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gotta love the wife

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We live in a upper middle class neighborhood in Frisco, TX. All of our neighbors are business owners and or white collar employees. No old beat up cars in my neighborhood except my dime (LOL) but that is safely hidden in my garage. Everyone's lawns are all perfect and green, all the houses are no more than a year old and the smallest in the neighborhood is probably around 3200sqft. We basically live in suburban hell.


Last saturday our neighbor had a blowout on their Expedition so they tried to change the tire in front of their house, in doing so they tried to jack it up by the running board and it fucked up the running board (it looks funny). then for unknown reasons to us they left the car jacked up with a scissor jack since saturday. My wife is currently going to the police academy and is a stickler for the law. She watched this unfold on saturday and grew more and more angry till monday came around. She contacted the HOA and they advised her to call code enforcement. Well after her call from code enforcement around 20min later the police were knocking on our neighbors door. Around an hour later a tow truck driver showed up and tried to change the tire but no luck.


This morning my other neighbors were getting a 25.00 ticket from the city for watering their lawn on a day they shouldnt (we can only water 2 days per week monday and thursday). I go over to his house and tell them they were snapping pictures of his lawn and he was pissed cause he got a ticket on his door. The lady across the street came over practically crying saying that the police came over to her house to tell her to get her car off the street and then she goes into this long sob story on how her locking lug socket broke and they have a new one on order from ford and that they would never would leave their car on the street like that unless they had a real problem. Then she told us that the police told her that it was her neighbor across the street that told on her. I told her that it was my wife and I would have a talk with her and then told her (since her husband travels constantly) that if she ever needed any help with anything like that then to come over and I will help her out.


Now my next door neighbor thinks that woman across the street from me called the city to complain about his sprinklers since someone complained about her car and he is across the street from her too. So one stupid little thing like this is going to turn into a neighborhood battle since my wife had to be a pain in the ass over someones car. The worse part about it is everyone in the neighborhood knows me and not my wife since I am the one outside doing modifications to the house or working on my cars.

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I couldn't live in a neighborhood like that. I won't let anyone tell me what I can and can't do on MY property!



That is city slicker syndrome/mentality. If you live in the city they have jurisdiction over your movement.....SO living in the country is the BEST thing anyone can do! FREEDOM!

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My wife is currently going to the police academy and is a stickler for the law. She watched this unfold on saturday and grew more and more angry till monday came around.


Your wife is shaping up to be exactly what kind of cop we(or the department) don't need on the streets.If she's in the academy,she needs to be paying attention to training and that's all.Sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong will give her a bad reputation now and possibly get her killed later.

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HOA reform, specifically the power the HOA wields, is one of the topics the Texas Legislator was going to address this past session. Unfortunately, our budget shortfall directed most efforts away from HOAs. I have met many people who moved away from HOA controlled communities for the sole reason of the desire for extra freedoms. There are still many communities in North Texas that have great schools that do not have mandatory HOA membership/control.

I learned long ago; “You can only vote with your feet”. Move if you do not like the conditions, life is too short to wait for others to change.


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My wife gets pissed when (rarely) people have to park in front of our house and want's to call the police. I explained that it's public property and as long as they aren't blocking the driveway or have a wheel on the pavement you can't do anything. I showed her where our property ends and said if you do this they'll ticket half the cars on the street for having a wheel over on the pavement. Also that it will probably happen when your 710 is parked there or when our son comes to visit. Besides the wheels on the pavement make traffic to go slower down the street. Best save that shit for something serious.

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Your wife is shaping up to be exactly what kind of cop we(or the department) don't need on the streets.If she's in the academy,she needs to be paying attention to training and that's all.Sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong will give her a bad reputation now and possibly get her killed later.


Careful, you do not know my wife.

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I dont mind following HOA rules, we knew what we were getting into when we moved into an HOA and this is what we wanted. I think my wife could of or should have walked across the street and discussed it with the neighbors. I just dont want to get a reputation of being the asshole neighbor that nobody likes.

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Why didn't she just walk across the street? I had a neighbor like that. I live in a house adjacent to an HOA neighborhood. My former next-door neighbor was constantly calling code enforcement for perceived infractions that did not apply to me. He was a traveling salesman and would make the calls immediately before leaving town for days at a time. The only thing he didn't complain about was the illegal 12' fence I put up to obscure his view of my lot. He finally moved away and the problem took care of itself. He never once knocked on my door or stopped me as I passed his house. It probably would have eliminated some tension instead of elevating it.


...and he did get a reputation as an asshole that nobody liked :D .

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I hate HOAs. And I really hate the actions of overly-judicious people. If she's going to school to be a cop, apparently she hasn't been learning about face time with joe public. Always always always confront the issue directly. If unsuccessful, then worry about enforcing the law. If more people policed their own places instead of hiding behind the law and pointing the finger, this world would be a much better place.

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What a total pain in the ass! Makes me wonder what is gonna happen if you guys have a prollem ... Think the neighbors are going to let anything slide in your hood meow?


Had neighbors like that in my neighborhood, always calling cops and being a pain in the ass. Way to stir things up and piss off the neighborhood :rolleyes:


And good job on blaming others! AMERICA! FUCK YEA!


Imma hafta agree with the Train!

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Fuck HOA.


I had code enforcement over at my house within the first week I owned my car citing it as unruly and illegal (had no plate yet, even though the law states you have 30 days) also tried to say we were running an automotive repair business out of our house.



Stupid bastard dry.gif



Anyways, neighborhood wars like that aren't really common I've noticed. All you need is a reason and everyone will start fighting.

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Why didn't she just walk across the street? I had a neighbor like that. I live in a house adjacent to an HOA neighborhood. My former next-door neighbor was constantly calling code enforcement for perceived infractions that did not apply to me. He was a traveling salesman and would make the calls immediately before leaving town for days at a time. The only thing he didn't complain about was the illegal 12' fence I put up to obscure his view of my lot. He finally moved away and the problem took care of itself. He never once knocked on my door or stopped me as I passed his house. It probably would have eliminated some tension instead of elevating it.


...and he did get a reputation as an asshole that nobody liked :D .


That was my point, I wish she did just walk across the street. I am all for paying a lot of money for a house and living by the rules after all, if your neighbors house looks like shit then this can effect the property value. I just dont want to be the drama queen in the neighborhood pointing my fingers at people.

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Fuck living in one of those places! i currently rent but nobody tell s me what i can and can't do on my place except my landlord and if i did own nobody wuld tell me what to do. Thats the reason you pay taxes and a mortgage! And i don't tell anyone what to do on their place. My dick neighbor that lives in portland most of the time tried telling me i needed to clean my place up, i told him to mind his own damn busines. People just need to mind their own business!

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See, now you have lost all future relations with your neighbors. She had her car jacked up? WHO CARES. Why trip over something silly like that? My neighbors play loud music and their kids are always playing around our house, but who cares? They respect us and we respect them. And why would your wife be bothered by the neighbors car getting worked on?

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Oh i can see the shit storm rising now. Hoas are nice to live in, only in the fact everything looks nice. you'd never catch me living in one tho. I do what i want on my property as well.


No shit!


I am in no way saying my wife has done a good thing, I am merely pointing out the fact that nobody can understand women. This is why the sarcastic title.


This is the price you pay when living in an HOA either my wife would have done it or some other bored housewife was going to do it cause they do not like the neighborhood looking like what they want it to.

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Id suggest you and your wife walking over to the neighbor and her apologizing for complaining when she didn't know they had no way to fix the car until the lug key came in. Mend any bridges, offer again to help with the car, and call it good. That was everyone is happy and there isn't any animosity.

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Mind your own business......I would rather die than live in a place like that..............:o


I'm sure everyone unloads the toilet paper in the garage, so nobody sees them.......OMG those people take shits and wipe there ass....:P



Reminds me of Columbine, everything looks perfect, but so much dysfunction.

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We all could rant about hoa, or toilet paper. but when it comes down to it. every neighborhood has their problems, whether its HOA, a neighbors loud dog, un-mowed yard for 2 years etc.


All i have to say is, good luck Dennis! At least you told your neighbor it was your wife. As for everyone else, tell them to fuck off. (tho, i'd let the wife know that IS your home, and you do have to live there for some time to come. Pissing the neighbors off in the start really isn't the best thing)

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