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why would you do that

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You know, the only problem with donk is it's a 510, which is a useful car. Most of the other donk crap they at least take piles of useless shit and make them even more shitty and useless, which at least guarantees they will at some point get shit on by a pigeon or fall into the sea, or get hit with a fist by Chuck Norris.


Good god, that heavy a car and you can see the stock brakes. Bet it stops on a dime! Or rather it would roll into a dime before it was stopped. I just don't understand no form following no function.

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I know that most of the internet is for the ignorant to spew venom about others ideas, thoughts, cars, and whatnot.


I just thought Ratsun was a place of tolerance towards whack ass cars made non functional like a totally slammed car, cars with to much power to drive in the rain, or ones that would tip over if turned abruptly.


Seems theres a lot of cars that are barely functional on here and everywhere. I just dont like that every time I see something that is out of the norm or could be considered "non functional" :unsure: Theres an flood of :poop: all over the forum. Theres alot of fab and customization that I can see and appreciate there. That was a MAJOR undertaking that would cost all kinds of money, man hours, and time designing the parts for that thing.


Maby Im just swayed towards the weird.... ;)





Now that was a rant!

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Skib, thanks for that. I wish I could have been that concise about my point.


On a slightly longer note:



Now, how many of those rules can I break?... nah, I'm not even gonna try. If somebody wants to though.


...but the people who made this car are Nazis.

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I just thought Ratsun was a place of tolerance towards whack ass cars made non functional like a totally slammed car, cars with to much power to drive in the rain, or ones that would tip over if turned abruptly.

Seems theres a lot of cars that are barely functional on here and everywhere. I just dont like that every time I see something that is out of the norm or could be considered "non functional" :unsure: Theres an flood of :poop: all over the forum. Theres alot of fab and customization that I can see and appreciate there. That was a MAJOR undertaking that would cost all kinds of money, man hours, and time designing the parts for that thing.

Maby Im just swayed towards the weird.... ;)

Now that was a rant!


Sway??? At your height a breeze would knock you over... (short guy poking back!) :D I can see what your saying and yes the guy has but alot of work into it and it doesnt match the slam the shit out of it and fubar the camber/ hellaflush crowd that seem to populate here. But it looks like he went to the other extreme with the same results, it looks stupid to the form over fashion guys. As I said, I like it except the donk part and to Indy510, I got to give it up, good fix there but raise it up about another inch ehh! ;)

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Its not my cup of tea, but it does look like someone put in some good time and money and even some thought. It would appear that he executed his idea well. I just dont get if it has a chevy 350 why would you want to raise the center of gravity. The car is a tad too dysfunctional for me. I dont hate the car, I just dont get it, it confuses me.

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Skib, thanks for that. I wish I could have been that concise about my point.


On a slightly longer note:



Now, how many of those rules can I break?... nah, I'm not even gonna try. If somebody wants to though.


...but the people who made this car are Nazis.


love that video! I didn't know there was a posted list of Internet etiquette like that. I just knew that there should by one. I try to go out of my way to be polite as possible,& not offend anyone. I probably fail occasionally. I must admit that I've been easily offended, & an easy target for these " troll " type of people your video mentioned. those type of people seem to thrive on pissing other people off. one of those guys really got me angry earlier this week. not the first time he's done it either. I hope my reactions to his attacks didn't offend anybody else. I should have just ignored the guy. thanks to the mods who deleted the whole thing! as for the 510 with the Donks, not my cup of tea either,but like others have said,I respect the time,work and money they must've put into it!

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I know that most of the internet is for the ignorant to spew venom about others ideas, thoughts, cars, and whatnot.


I just thought Ratsun was a place of tolerance towards whack ass cars made non functional like a totally slammed car, cars with to much power to drive in the rain, or ones that would tip over if turned abruptly.


Seems theres a lot of cars that are barely functional on here and everywhere. I just dont like that every time I see something that is out of the norm or could be considered "non functional" :unsure: Theres an flood of :poop: all over the forum. Theres alot of fab and customization that I can see and appreciate there. That was a MAJOR undertaking that would cost all kinds of money, man hours, and time designing the parts for that thing.


Maby Im just swayed towards the weird.... ;)




Now that was a rant!


Hmmmmm I think there are three ways you can express your views. Two actually, because the third is to not give a damn either way. You can A/ Like, or B/ Dislike something. (C/ don't care, have no opinion or, Like/Dislike, but can't be bothered to post) C/, is like not voting in an election, and is a way of expressing yourself by being absent in a discussion of Like/Dislike. I think it's reasonable to assume that Like or Dislike have equal value or weight (or should have) in any argument or discussion. Perhaps weight isn't the correct word as Like or Dislike are merely opinions and any opinion has a known weight of 0.1 X -10th grams. Measurable weight, but just barely. I calculate that it would take 3.1 X 10 to the 10th opinions to equal one feather.


It seems to me that Like is given too much weight or attention over Dislike. Like is mistaken for GOOD and Dislike for EVIL. We all strive for GOOD over EVIL. GOOD and EVIL are not opinions, Like/Dislike are. Funny how people who Dislike are HATERS while those who Like have no name for it. What it is, is that we can't all Like, we have free will and some will Dislike. Like enforces Like and is comfortable and mostly unchanging. Those who agree, agree, and that's pretty much that. Dislike has led to re-evaluation and in some cases profound change. (Six people are racing along a road in a fast car. Five agree that more speed is needed because it's fun. The sixth person looks ahead and sees a sharp bend in the road with a cliff on the outside and says "I Dislike where this is going so either slow down or let me out!") Right or wrong, agree/disagree, the other five should listen to the one and at least let him out of the car. Dislike opinions leave you open for Like opinion holders to try and change your mind but this is a two way street and it could be they who are swayed by your argument and changed.


Dave you're a hell of a guy. Perhaps your sense of 'fair play' finds you standing up for this particular 510 and against all the Dislike for it. One only has to see your Pumkin to see where you are coming from.... ever the square peg. ;) I hadn't thought about all the work that did go into this 510, even though it's not a direction I would have gone. Thanks for the reminder. I still don't Like it but I feel better now that I can dispassionately Dislike it, while appreciating the effort it took to make it. I'll bet there are more than me who have looked again and maybe feel better about it. I wouldn't go so far as to say Like. :)

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Not my idea of cool, or anything I would build, BUT............the body work and chassis detailing looks to be very nice, i wish there was some motor and interior shots. Definately not into the whole "donk" thing, although the story of how it came about is kind of neat.


I just am a low rider guy, well let me rephrase that i am a useful lowrider guy. I like the lowered stance of a rig and still have it be useful, like my truck i can still fill full of firewood and have it lowered 3 inches too.



But over the years i have learned to respect clean work, and although nothing height or suspension is what i am into the body/paint looks solid and clean.


Prolly a new age version of the cheech n chong weed van though, runnin through the neighborhood gettin everyone high!

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  • 1 year later...

Yea, I just dont understand all the Shit talking. I mean cereal, its not like this car was EVER anything special, just another old shitty 510! And now its a Full Custom! Theres plenty of things that people do to cars, not all of them are tastefull. But that doesnt make them wrong. Shit in real life I would rather see someone do some Whack Ass mods to one of these, than to see it crushed!


Just cause its not the TREND you like, doesnt mean you need to :poop: all over it!



I think I'll have to side up with Dave on this one. Anyone here who can deny the quality and detail in workmanship needs their eyes examined. Sure, bad wheel choice, bad color choice~ but what he did he did with passion! Is that not what WE all do...?



Conversely~ I outgrew HotWheels a looong time ago...


Oooh, hey! Maybe that's the motivation behind his choice of colors~ HotWheels track orange!lol.gif

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skipping past the faux blower, and the wheels..... i noticed there is something that would make it "non functional" pumpkn....there isnt an actual motor in it.... i guess that was a lapse in "quality and detail" on their part.... * look hard at the last picture...for having a "MOTOR 350 8CIL BOOST" the 350 seems pretty nonexistent... also in the pic of the diff, there is no exhaust

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