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Kalifornia assholes on parade

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I see nice S30's in the yard all the time.

I saw a decent looking 78 280z at one of the local junkyards with ducktail, airdam, and slotted mags, car didn't even look like it would take much to get going, some people.

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Asshole politicians are always trying to find a scapegoat for their problems. Old cars make a great scape goat because when you say "pre-new car blah blah blah!" people think about the smoking piece of shit rotting away at the street light that breaks down an blocks traffic for six hours. They never want to state the real problem which is there are simply too many fucking people concentrated in tiny spaces. There needs to be a ban on babies, not cars.

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^especially the babies made on 16 and pregnant.


infact fuck the station that airs that shit, , for making 16 year olds wanting to get pregnant.


Got that right.Morons think getting knocked up at 16 is a badge of honor

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I guess if i lived in Tucson,Az i would hate California too.Your new state is not far behind California in the way they make new laws.As you stated, California has a shrinking population and Arizonas is expanding,what do you think will eventually happen ? by the way it was 75 and sunny here yesterday.

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1.) Californians can bitch about their state.

2.) Californians defend their state if somebody else bitches about their state.

3.) California has some wack laws in comparison to other places, get over it.

4.) Oregonian native here, 25 years and likely another 50 years if I can get away with it.

5.) Lots of Oregonians dislike Californians, it's just a sibling rivalry and we all want the state of Jefferson here in So. Oregon/Norcal.

6.) California has In-n-Out.

7.) ?????

8.) Diminishing Returns.


I see hatred for Oregon. Boregon? We has dat balance between Washington Rain and Northern California Sunshine. There is GOBS to do here. People that claim nothing to do? Probably boring people. Same would apply anywhere they live. Never wanna leave the house? Get over it then. Aside from perhaps far Eastern Oregon - You can go within 5 miles in any direction in any city and find something awesome to do. Grants Pass? Hour from the coast. Hour from Mt. Ashland. Hour from Roseburg. And there are dozens of thigns in between. Crater Lake? Oregon Caves? Camping that doesn't require a campfire permit? Up in Portland area...shit there's so much to do. People just don't WANT to do it because it's easier to complain. I love Oregon. Most Oregonians love Oregon.


California has a lot of stereotypes. So does every other state. Liberals? You obviously haven't been to Ashland, OR - only city in the state of Oregon it's perfectly legal to walk down town butt-ass-naked as long as you're supporting being gay or one-with-the-earth (please don't ride your fixed gear naked, just ew.)


California just has some things here adn there that are identifiable as being "from California". Smog laws down there are pretty rediculous, no doubt. I haven't heard of a single California driver NOT bitching about them. CARB only Catalytic Converters? Please. That's just akward, how'd you pass that?


I appreciate your slightly higher speed limits. Nothing like Texas, but it's better than Oregon speed limits. I dislike the stereotypical Californian driver, however - up here we give lots of fingers and they get in lots of wrecks (saw a guy in like a Chrysler 300 just chatting away on his phone like not a fuck was given.. right thru the red light into the minivan crossing the highway! Guess who got out and all huffy! Not the minivan driver.) Not to say that it couldn't be from *any* state or *anywhere*.


I also appreciate that Los Angeles has banned plastic bags. It's a shame that they made it into a profit experience by chargin a fee for paper bags (not surprised)...


We had a guy move up here from 'Diego. Built a house 500 yards from a gun range that's been here for 40 years. Built house, then sued the city of Ashland because they had a shooting range that caused noise pollution on his property. NO SHIT?! ... the irony....


I agree California just has way too many people... can't go anywhere without running into somebody. Traffic in SoCal was just horrible.. I hope never to experience that again. Although it was funny seeing "Old chinese woman in cargo van" doing 110mph on the shoulder of I-5 coming into LA southbound.


Oh and your gun laws are kind of lol.. I can understand why. But I'm dying ot know how they classify a weapon with more than 10 rounds to be an assault rifle and illegal. No fun! Gun's don't kill people - PEOPLE kill people.


Now. Continue the shitstorm. It's entertaining.

And yes. Support classic car exemptions!

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I guess if i lived in Tucson,Az i would hate California too.Your new state is not far behind California in the way they make new laws.As you stated, California has a shrinking population and Arizonas is expanding,what do you think will eventually happen ? by the way it was 75 and sunny here yesterday.


I don't hate Kalifornia.Kalifornia just sucks.And this is quantifiable.And at least here we are doing something about.By the way-who's state is about to go bankrupt.In which state did the morons re-elect one of the biggest losers to occupy the Governors office?

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I don't hate Kalifornia.Kalifornia just sucks.And this is quantifiable.And at least here we are doing something about.By the way-who's state is about to go bankrupt.In which state did the morons re-elect one of the biggest losers to occupy the Governors office?


Is that our state?

Don't keep up with politics here in Commiefornia, I knew this shitboat was sinking years ago, so I stopped caring.

Jerry Brown, still better than the governator.

and better than palin.. Can you imagine how many wars she'd start while on her menstrual cycle?






Gun laws here in CA.. a JOKE!

Why can't I carry a PDW in my 510!!, Teh law is confusing, cause you can't conceal it without a permit, and you can't carry it unloaded... so can i carry it loaded? :lol:

Well im only 16 so I guess I can't do either yet..


And don't get me started on teh non existent castle doctrine here... If someone tries to steal my 510 in my driveway.. what am i left to do? cops here take forever..


Which is why I need to get out of here.

Maybe Britain, or Germany.

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Is that our state?

Don't keep up with politics here in Commiefornia, I knew this shitboat was sinking years ago, so I stopped caring.

Jerry Brown, still better than the governator.

and better than palin..


In-correct.Brewer has more balls than Med-fly Brown.SB1070 rocks.

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California sucks, it's not just the laws, it's the people.

I'm a California native, I have to get the fuck out of here.



I'm glad this thread was created, aside from all the state pride, I'm glad that CA's smog bill 1224 is back on topic.

I've been looking up up for a couple months hoping its made some headway... No updates so far.




I, have thrown away or sold a couple Datsuns because of the smog law. I sold my 630, Z31, and various other non Datsun cars.

I honestly think that some of the gun laws here in Commiefornia are good. Would You want a bunch of criminals running around with guns?

Plus who needs a 30rd magazine in their AR? I'm against welding the magazine in, but 10rds is good.

Though some gun laws are just bullshit and go to show how much the politicians of CA are control freaks. Like how the stock and barrel have to be a certain length before it becomes a sub machine gun and then you have to apply for 1000 permits.

wow criminals buy guns to kill people,you should really think about that whats the diffrence if i have a 30 rounder or 10 rounder well less reloading for one.Like i said before seperate this state from north and south and it would be better states.Law abiding citizens dont dross there guns my man,and ask yourself this if i own 1 to 1000000000000 why do we need to 10 day dross again.If i have 20 handguns or 1 handgun why do i have to wait thirty days to buy another handun but i can dross 1000 long rifles at once seems pretty dumb to me.And when you question it know one can answer those questions.I think its all about the money.
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30 round magazine is... more than necessary. 2 well placed shots is all you need. reloading? When you shoot to injure, or worse to kill, by the time you reload the guy is going to run for his life.

I'm not sure what you are trying to prove. Are you saying that criminals already buy guns? yes they do, illegally for the most part... nothing the state can do about that.. but the risk is more than the $10 they get from a 9mm pistol.

I have a law enforcement teacher who tells us all the time that he caught people selling stolen guns with some of the serials ground off. He was a Sergeant in Santa Cruz i think up untill the early 2000s



EXACTLY!!! The south can take SF with it!


If you go north, it seems like a totally different place. well at least from where i live. Like two different worlds. SF and Redding for example. Or those small scattered towns by Yosemite.

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30 round magazine is... more than necessary. 2 well placed shots is all you need. reloading? When you shoot to injure, or worse to kill, by the time you reload the guy is going to run for his life.

I'm not sure what you are trying to prove. Are you saying that criminals already buy guns? yes they do, illegally for the most part... nothing the state can do about that.. but the risk is more than the $10 they get from a 9mm pistol.

I have a law enforcement teacher who tells us all the time that he caught people selling stolen guns with some of the serials ground off. He was a Sergeant in Santa Cruz i think up untill the early 2000s



EXACTLY!!! The south can take SF with it!


If you go north, it seems like a totally different place. well at least from where i live. Like two different worlds. SF and Redding for example. Or those small scattered towns by Yosemite.

i agree with you,youshould hit your target by the second shot,but i mean more for the range or target shooting,bottom line in my eyes there are to many rules.
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i agree with you,youshould hit your target by the second shot,but i mean more for the range or target shooting,bottom line in my eyes there are to many rules.


Oh of course, Exhibition, target, or just fun shoots should be less strict.

I think that for those people that celebrate 4th of July by shooting $1000s worth of tracers at a car should obey less strict laws.. like a permit to posses and use firearms if you will.

Rural counties should should have less strict laws aswell, sort of like the smog laws.

Or at least off duty military, or veterans should get some incentives or something.


I'd rather have too many rules that protect everybody than not enough to protect no one

Sort of like overprotective parents.. you know it's good for you but you just hate it..



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I drove from Oklahoma to Truckee in '95 to spend Easter week with friends and, God, that place is gorgeous. Can't say that I would want to live there but after 30 years of messing with old cars I am tickled to hear that there is some common sense devolution of CARB/EPA regs going on out there. There is an old saying in politics, "as California goes so goes the nation" - there may yet be hope for common sense relaxation of some pretty draconian emmission laws.

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There is always a chance something stupid like this gets passed as a law


Yeah, a snowballs chance. There are too many street rodders for something like this to pass.


Don't get all upset about classic 80's cars or whatever. I had friends that bought 200SXs and IROC Z cars new... they were butt fucking ugly then too. Polish the fuck out of it and groove away on 'em. But you don't get a smog exemption or else you should pay an extra fee as a gross polluter, so you may have the freedom to be exempt from regulations. My truck is still bone stock. If it passes the original Smog test I shouldn't have to be exempt because i comply, have always complied. Run a stock condition vehicle or pay to have a hot rod. Come on grow up and don't whine.


So you think that somehow this is big government trying to take away your rights? In Arizona?? Gimme a break. Don't insult my intelligence. I lived in California for fifty years and my family were in Arizona for two generations. Save you righteous indignation and go work for a local political candidate or issue. Save the fake conservative fear rhetoric.


I know, rag on the liberal bitches Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, they are some classic whack-a doodle Californains who are bent on trashing the state and country more than this lame ass bill. Follow the money, who is behind it. How does it have any traction?


All my life I heard people talk about splitting the state. That will never happen and it hasn't been funny as a joke for 30 years. If you know about the history of Californina you know it was fucked beyond repair before the last century started. Splitting the state won't fix it unless you deport all the non-natives to Tuscon in the process. That was a joke... a funny one.

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Run a stock condition vehicle or pay to have a hot rod. Come on grow up and don't whine.


Because all the shit they piled on engines was the cure-all for pollution? If Cali's CARB regulations were truly worth a fuck, they'd be more concerned with over all emissions at the pipe rather than whether or not you have your 40 year old rubber baby bumper bung hole button plug bolted on backwards or not.


Then again, if any state gave a shit about emissions, they'd stop letting gasoline companies use petrol as the shit field for the bulk of the refinery crap they don't want to dispose of adequately.


Or, you know, people could just be tired of being pissed all over by a government that's too impotent to hold ground against its corporate owners.

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I'd rather have too many rules that protect everybody than not enough to protect no one

Sort of like overprotective parents.. you know it's good for you but you just hate it..




Wow...I prefer liberty and the freedom to do as I choose.


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Usually Cali sets the standard and the rest of the states soon follow...Sucks..but it its what it is, THATS why you should care. I don't like the SMOG laws here. Most of them are pointless and wont make that big of a difference.


We lived in Texas from 07 - late 2010..there is a big car culture out there too.


Its soo much easier to get round Texas' state inspection


Why would you care about this if you don't live in California?


Something like this will never fly... would never fly... is it all just a Red Herring to confuse some other issue? There are too many retired street rodders in California with too much time on their hands to kill this dead.


I mean, follow the money... who supports the eliminating the Smog Exemption? Where does the money come from?


I thought it was a gift from heaven when the Smog Exemption law was first passed. If I remember right, the first cut off year was '73, so I skated in. Honestly, I don't really see why an vehicles from like '75 and after should have to comply. List me some 'classic' cars from '81... give me a break. It seems like most of the '60 thru '80s car I see are DDs belching smoke on their last legs... not classics that get regular TLC. Crush 'em, who cares?


Texass is a real groovy place... I'm glad that people like it there and don't want to move to California. People if you ain't from there don't fucking move there. It's a the misfits and loosers from bumfuk middle America who moved west that screwed it.


California is a really groovy place... I'm glad all you fuckers down there enjoy the hell out of it. Because of you, California is not a nice place to live anymore... it's still a cool place... only the people suck. Just too many wannabees.


Oregon really sucks. This place is totally bush league and the weather is torture. DON'T MOVE HERE! It's more like Grimm and less like Portlandia. I would move to groovy Texass, but I'm too broke living in Poortland. Don't even come here... It's probably going to rain at Canby... reet.

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2eDeYe' timestamp='1338306837' post='693904']



Wow...I prefer liberty and the freedom to do as I choose.


You sound like your running for office! Redeye running as a Jazz and Blues Party candidate, pitted against the Heavy Metal Candidate...


Yeah, Freedom to inject eight balls and rock out in front of prepubecent teen girls, then have your road crew take some back to the tour bus...



Freedom to grow all the hemp I want on my land and buy all the ammo and ordinance I need to protect it...


Freedom to pack my company up and move off shore for more profit...


Liberty to make all the money I want in this country and hide it in a mail box in the Caribbean so I am free from taxation.


Freedom to give as much money as I want to political issues and campaigns, then tell them how to fleece the population for me, so I can multiply my investment...


Freedom from any corporate taxation what so ever, can't let those job creators have uncertainty...


Freedom from having to pay taxes for Police, Fire, Schools or even the Military... Privatize that shit and list it on the stock market so we can freely participate in the wealth... yeah! Freedom!


Especially the Military. What a waste of money. Only bigger waste of money is the DEA.


The biggest consumer of oil in the world by far is the US Military. Got to be the biggest polluter too...


OH WAIT! That is where the law makers need to turn to make our world a green paradise!! Create jobs in a whole new privately held industry... Smog controls for all the military ships, planes and vehicles.


Freedom from bullshit taxes... the taxes I don't personally like period. Which is all of them.


What's that?


Freedom isn't free? Who the fuck said that bullshit?


How much does it cost then?

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You sound like your running for office! Redeye running as a Jazz and Blues Party candidate, pitted against the Heavy Metal Candidate...


Shit I like Jazz, Blues and Heavy Metal...politics are so damn divisive these days. :poke:


Yeah, Freedom to inject eight balls and rock out in front of prepubecent teen girls, then have your road crew take some back to the tour bus...


Party like it's 1985! :devil:


Freedom to grow all the hemp I want on my land and buy all the ammo and ordinance I need to protect it...


It's your land, should be able to do what you want on it. Can I come over and play on your range? :thumbup:


Freedom to pack my company up and move off shore for more profit...


Raise taxes and watch the money migrate elswhere. Wonder why a lot of companies are fleeing Cali these days.... :confused:


Liberty to make all the money I want in this country and hide it in a mail box in the Caribbean so I am free from taxation.


I got a mailbox here, I have no problem paying my taxes, well other than over half of the money I earn going to the state and federal government and no way for me to know everything it's been spent on.


Freedom to give as much money as I want to political issues and campaigns, then tell them how to fleece the population for me, so I can multiply my investment...


Money has no place in politics, all it does is create bandits...kill all the lobbyists and lawyers! :rofl:


I will never understand why you have to raise however much money "they" require to run for president. I've never seen that spelled out in the Constitution.

Fucking popularity contest when it should be a job interview.


Freedom from any corporate taxation what so ever, can't let those job creators have uncertainty...


Tax the corporation, CEO and the employees...either way the customers are the ones paying those taxes not the corporations.

Taxes go up, prices go up basic econ.


Freedom from having to pay taxes for Police, Fire, Schools or even the Military... Privatize that shit and list it on the stock market so we can freely participate in the wealth... yeah! Freedom!


Ahhh, sounds like a pretty good plan. Pretty much how old Benjamin laid it out to begin with as far as the fire dept and the schools, militarily he just got together with his neighbors and stockpiled guns and ammo.


The stock market thing, I just do not get why anyone would want to sell their private business to a bunch of people that will tell him how to run his business. Retarded I tell ya.


Especially the Military. What a waste of money. Only bigger waste of money is the DEA.


#1 reason for the Federal Government, protect it's citizens and the borders of this country. To bad they don't do either very well. DEA and ATF could go the way of the dodo...still a prohibition going on in this country 79 years after it was decided to be a bad idea. :rolleyes:


The biggest consumer of oil in the world by far is the US Military. Got to be the biggest polluter too...


Biggest job creater and money spender for sure. They could really cut back on some of that..


OH WAIT! That is where the law makers need to turn to make our world a green paradise!! Create jobs in a whole new privately held industry... Smog controls for all the military ships, planes and vehicles.


Can you smog a nuke? :lol:


Freedom from bullshit taxes... the taxes I don't personally like period. Which is all of them.


I like ones that maintain our roads and infrastructure, but I could get onboard with Mr. Jefferson if they do away with the gas taxes.


What's that?


Freedom isn't free? Who the fuck said that bullshit?


How much does it cost then?




Costs a buck oh five... :rofl:





I try not to get too political, but that was sort of a fun excersize. :)

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There's already a no-tax, no oppressive government paradise where you can have all the guns and ammo you can defend. It's called Somalia.


The system we have isn't perfect. Corporations in control of the government is never good. Regressive taxes are never good. The balance is off, but the REASON the balance is so far out of whack is because so much of our counrty's productivity has moved overseas. The economy cannot be sustained with a consumer nation... it HAS to be a net exporter. You can't keep moving money out, eventually you run out. People and corporations hiding assets overseas to avoid taxation just makes it worse. You want to fix it, you need to make jobs. The corporations aren't doing that. The governemnt can, BUT it costs a lot more.


As far as the EPA goes, yes, it can be over the top. But take a breath of "air" in Mexico City, or anywhere in Indonesia. I have. Makes LA seem clean. Take a swim in the Port of Alexandria, Egypt, or off the beaches of Alang, India. Makes the Hudson, Detroit, and Ohio Rivers look like something drinkable.

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