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Look Twice For Bikes


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Just found out a close friend of mine was killed yesterday in a motorcycle accident, not his fault. Some jerkoff with a suspended license made a left turn right into his lane on a 50 mph road. He was 21, was getting close to being finished with school, an avid motorcyclist and autocrosser. So please Ratsun lets all keep in mind to look twice for bikes.



Heres a picture of him with his pride and joy RX7.




May you rest in peace Ben :bye:

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Sorry to hear that :( My dads a biker, and I worry a lot about something like this.




I'm always keeping my eye out for the local bikers. Some guy almost ate it when a dipshit changed lanes on top of him in traffic. I chased the ass a mile down the road to tell him to learn to fucking drive.






Gotta watch out for everyone because no one's watching out for you.

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Sorry to hear of your friends passing. I rode for years and yes most people have no idea that there are bikes on the road with them.

My son still rides almost daily I fear for him every time he is on his bike. I always look for the guy on the bike. And when I'm on the freeway I always make room for them to pass. Most of them give me a wave for leaving them enough room. Or it might be that they are thankful that I'm looking.

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Sorry to hear. Im alla bout watching for bikes, specially owners that obey the laws. Im getting tired of these califorina riders riding in the emergency lane durring rush hour traffic on i5 latetly. Ive been half tempted to open my drivers door and scare the shit out of them one of these days, because its a emergency lane, not a motorcycle lane. But once again sorry to hear.

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