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Bagged and Boosted 71 4dr 510

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sorry its been a hectic day.... so the story is this, i was leaving school at about 1030, headed down college way, i was coming up to a red light and was braking and had downshifted into second, 2-3 car lengths before the line it went green and i had started to acceleate again, two lane road and the lane next to me was stil stopped... a lady from my right who i didnt see until she was right in front me ran the red trying to make the left turn at the light, at this point i was doing about 30, smashed into the side of her car, firewall forward is garbage/...


Theres 5-10 witnesses from what i was told, including a guy that was behind me and confirmed i had a green light. however all of those witnesses have conflicting stories about what actually happened and there doing a "police investigation" whatever the fuck that means.


I was in mt vernon and of course the lady was hispanic (no offense to anyone) they wouldnt even tell me if she was insured or not. she got cut out of her car and taken to the hospital. (modern airbags i guess arent always a good thing)


My tire well came into my cab and sprained my ankle, my knees when up underneath the dash and are all scraped up and swollen, other then that im fine.


Im going to go on a little rant here.. i understand my car was un pushable in the middle of an intersection but this was just fucked up in mind. police called tow truck. tow truck picked my car and moved off to a side street. as things were settling down i talk to tow driver and ask where my cars going, how much its going to cost and whats giong on. he says well its going to our yard in mt vernon, its 210$ and 40$ a night.... i said okay well just drop in that parking lot and ill come get it... he says he cant, it was an emergency police call and no matter what its 210 dollars. At this point im mad considering all things that have happened. to be honest i was fighting back tears this whole time. i think about it and even if i went home grabbed the truck and flat bed, spent 40 dollars in fuel to go get it, i couldnt even load it because it for one doesnt run and for two doesnt roll, so i say okay well how much to take it to stanwood, he does some calculations and comes up with 340 dollars..... fine take it to my house whatever i dont really hve another choice. so he says alright we go there. get this. i have a perfect round about driveway. its a little ways up a NICE gravel driveway... he comes downt he dead end and says i cant go up there. i look at him like hes joking... he drops my car on the street...i was infuriated at this point. i pay him he leaves and i have to borrow the neighbors tractor to pick up the front of the car and push it up the driveway, i was so pissed off by this point im surprsed i didnt snap... it just seems fucked up to me that no matter what they stick you with that tow fee... end rant...


So the car is parked out back, my ins lady said i cant touch the car until they have all the ins stuff figured out... i ask how long that takes and shes like well since theres an investigation it could take up to two months... in my head im like really? seriously? my car has to sit for two fucking months and i cant do anything with it (its totaled) so i dont know wtf im going to about a car to drive. beamer i guess, no more track days for ahwile.. depending on what happens i have a few ideas for what im going to do with it, obvisouly wont junk it, from the firewal back is fine, and motor is fine (kinda), ideas ranging from getting a shell and swapping everyting good from the car into that, and tube framing the front and drifting the fuck out of it... idont know... at this point technically i "could" fix it, cut the whole front off at the firewall and weld a new front on... i dunno.. i guess i have a couple months to figure it out.


The whole situation sucks, i wouldnt be nearly as anxious and nervous if they would have just pinned the blame on someone at the scene.... i cop gave me his card and said he would call me in few hours after everything settled down... never gota call so i guess ill call him tomorrow.


my parents along with some good freinds who work with an ins comnpay told me to be careful about what i post online because if things go bad they dont want the other ins company to find things to use against me... so... so far everything ive said is true and have told the ins company so i should be good there?


ill post a couple pictures tomorrow......its....

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Damn dude.  I saw this post yesterday and wondered if it was you.  Sorry to hear about all of the headache that's coming along with it too.... like it's not bad enough that you just completely fucked up your car :hmm:   Hopefully it all turns out as well as it can at this point.

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Glad your okay.  Looks like you need another strut :) or aaaaa  maybe a front end.  I'm getting a wagon to part out soon (it had the same situation happen as you, someone ran a light and rear ended it bad!) .  I know the frame rails under the car are slightly different but with your skills you can make it happen.  :)

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I would say find another shell, paint it up pretty, swap everything that's not bent over. 


Sorry to hear about you situation. Fortunately never had this happen to a 510 while I've owned it, but sadly I've seen it happen twice to cars I built and then sold...   :blush:


Yeah either way i wont get jack for the car, so... i dont know abut painting it all up just yet, but i can almost guarentee i will be getting a shell and swapping everything over.




Glad your okay.  Looks like you need another strut :) or aaaaa  maybe a front end.  I'm getting a wagon to part out soon (it had the same situation happen as you, someone ran a light and rear ended it bad!) .  I know the frame rails under the car are slightly different but with your skills you can make it happen.   :)


Keep me updated on when you get it, may want to come take a look... i havent looked to closely, pretty sure the firewall on the drivers side is pushed back as well....

But if it really came down to it that may not be a bad option







I went out and looked at it a bit today... distributer snapped in half, water pump smashed thru the front of the motor, broke both motor mounts, so guessing driveshaft is bent, struts appear to be alright, bags didnt pop, everthing else up front is bent, cant tell if the steerings salvagable or not... the fender well inside the car is defintaely pounded in and up, pedals appear to be in different spots...the front end is bent over to the drivers side... looks like it may be bent all the way up into the a pillars... id say the shell probally isnt much good at this point... like i said, once this is all figured out i will start looking for a shell, and once that is all said and done, one day ill get around to this shell, probally tube frame the front and track it. who knows at this point

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You can always fix the 510. Like a few people have mentioned already, if you aren't going to be able to drive it for a while and have to replace the front-end... why not tube-frame it? This whole running the red light thing is getting out of control in my area too. If the light is just turning red in my area, people will drive right through... they don't even speed up or anything...


glad you're ok :)

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when i roll datto im a old granny ... i sit at green lights for a second before i go to make sure and i still look both ways( i both hate and love being the first rig...)....i am extremely cautious crossing over a 2 way stop too....in my neighbor hood i get alot of look right and go .....sorry bout the 510 glad your ok though....meah, find a front left corner and weld it on .... its been done on here several times....wish i had a corner to help u out... i do still a have a couple sets of stock 510 struts if u need them to get, literally, rolling again...im sorry,  but if this happened to me i would be that guy who goes to jail after being in a accident that wasn't there fault i would just start beating people up ... even bystandards,...id just go my baby got hit psycho on everyone.......inevitably it would end in ... "dont taze me bro....."

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What the hell? Red means stop. There is no "grey area" about. I hope the report comes out n your favor. I agree with TG, it would be expensive to fix it.



how does one get hit by a driver running a red and net a 0...no insurance?



Well i dont know what ins will do, i know that ins companys are a lot different with fault, itll wil most likely be a split fault, im just depressed and its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


But the officer basically told me that there is no way to 100% tell who had the red and who had the green, it basically came down to two witnsses one saying i had green and one on the other side saying he had a red and i was in the intersection, the officer said the light is linked for opposing directions... he also said that my "skid marks" and how far i pushed her means i was going way to fast to have been slowing for a red. he says he THINKs it PROBALLy went green right as i was going into the intersection but in his OPINION i wasnt stopping for the light. EVEN IF that WAS true she had to have cut that yellow wayto close...


I was growing more and more angry talking to him on the phone, he had no facts in the conversation, hes sending me a copy of the police report this afternoon, we shall see what that says.


at this point its going to come down to ins companys, it will most likely end up split fault all things considered, its my story against hers basically at this point. so i will probally get something for the car, my pestimistic attitude right now is just thinking that anything i get will be next to nothng


Thanks for the support guys, ill keep updating this as stuff happens, if anyone has any other ideas as to waht i should do witht he car, im happy to listen to them.

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What the hell? Red means stop. There is no "grey area" about. I hope the report comes out n your favor. I agree with TG, it would be expensive to fix it.

but u could call indy and see if he has his strut towers and inner fenders left over from rusty ruby.....i seen other cars with viable clips and non viable rear ends.......i think keeper did a car for bob 3 i think that needed similar repair...granted hes experienced but i seen nothing in your build threads that suggest its over your head....till you peel all that bent garbage off and pull the motor u wont know what the repair really entails...hate to see this baby just get tubed and flogged....all u need really is the core support and drivers wheel house ... your could prolly straighten that strut pocket enough to accept a new wheel house...looks like it pinched it but it looks like the rear inner section is ok...

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