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Goodbye West Coast.

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Well I got the tickets, all that is left is the face to face with an old friend and a bit of paperwork. It started about 8 months ago when he asked what would it take for me to move back to Kentucky. I was half interested, half kidding, but said a nice house and a job. Well about 2 weeks ago he called and we spoke some more and he told me he intended to get me back and was looking for a house. He asked where I would like to live and Danville, KY was my pick. A week ago I got this link for a repo. http://www.lbar.com/...al/1121745.html


Well it isnt a mansion, but at 1040sq ft on the first floor alone, it is more than I have ever had, not to mention just turning 40, I think it will be a damn nice place to call home. They put in a bid and got it, it will close next week. I asked him "What if I dont like it?" he laughed, he said no worries, and he could flip it and try again if needed. He and his wife went thru and looked it over and took more oics. http://s1066.photobu...crystalaparson/


From what I seen I really like it, but I want to lay my hands on it and see it myself. I will be there the second weekend of April for a few days to do just that. Friday night I will look at it and then I will surprise my Mom Sat after lunch. I haven't lived in KY for nearly 20 years, hopefully the past will stay buried. I will try to have a fresh start without any media and other BS bothering me. My real Mom has gotten justice, and her killer is still behind bars, granted it took 23 years and three trials but we got the bastard.


Mom (grandma) has no idea I am planing to move back, all she knows I and visiting and taking her to lunch Saturday April 14th. Dad fell down about a week ago and broke his hip, his surgery did well and his 87 year old ass is pinned and plated and he is ok. I told her I was coming just to give her something to look forward to, otherwise me showing would have been part of the surprise too. I figure I would tell her that we need to stop and meet Tim for a sec and spring the house on her. I cant wait to hug her again.


I want to thank all of you for all the help with Konan, the Great White Hotdog Vacuum, while his fuzzy butt was still alive. The wheelchair gave me 6 more months with him, that is something I can never repay you all for. All the shenanigans at the meets and most of all the great times at Canby. But sadly this will more than likely be my last one that I will attend with my own Datto. Canby 2012 will be my last as a WA resident and I will be leaving from there to KY. As far as Ratsun, my home will host a meet or two and you guys are welcome to drop in and visit anytime. I will miss all the meets and the rest of you Datto heads her in WA, but just a heads up my Sis still lives here so I may be back just to sneak up on you all from time to time and maybe even hit Canby again, granted I will be borrowing a Datto from Pumpkin this time!

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rent out the apartment?? I would think mortgage can`t be over $140. with all insurance and county taxes payed..


Agreed buy one never knows, hell the utilities may be more than the mortgage with the AC that WILL be running all the time!!


Where is Danville at?? I used to live in Henderson, near Evansville IN and I'm down in Alabama now. Good luck with the move and hopefully you'll find other Ratsuns there. Fuzz


Check the map on the first link, come visit this fall!

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your friend must really want you back to find a house for you . damn.


anyway, consider renting out the house and living in the appartment so you don't have to worry about irritating your renter working on dattos late into the night.... or find someone that works nights


what if just let know the possible guest what is done in the garage? So is their choice to stay or not and not to accommodate to a guest wishes. just saying...

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what if just let know the possible guest what is done in the garage? So is their choice to stay or not and not to accommodate to a guest wishes. just saying...


i'm sure there are a million ways to do it, but i'm in califunnia. even if you're up front about it the tennant is likely to sue you the next week. i shit you not, there is a local municipal airport that's been there before there were any houses around it.... like open orchards for MILES when it was first built. They regularly are the subject of noise complaints and efforts to shut the place down completely. um, hello idiots, the place was there long before you were feel free to move away

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I get your point......that just happened with our old racetrack, on the 60's it was faaar away from everything, now, some cheap families just bought houses there because the land was cheap, due to the engine noise for looong hours. Now they sued the owner of the land and bla bla bla...in fewer words, just do what you can do and no one messes with the datto action :D

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