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Ive never once been mean to Jalen and I live in an apartment and do not have the money, space, nor skills that Jon has. And just to point something out, I did not have someone else lower my car. I did the install myself with the help of a friend while at work. I put everything together for the coils, struts, brakes... everything. I installed one side and he did the other. The only thing I didnt do myself on the car was the rear roll of the fender. My buddy had experience and I didnt.


Plus, I have no issues with peoples comments on my build... People can say whatever they want. If you want to attack someone for their comments, then I would pick JRock if anything. Ive never been mean spirited, never disrespectful, and help out when I can. Is there some joking in the thread?- sure. If he didnt like it, he wouldnt come into my thread and literally ask for it. Jalen is a good kid and I consider him a friend (as much of one can be without meeting in person).


So I dont know why you would single me out Banana.



Edit: Oh I didnt do the cutting for my tail lights. I didnt quite trust myself cutting up the body just yet.





JROCK!! watch out here comes the bus!! Oooooh,,! to late



:rofl: :rofl:

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Holy da fawk! How did this tread start out with Jalen wanting to apologize for trolling to a who's the bigger troll Tristin or Jrock?!?! Everybody else BUT Jalen as made more than one post on this tread and I understand why. I too have been reading the whole wagoon tread of his and I'll admit, something is not adding up but come on guys, ya'll pulling out everything out but the kitchen sink here and I have feeling it's soon to be on the way.

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I have now wasted a good 2 minutes of time. Fortunately RedBanner's avatar is there to make me happier. I sure hope that's not a guy in the lingerie. ;)

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i stopped reading at what my slant would be....there's a huge difference between trolling and outrght lieing... the wagon thread was straight ban material...this is just chapter four in im jaln and i try to hard book....we get it your yung and u want us to like u but come on dude your gonna get no love with all this cry wolf bullshit....seems to me your chances to be respectable on here are dwindling fast...better make a 180 or i will do nothing and hope u just get banned and come back the honest and non trolling and more...heonestly most on here are giving u way moe leeway then i ever got...so u better thank your shit that someone digs u and is saving u from eternal ban....so take this chance jalen .... stop the bs... we will learn to accept u reguardless of the past... come n man.. your not a bad kid your just trying to hard ....ratsun if anywhere will embrace u ....shit if they do me, you got a great chance...Im willing to wash it clean and take the chip off my shoulder but the bs stops....here it jalen is this the first day of the rest of your ratsun life or just the window you will shove your screen name out of to ban city...come on jalen no more bs.... lieing about someone elses car being yours is ridiculous...

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i stopped reading at what my slant would be....there's a huge difference between trolling and outrght lieing... the wagon thread was straight ban material...this is just chapter four in im jaln and i try to hard book....we get it your yung and u want us to like u but come on dude your gonna get no love with all this cry wolf bullshit....seems to me your chances to be respectable on here are dwindling fast...better make a 180 or i will do nothing and hope u just get banned and come back the honest and non trolling and more...heonestly most on here are giving u way moe leeway then i ever got...so u better thank your shit that someone digs u and is saving u from eternal ban....so take this chance jalen .... stop the bs... we will learn to accept u reguardless of the past... come n man.. your not a bad kid your just trying to hard ....ratsun if anywhere will embrace u ....shit if they do me, you got a great chance...Im willing to wash it clean and take the chip off my shoulder but the bs stops....here it jalen is this the first day of the rest of your ratsun life or just the window you will shove your screen name out of to ban city...come on jalen no more bs.... lieing about someone elses car being yours is ridiculous...







no seriously i guess im not on ratsun as much as i thought cause i have noidea what all this out of the closet sorry bullshit is about lately. everyone on here needs to relax and stop trying to roll so much, talking shit, and being a total dick head. we are supposed to be fammily, and no one o nhere wants to be the "uncle ned" that you cant leave in the room with the kids alone, and no one invites to family functions...... most of all



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Sorry it a good title for this thread. It is.


Jalen perhaps all your posts should be subject to moderator approval. There's anywhere up to a day's delay between when you push the ENTER key and the post shows up. Makes having fun here a lot less fun. Get your shit together and get it straight and become a contributing member in good standing.


We are judged by our actions not by what we say we do.

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Jalen perhaps all your posts should be subject to moderator approval. There's anywhere up to a day's delay between when you push the ENTER key and the post shows up. Makes having fun here a lot less fun.


I guarantee it will take longer than that lulz.


because its an inconvenience to us to have to drudge threw and approve shit...

.... which means where gonna take our sweet ass time doing it.

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