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Osama bin Laden found dead!

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I lost track of how many times he has been reported dead.


Apparently his identity has been verified. Detail to come.





I was only 10 or so years old on 9/11. Ever since then I wanted to join the military. (I can't for some complex reasons) Hearing that they FINALLY killed the sick fuck is an amazing feeling.





I think someone is raping my rep on purpose blink.gif No way this should have landed me a neg rep.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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obama talks great with a teleprompter, i wonder how his speech would be if no one was telling him what to say.


News flash, all Presidents use a teleprompter, just that some actually know how to read better than others.



the way he's talking you'd think obama killed Osama himself with his bare hands

You do realize he is our military's commander in chief so without his approval there wouldn't have been any operation toward pulling this off. So yeah Osama was killed under his direction.



I wonder is we still have that big ol' "MISSION ACCOMPLISED" banner Mr. Bush used...we can actually use it now...well not really I'm not dumb enough to think this is over. Killing the leader of this piss poor terrorist organization won't stop them from being third world terrorist but it's a damn good start.

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You do realize he is our military's commander in chief so without his approval there wouldn't have been any operation toward pulling this off. So yeah Osama was killed under his direction.



:thumbup: someone gets it.

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You do realize he is our military's commander in chief so without his approval there wouldn't have been any operation toward pulling this off. So yeah Osama was killed under his direction.



I wonder is we still have that big ol' "MISSION ACCOMPLISED" banner Mr. Bush used...we can actually use it now...well not really I'm not dumb enough to think this is over. Killing the leader of this piss poor terrorist organization won't stop them from being third world terrorist but it's a damn good start.


He talks to highly of it, as if he did it.


He doesn't give the troops enough credit. I'd love to meet the soldiers that eliminated the asshole and shake their hands.


"Tonight at my direction a small team of Americans killed him" (Paraphrasing of course)

I can imagine the conversation


"Uh sir, we found Bin Laden. What do we do?"


"Kill him"


*Bang Bang*



Simple as that. The soldiers found him, planned the raid, and executed it with precision and courage.

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i heard the CIA killed him. and our troops arn't coming back. we just pissed off a fucklload of terroists and now half of Afganistan, Pakistan, and Iraq are all gonna shoot everything up. i wouldn't be surprised if something happened here in the coming month. and pray for something like that not to happen. the only thing that we can look forward to is the beginning of the end of terrorism in the middle east. and alot of pissed off suicide bombers. God Bless America, and good luck.

Edited by DAT510
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