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lol... wut?

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well unfortunately i got pulled over the other day on the way to work. got popped "due to my modified exhaust"...


the next offence was the license plate being too low to the ground. guess the idaho state law is you have to have the bottom of the license plate a foot off the ground.. so the trooper goes back to his car with my papers and opens his trunk to grab the tape measure. he pulls a BS measurement of the license plate and then proceeds to PRINT me out a ticket. $62 for the 1st offence, and then he tacked on another $62 for not having my current address on my license and my regs... woot for $124 tickets!!


anyways, in style with my 'SMOG? LOL' written in the exhaust build up on the side on my bed, i present my newest piece of 'up yours' art...




well see how the fuzz on my ass likes this... lol

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'Modified exhaust' likely got their attention. Once on their radar it was all down hill from there. I learned long ago with my 521 that ALL lights including the tail lights/running lights and license lights MUST be working. I ALWAYS kept the truck legal and checked all lights before going out for the night of fun. Any scratches or damage was quickly covered with fresh flat black to minimize it. I always signaled my turns and stayed under the speed limit. (unless sober) Never ever had any trouble. Day or night I drove a stealth 521 that no cop would look twice at.

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Over here in E Wash, the perception is in Idaho you don't have any laws to speak of, and hardly any taxes. Kind of the Real Old West compared with over-regulated high tax WA. When guys here tell me they want to move to Idaho to get away from the gummint interfering with their lives, and grabbing their money, I'll tell your license plate story.



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Over here in E Wash, the perception is in Idaho you don't have any laws to speak of, and hardly any taxes. Kind of the Real Old West compared with over-regulated high tax WA. When guys here tell me they want to move to Idaho to get away from the gummint interfering with their lives, and grabbing their money, I'll tell your license plate story.




Well compared to Washington, that realy is the truth. The only places in idaho I ever got bothered for any sort of vehicle mods was Boise and Downtown Coeur D Alene. I say downtown because of the huge resort down there on the lakefront and the owner pays cops to get rid of the modified car scene with exhaust and stereos so the squares don't get annoyed with the beautiful 1000 dollar a night rooms being spoiled by an extra bass rendition of Baby Got Back!


We have a huge mud bog up here every mothers day and i guarantee you if you have a lifter truck you will be getting pulled over and getting your rig checked out, mostly looking for DUI's but there are definately asome equip. violation tix getting written. Other than that, no problem the rest of the year.


My Uncle is an ISP corporal, and he has helped me get out of alot of BS tickets from state and local officers on equip violations. That license plate ticket is bogus, and I would get a court date and make the cop show for it and show the court you fixed it.



The sucky thing about idaho's exhaust law is the way it is written would basically make ANY place (midas all the way down to C-Bass counry box exhaust) that does exhaust work ILLEGAL, because putting any muffler on your car that isn't provided by the manufacturer altering the exhaust system. Even putting on a chrome tip is tech. illegal. It is a very ambiguous law and is easily overturned in court.


Boise (ada county) sucks because they have emissions testing........but in idaho you can register your car in any county no matter where you live so you can get around that....



Basically once you get away from Boise, and I hear twin falls and coeur d alene the cops pretty much don't care as long as it is not a DUI, they are getting very very strict on that here.......


Thank god I live in North idaho.:)



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i drive around a bedless 620 with a loudass flow master and a zip tied on license plate and duck taped tail lights in idaho without a problem.


Well then your prolly gonna be next lol...


I kinda like the half bent license plate idea tho... might have to try that..

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I think a lot of this depends on the person, and how much attention you attract. When I had my first truck, it was a puke green Ford Courier, and there was exactly one other in CDA like it. Got pulled over a lot and looked at by cops a lot. Granted, it was probably because I had a rubber chicken hanging from the antenna and I drove like teenager most of the time. Or as my uncle describes my cousin's driving: "It's like riding a blow torch, she's either on or off, there's no inbetween!" :D


You're probably on their radar for doing stupid stuff and they probably remember your truck now. That's the way it was until I switched vehicles, never got bothered after that.


The license plate is bullshit though, it's grandfathered in, provided all the lights are working. I don't think they were ever a foot from the ground factory. And there are a bunch of cars I can think of running around right now whose front license plates would be lower than that, having to be mounted on the front fascia/bumper.

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Washington has a law like that as well. No lower than 1.5 feet or no higher than 4 (something like that)

Many full size trucks that are lifted violate the height requirement. I wonder if they are ever hassled.


If you modify something on a car from the factory setup, it is likely there is a law against it.

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