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8.8 Quake Hits Japan and triggers 20' Tsunami

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Anyone know the ebay seller "tokyo_2u"? He's based out of Sendai. I've ordered stuff from him in the past and curious if anyone has heard of his situation. Looks like the whole of Sendai fell into the ocean since the water is not receding. Just shows us how fragile human life is. Godspeed!



I am looking to find out any info on him also anyone here anything or a way to get ahold of him other then email?

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I am looking to find out any info on him also anyone here anything or a way to get ahold of him other then email?


A friend of mine has been trying but no answer yet. I hope it is just a commuication problem.


I received a package from him a few day before the quake. I didn't really think about it until I saw his address on the box. I hope he is well.

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Yes, tokyo_2u is OK according to a friend of mine. tokyo_2u and his family are OK, but Internet access is down so they cannot fulfill orders for now.



I am really glad to hear that. Thanks for sharing the news!

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Here is the message I got:

Glad news!

I connected to "tokyo_2u" family by phone today.

Child and Mr., Mrs. good.

However, "tokyo_2u" can not contact to ebay because the Internet was destroyed.

their message "tokyo_2u want to wait for contact".

I feel need for revival in lot time.

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If you are in a position to donate, please do so. It's the best thing any of us can do.

Although my friends and family in Japan are accounted for and are ok, the thousands of people who have lost everything, including loved ones, will need every bit of help they can get.


Jun. Glad to hear all is well with your family. Do you know if Koji & Terry had any family in the area?


I did get an e mail today from Mr K. I guess he and his family are fine.

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Youtube seems to be down for me but there was a crazy video around today that showed like 7 minutes of a costal city being flooded. This is the link, but I could not get it to work this evening.




One of the craziest things I saw (not in this vid) was a bus sitting an top of a 2 or 3 story building like it was plucked by teh hand of God and set there.


There is a guy on facebook who is trying to get out the real news, you might want to 'like' him.



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here's an idea I did today... i donated my Datsun model numbers to the Red Cross Japan relief fund... i donated $3.10 for the 60 Bluebird, $3.20 for the little green bomb, $31.00 for the G31 Cedric, $3.11 for the Roadster. $5.10 for my two dimes, $60 bucks for the G60 Patrol, and $5.21 for the truck... $115.82 ... great system!. Hoarders like me pay more! :lol: :lol: ;)



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