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Osama bin Laden found dead!

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never the less, war = money. war keeps businesses that make guns and weapons and everything associated going. you end wars, the troops come home, and what jobs will they have? the economy is so bad that sending our troops home would quite possible cripple the economy. i understand this isnt the correct way to think but it is the fact. i would love for all our troops to come home and take care of our own economy but we cant.


when i was in the military, we went to all kinds of countries so i dont see a US renaissance happening any time soon.


i still support our troops and if osama is really dead then lets chalk one down but there are many more to take his place.

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Guest DatsuNoob

never the less, war = money. war keeps businesses that make guns and weapons and everything associated going. you end wars, the troops come home, and what jobs will they have? the economy is so bad that sending our troops home would quite possible cripple the economy. i understand this isnt the correct way to think but it is the fact. i would love for all our troops to come home and take care of our own economy but we cant.


when i was in the military, we went to all kinds of countries so i dont see a US renaissance happening any time soon.


i still support our troops and if osama is really dead then lets chalk one down but there are many more to take his place.


All that we're saying..... is give war a chance :lol:

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I hope nobody takes this as a personal hit because that's not the spirit in which it is intended, but I believe anyone who believes wholeheartedly anything they see on the news or any other form of media is a fucking sheep. Obama's birth certificate comes into question, he stammers, then delivers us Osama? Anyone rule out the possibility of a doppelganger? Plenty of dillusional Osama supporters over there I understand. Anyone else see this as a little more than a coincidence or matter of convenient timing? Not to say that he wasn't killed, I just dont believe everything I hear or see on t.v. Alot of us have certainly been fooled by plenty of govt driven hoaxes in the past.


sure, just omit the part about the birth certificate and put high gas price, high unemployment, low polling numbers, or all of the above in its place, then you may be on to something. idiots have been questioning obamas birth since they found out he was black, its gotten so outrageous that even fox is calling birthers out. time to move on.

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I'm just waiting fo Osama to release a new tape..... I highly doubt he's dead...... They killed him and buried him all in a matter of hours?

Our Government is a joke.

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I'm just waiting fo Osama to release a new tape..... I highly doubt he's dead...... They killed him and buried him all in a matter of hours?

Our Government is a joke.

You do realize it's the Muslim tradition to bury their dead within 24hrs so since our government has custody of his body, it falls upon our government not to drag this out and/or parade his dead body off in the way that would upset other Muslims around the world that currently aren't trying to do the same thing al qaeda...why would we want to stir that hornet nest even more by being disrespectful to a huge part of the world population? It's called being respectful of Muslim traditions and smart not to make his grave site some kind of shrine.


They did DNA testing to verify it is (was) him, so unless they dig up his greatest hits on old recorded tapes, don't expect new material.

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I feel for all on both sides who have lost there lives. I lost my Uncle to the middle east conflicts and have 2 other family members out there now.


However... Death, Murder, & Hate are nothing to be celebrated.

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Guest DatsuNoob

^^^ shit to think about right there. No doubt the events of 9/11 were horrific, gruesome, tragic, senseless. But are we any better now than the muslim warmonger fanatics who celebrate their terrible victories over us, "the good guys"? It's all just a matter of perception and which side of a line drawn in the sand you are on. To see such widespread hatred on all sides just makes me see how equally fucked we all are as humans. A sociopathic terrorist plans a major attack on a mass of innocent people, a sociopathic citizen dances in the street when he's killed :thumbup: :rolleyes: and thousands more buy into a vaguely strung together media report, and everyone's voyeuristic side drools for more like idiots gawking at a bad highway accident. People wanna see the blood on the pavement, the brain matter, dismembered limbs, etc. People are just fuckin great arent they? When does it end or will it ever be enough?

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To see such widespread hatred on all sides just makes me see how equally fucked we all are as humans. A sociopathic terrorist plans a major attack on a mass of innocent people, a sociopathic citizen dances in the street when he's killed :thumbup: :rolleyes:


I shook my head at the irony as well..




Good job on the thread dudes. No lock yet :thumbup:

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^^^ shit to think about right there. No doubt the events of 9/11 were horrific, gruesome, tragic, senseless. But are we any better now than the muslim warmonger fanatics who celebrate their terrible victories over us, "the good guys"? It's all just a matter of perception and which side of a line drawn in the sand you are on. To see such widespread hatred on all sides just makes me see how equally fucked we all are as humans. A sociopathic terrorist plans a major attack on a mass of innocent people, a sociopathic citizen dances in the street when he's killed :thumbup: :rolleyes: and thousands more buy into a vaguely strung together media report, and everyone's voyeuristic side drools for more like idiots gawking at a bad highway accident. People wanna see the blood on the pavement, the brain matter, dismembered limbs, etc. People are just fuckin great arent they? When does it end or will it ever be enough?



+1 People are the root of all evil.

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The other reason they're not showing his body is there is probably a squabble over what to do with it. I'm sure Pakistan officials and others are all fighting for rights. The middle eastern countries may want it to display over a bridge or some sick shit. Probably a red-tape nightmare that has to be done right to not piss anybody off. Just my guess. Or they're using the body as bait for some other al qaeda operatives.


fighting for rights? fuck them all!!! who is the worlds largest super power? WE ARE, we can do what we want when we want, its called being in charge, its why we are there right now. I STILL SAY WE TAKE HIS BODY AND HANG IT FROM THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AS A SYMBOL AGAINST TERRORISTS. Land of the free, home of the brave, this is AMERICA BABY!!!!!

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fighting for rights? fuck them all!!! who is the worlds largest super power? WE ARE, we can do what we want when we want, its called being in charge, its why we are there right now. I STILL SAY WE TAKE HIS BODY AND HANG IT FROM THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AS A SYMBOL AGAINST TERRORISTS. Land of the free, home of the brave, this is AMERICA BABY!!!!!


Can you be anymore Yosemite Sam sounding? Seriously you sound like we should be showing off our military might like some kind of school yard bully.

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fighting for rights? fuck them all!!! who is the worlds largest super power? WE ARE, we can do what we want when we want, its called being in charge, its why we are there right now. I STILL SAY WE TAKE HIS BODY AND HANG IT FROM THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AS A SYMBOL AGAINST TERRORISTS. Land of the free, home of the brave, this is AMERICA BABY!!!!!


We are Americans, not savages. Trust me im all for red neck patriotism, but theres a difference between being enthusiastic and being idiotic.

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fighting for rights? fuck them all!!! who is the worlds largest super power? WE ARE, we can do what we want when we want, its called being in charge, its why we are there right now. I STILL SAY WE TAKE HIS BODY AND HANG IT FROM THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AS A SYMBOL AGAINST TERRORISTS. Land of the free, home of the brave, this is AMERICA BABY!!!!!


Actually you can't do what you want when you want... at least not on the world stage. You may carry a big stick but walk softly lest you be thought of as arrogant. With great power comes great responsibility to use it wisely, and for good.

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call me unpatriotic, call me whatever. but it seems that we as Americans take things to far nowadays. i mean we killed him! we should be MORE than content with that. there's no need to hang him from anywhere or for that matter publicly humiliate a already dead guy. i remember the morning i woke up on 9/11. its something personal i will keep in mind when i join the Marines. i know they do the same exact thing to our soldiers, but you also have to see that we are a nation, the people we are fighting are a group of American hating extremists, there's no consequences for them except being individually tried as a war criminal.

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Actually you can't do what you want when you want... at least not on the world stage. You may carry a big stick but walk softly lest you be thought of as arrogant. With great power comes great responsibility to use it wisely, and for good.


Props for quoting Teddy Roosevelt And Spiderman's uncle in the same post. I personally think everything was handled amazingly by the American government and people. Celebration was tasteful and stuck to patriotism rather than partisanship, and no one burned any effigies on the world stage. Yay us for doing something right and not looking like rednecks to the whole world. Lets keep it that way.


As for conspiracy theories ... there will always be those who are suspicious. More power to you. Don't agree, but it keeps people honest when they know someone is scrutinizing their every move. Without conspiracy theorists, there would be alot more conspiracies.

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Wanting to see proof just makes you curious. Not wanting proof makes you naive. Accusing the leader of the free world of keeping freedom's greatest enemy alive until it suits his political goals and/or just lying to achieve said goals with no evidence makes you a conspiracy theorist, even if its true. Singing the national anthem and waving the nation's flag makes you patriotic. Hating half of the country because they think differently than you makes you partisan. All of these are welcome in the USA. That makes us free.

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Wanting to see proof just makes you curious. Not wanting proof makes you naive. Accusing the leader of the free world of keeping freedom's greatest enemy alive until it suits his political goals and/or just lying to achieve said goals with no evidence makes you a conspiracy theorist, even if its true. Singing the national anthem and waving the nation's flag makes you patriotic. Hating half of the country because they think differently than you makes you partisan. All of these are welcome in the USA. That makes us free.



i like to think i'm a jack of all and master of none... accept the naive part.lolz ;)

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Teddy had some amazing quotes. My favorite...


"Better it is to dare great things, than to side with those poor souls who know neither victory, nor defeat"

i've always thought of Teddy as one of the last great presidents.



Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

Theodore Roosevelt


Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/theodore_roosevelt.html#ixzz1LFb43El8

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