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my sons in a coma

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That sux so bad. I'll try to find a friend of mine with a paypal account to give what I can.


I can't even imagine what it feels like to be literally ... left for dead. I really hope and pray that he makes a full-on recovery. I know the feeling of wanting revenge but I hope the fa***ts that did this are caught.

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I'm getting on here a little late but Gene texted me on Sunday and I have been in contact with Tom. For those of You that don't know Tom, He is an intregal part of Datsun customizing, restoring and history. He has even started an SWDP chapter for those truck owners interested in the Phoenix, AZ. area. He has made the drive to Our Bar-B-Que twice now so I am showing You His dedication. And now You all have shown Your dedication by helping in any way You could. I want to thank You!! For those of You I have met, those I have not and those I will meet someday!! Don't let up with Your prayers either!! You can already see that they are helping!! Tom and His wife I know are very grateful for all You have done and are doing!!!

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to my Ratsun family, THANK YOU many times over, thru your efforts i was able to pay back the money i had to borrow to get to texas, please do not send any more donations, my son was released yesterday afternoon from the hospital, they did another cat scan and found that the blood thickener they injected stopped the bleeding in side the brain(it was a small vien), you see he takes high blood pressure meds and they are laced with blood thinners, so he was able to bleed easily, he is making a very rapid recovery, i know why, thx to all our paryers(yours and my families), i know that the Lord GOD reached down thru me to heal him, to GOD goes all the Glory, but i wish to thank you all for every thing and ask that you still keep him lifted up, the doctor said he will need a few more weeks to fully recover, they hit him several times in the back of the head, he now has 11 staples in his skull, and several lumps(kinda looks like the rocky mountains, lol),they also dislodged the first vertebrae, at the base of the skull, and the doctors were able to reset it with out any nerve damage, the thieves moved it about 1/4 inch, they kicked him in the face and ribs, he has bruises every where, i will get some pics up by this weekend, sorry for not gettin back to you all sooner, but i got home late last nite and went straight to bed, then to work early to try to make up some time in the warehouse, please once again accept my gratitude as that is all i have to offer, each and every one of you will be Blessed, from the smallest to the largest, GOD see's all your hearts and will pay it forward to you as you all did for us...GOD Bless you all each and every one, my love and thanks to all, tom

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I'm glad to hear that God is working in this situation. The power of prayer is an AWESOME thing!

Praying for a fast and full recover for your son and your family. Things like this are not always easy to forget. It takes a humble man to admit it can't be done without the Lords blessings.

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A little something to help you get to your boy, Tom. I don't know you, but I'm a dad too. Godspeed and God bless!


Oops!! Sorry Tom! I didn't read the whole thread...I just jumped in with both feet and sent it. I'm very glad to hear that your son is on his way to a full recovery. Prayers still go out to you and your son and family...


Have a good weekend.



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Tom, thank you for allowing me to help! You see, good things happen to people who help others. The Lord has ALREADY blessed me with an unbelievable gift that we didn't see coming. This was just a couple days after I sent a Paypal to you. SO, yes God works wonders.


I'm so happy to hear your son is doing better and is expected to have a full recovery. Godspeed, my friend



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When you live in a country (mine) were most of the news are bad.......rays of light like these one tells me that someday the good people will rule the world again. Glad to hear everything is going as it has to be,in a good way.


Comunidad Ratsun por siempre!

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a small update, my boy is doing great, and no, still no news on who did it, but at this time it really does not matter as my son is doing great, maybe in the future some one will come forward and accept thier punishment for what they did, but for now i thank the Lord GOD for all he is doing and has done, dale i am so glad to hear that the Lord has started blessing every one, whether you are a believer or not, many good things are to come for every one, please believe me prayer works and GOD is ever merciful and graciuos to every one, and all will be blessed in due time, once again thank you very much for all the prayers and donations, and i will be ever gratefull to every one, GOD Bless you all, n thx very much, tom


ps my family and my son asked to not post any pictures, as some one stated it is his privacy after all, again thx, tom

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