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cops hate old school apperently

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Lets just say your neighbors are assholes and complain about you. A cop gets several reports and hangs around the neighborhood and sees you driving home. He looks at the car and all the lights are working, exhaust is reasonable, your driving within the speed limit and careful. He has no legal reason to stop you but he could an say it's a routine stop (no such thing) or there have been suspicious people around (vague) and ask for your insurance and ID which you hand to him politely. Everything is in order and you are sent on your way. I can see one ticket for loud exhaust or tail light out or not signalling a turn and maybe one for mouthing off. Cop gets pissed and finds your mirrors broken or something. Four tickets? How did the neighbors cause that?


Never shit in your own back yard.

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-no plates


-no insurance


-no exhaust


-(and this one was just because they were a dicks)...failure to signal...when i pulled over


my license is probably toast. im tired of geting the cops called on me by my neighbors! im sorry you drive a piece of shit vagina car and dont know how to appreciate a classic. i mean yea it probably gets old hearing a loud ass car for a long time but i dont do it everyday. they call the cops on me for everything. i cant jam in my garage cause of there faggot asses. im REALLY tired of getting profiled just because i dont drive a brand fucking new granny car, i mean fuck why cant guys like us get a break? i got pulled over in my 210 by 7 sheriff cars because they thought i had drugs, because my friend smokes roll your own cigs. sorry for the rant but this eating me alive.

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-no plates


-no insurance


-no exhaust


-(and this one was just because they were a dicks)...failure to signal...when i pulled over


my license is probably toast. im tired of geting the cops called on me by my neighbors! im sorry you drive a piece of shit vagina car and dont know how to appreciate a classic. i mean yea it probably gets old hearing a loud ass car for a long time but i dont do it everyday. they call the cops on me for everything. i cant jam in my garage cause of there faggot asses. im REALLY tired of getting profiled just because i dont drive a brand fucking new granny car, i mean fuck why cant guys like us get a break? i got pulled over in my 210 by 7 sheriff cars because they thought i had drugs, because my friend smokes roll your own cigs. sorry for the rant but this eating me alive.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Get real, and while your doing that get plate, get insurance, fix exhaust and signal your turns. The only profiling is they see someone doing everything wrong, nothing to do with your classic old car. It's you. Your neighbors live within the law and are tired of seeing you driving around like that.

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Ever hear of a trip permit. Dude you deserve it it then. If i saw a neighbor, driving around with NO plates on their car, i would fucking call the popo because thats just low, what if they hit a car and drive off? You totaly deserve it for not following the rules.


And also, ive been pulled over before to get asked if i want to sell my 510, cops love our old cars. Stop breaking the law and you will be fine.

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I can see both sides, dude I'd pissed about getting the tickets, I can understand that.


But dam dude, if you have a loud exhaust, you kind of have to expect to get hassled by the fuss a little bit and why the hell would you drive with no insurance?


My Datsun doesn't even run and I have it insured, not just for the other people on the road but to protect your car and yourself from damage and theft.

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I won't echo what others have said already, but if someone in my neighborhood was doing the same, I'd report it also. Homeowners can be very observant about what goes on in their community. Come on, it's not your neighbor's fault that you didn't have plates/exhaust/insurance/etc...

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I have a friend who has been on a 5 year, anti-IRS campaign.. why? Because he ran his business illegitimately for years and finally got busted. Now they have compounded the interest on what he owes, and he's in DEEP. All he can talk about is how he's getting screwed by the IRS.

Do I agree that the IRS is a good thing? No.

Is it against our constitutional rights? Absolutely.

However, as it stands, it's the law of the land, and if I want to remain here and be happy, I have to play by the rules. The same goes even more so for laws implemented by the government and enforced by the police. They're put in order to keep people safe and protect us. If you want to drive around and break the law with no consequence, do it in your front yard. Stop bitching because you blatantly broke the law and got caught. You can't honestly say that you turned the key, fired up your car, and took it on MULTIPLE drives around your neighborhood without having mental reservations about, "What if I get pulled over...?"

C'mon man, get real. Grow up. Fix your shit, get a plate, get it registered, and get insurance. .. for God's sakes quit blaming others for YOUR mistakes.



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dont know how to appreciate a classic.


or its because you had no plates, no insurance, and no exhaust?


im REALLY tired of getting profiled just because i dont drive a brand fucking new granny car


or its because you had no plates, no insurance, and no exhaust?


i mean fuck why cant guys like us get a break?


or its because you had no plates, no insurance, and no exhaust?



-no plates


-no insurance


-no exhaust


-(and this one was just because they were a dicks)...failure to signal...when i pulled over


really :huh:


now as someone whos grown up getting nothing but police profiling

(iv had had the entire local PD in front of my house because my exhaust "smelled")


this isnt profiling, this is going around screaming "COME FUCK WITH ME!!!!"

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You guys need to lighten up ...... :lol: ... .. in Cali you can't get a "temp. day pass" unless you pay for the whole year's registration


and your registration gets cancelled if you don't have insurance ......... .. so of course I'm going to do a few test runs around the block before I put headlights in

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