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Quit my job...

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Quit my job...

Had just got a promotion, Service deli Assistant manager at a grocery store.


The manager had the department way understaffed.


Everyone that closed or pre closed would clock off to finish there nightly work, like if they got off at 7 the would clock off and work an extra hour to 2 hours to get all the stuff done that was piled on top of em..


Well I refused and I would just work the hour to 2 hours in overtime...


I would get in trouble everyday when I came in to work and she would tell me to clock off at the time im supposed to and come back and finish up... I told her im against that....


well i started just leaving with things not finished


I got in trouble for that...


I told my old store director about it, he called up the new store director to tell him whats up, well that was dumb, now the new store director hated me...


Too much stress, ill just stay home and work on datsuns thanks! :lol:


If anyone in idaho needs work done to there datsuns for a little cash let me know... :rolleyes: :mellow:

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I remember when I worked at Home Depot I was told expressly that after I had clocked off that I was not to do any more work at all. In fact I do believe it was because they could be sued.


Im pretty sure that it is illegal to ask for employees to work off the clock. Well maybe just here in Oregon...


Im sorry.

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If/when the economy improves, I'm betting there will be many a person sayin' "Take this job and shove it!" :fu:


I suggest taking a week off, no more than two, to clear your head and turn some wrenches, then start jobhunting.





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I'v been working for a grocery store for the past three years, it sucks.

I had my own crew and had to deal with alot of bull shit from the higher ups.

they really try and fuck with you.

Im glad i moved to portland and changed stores, dont have to deal with being in charge anymore.

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That is definitely against the law, everywhere. You should be in the Labor department right away. You should of let them fire you though it would have payed even better. They basically wanted you for a slave. Most people don't have the guts to tell them to shove it though good job!

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I'm with everyone else. Get 'em!!!

And I'm quite sure the employment dept would be willing to get you a check, considering circumstances.

My wife's always telling me "Would you rather be right? Or would you rather be happy?"

You just pulled off the ever-so-awesome win/win.


But all in all, Good for you!

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Idaho is a 'right to work state' so quitting instead of getting fired may have shot himself in the foot. I would still see about getting your hours back. Proving you were actually there working those hours in question though is another story. Being a ninja and actually recording them saying such a thing would have given all you need. I would have played it smart instead of giving them what they wanted... to have you leave.


But here is their site where you can create an unpaid wage claim



Main page:


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every restaurant ive worked at its been the same deal, if youre not clocked in you aren't allowed to do any work, i was always told it had to do with on-job insurance being void in case you got hurt but id imagine it had to do with wage laws as well. if you were fired for this you could have sued them or at least got unemployment, but since you quit, if you actually worked without getting paid you could talk to a lawyer and they may be willing to form a class action suet to get your due pay. probably not worth the hassle though.

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Heh, Ive got the same problem and I've been there for over 3 years now...damn private owned business..... lol

I'm in the same boat dude I've been at a private owned company for 3yrs and haven't gotten a raise and the family makes BIG money. They take a family trip every year, they use multiple rv's for major concerts but they wont take care of the people who make there business run. Everyone knows its a shitty company but can't find work elsewhere. I've had to pick up another full time job just to take care of my family. This motivates me to quit because I want to be happy when I work and I'm not at that job. So kudos to you for leaving dude

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it will be a little bit harder case now that you quite.. now you coud look like a jilted ex employee....


I agree its not right, but you should have gone after them while still on the payroll....

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It was stupid to quite. You report them while you work there, like said abouve me, you will now just look like a ex employee out to get your old company. Also its a bad economy, i dont care how bad the company i was workign for was, they coudl be shoving a stick up my ass at this point, id just be happy to have a job.

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When I was a Pizza Delivery Driver, in the winter which was dead slow, they wanted me to punch out and go home. Then they would call me when a delivery comes. Well if I lived in town, that wouldn't be so bad, I had a 20 mile 1 way drive to work, and minimum wage was $5.15 / hr. So if they had me punch off, I had to hang around town because you had maybe 10 minuted to get there before the delivery was ready.


The job I have now, work for Discount Tire Co., I go into work 5 min before my scheduled time. I get there and they tell me not to punch in but to hang around and see if they get busy. I've waited 2 hrs before just to say they didn't need me for the day. I was getting 35 to 50 hrs a week, now I'm lucky to have 2.5hrs scheduled a week. I've been job hunting for 6 months now with no luck.

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bunch of crap.

if Im not on the clock I dont do shit.

cuz Im there to get fuckin paid, and if Im not gettin paid, Im not doin shit. I dont work for free.



Though I wish you the best (gage) in trying to find a good job now in this economy, in THIS state. I think you just anal raped yourself with out lube.

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you should read up on your labor laws. In California (unless its been changed), if they ask you to go home early, there is a minimum that they have to pay you....I think it was like 1/2 your shift or 2hrs..something like that.


I used to deliver pizza...when coming back and cashing out, we were asked to punch out while he counted us out....I told him to count faster then.


some states are also adoting "on call" rules too.


I'm sure discount tire can get in trouble for doing what they are...might be time to make a phone call. Your scheduled to work wether they are busy or not..if your hourly, they should just make you clean the floors or the rest of the shop. They owe you for the day you waited around for 2 hrs and then released you...


When I was a Pizza Delivery Driver, in the winter which was dead slow, they wanted me to punch out and go home. Then they would call me when a delivery comes. Well if I lived in town, that wouldn't be so bad, I had a 20 mile 1 way drive to work, and minimum wage was $5.15 / hr. So if they had me punch off, I had to hang around town because you had maybe 10 minuted to get there before the delivery was ready.


The job I have now, work for Discount Tire Co., I go into work 5 min before my scheduled time. I get there and they tell me not to punch in but to hang around and see if they get busy. I've waited 2 hrs before just to say they didn't need me for the day. I was getting 35 to 50 hrs a week, now I'm lucky to have 2.5hrs scheduled a week. I've been job hunting for 6 months now with no luck.

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you should read up on your labor laws. In California (unless its been changed), if they ask you to go home early, there is a minimum that they have to pay you....I think it was like 1/2 your shift or 2hrs..something like that.


I used to deliver pizza...when coming back and cashing out, we were asked to punch out while he counted us out....I told him to count faster then.


some states are also adoting "on call" rules too.


I'm sure discount tire can get in trouble for doing what they are...might be time to make a phone call. Your scheduled to work wether they are busy or not..if your hourly, they should just make you clean the floors or the rest of the shop. They owe you for the day you waited around for 2 hrs and then released you...




i doubt they owe him anything if he wasnt on the clock and wasnt doing any work, alot of places have oncall shifts the only difference is is that you call in and are not physically present. personally i think that forcing a company to guarantee someone hours doesnt make any sense because the company provided the jobs so they should be able to handle the hours as they please.

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