all the time....if I do get pulled over I expect a ticket and nothing more. but please people stop bitching about it. Just make sure to go "F" yourself when you need them, don't bother with calling and save us all the time of having you breath our air! OOh and don't bother with calling me a dick or bastard or deush bag....cause you can lick my balls PERIOD


PS I'm not a cop....but am thankful for there service.


You mean when your car is stolen and you call them and they say "ya, lot's of cars stolen as of late...nothing we can do" and then when they find your car a month later on a fluke (nothing to do with good police work or actually solving a crime) they have the tow yard charge you $600 to get it back..


Or maybe when your car is broken into repeatedly in your driveway and they tell you there is nothing they can do but if you could fill out a report and mail it in thanks...


Or how about when your sitting in traffic doing 10 miles an hour because there is a cop sitting in a speed trap and no one wants to even do the speed limit for fear of a ticket....


Or what about when you get pulled over because the cop "doesn't like the way you look" it's happen to me once or twice...but it's not profiling...


Service...ya right...


...and I know a few cops too...they are just people, and for the most part they enjoy f'n with citizens...or their customers as they like to call them ;)

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I have known a lot of cops that are cool. I can think of three of them who frequent my area off the top of my head. One lives right up the street so it makes it easier to get away with stuff if its im who is pulling me over and he works alone so there is not a partner with him barley ever. One of the other ones is in jail right now for armed robbery of a drug store....


I skate for a local skate shop and we do a lot of events for the community. And some of the time its with other partys doing there own thing too. I have done a number of events with different police departments and when I have a chance I go talk to the officers that show up. Most of them are nice when you just talk to them, but almost every one has a story to tell you about how they messed with some pot head or scared the bajeezes out of some skinny frail kid. I am not saying the pot head didn't deserve it I am just saying the cops know what they are doing and are more or less proud of there power to torment people.

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I f#%*ing hate pigs! Donut eatn bastards! I hate people that get an ounce of authority and there head swells so much they be mistaken for a hot air ballon! Cops always say just tell me the truth and i wont bust then wham they bust ya! F them! They think because they got a badge its ok to lie! Pisses me!

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