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My lil mule


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Well the rack is done, mostly, still need the lights, I got those coming by Friday. and on to the oics.


Getting started at Scrapper's shop,



I warped it a bit welding the mesh in. Damn turbo bell is handy!



No my welds are not pretty



Got tired of welding at shoulder level



Leaving the shop,






primed and bedlined the bottom



Where I am at tonight arriving at work.



I have more reflective tape but I needed to use the paper cutter at work to do them better. I will post an oic when I get them and the led lights on. Harbor freight has a 500lb max that has half the footprint and Is made with thin crap, mine is 3x heavier gauge and I had Scrapper (260lb), Scott(215) and me(205) bouncing like fools on it with no issues :o So I think I will be good for the trip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I haven't slept for 24 hours now, Pumpkin and me got the motor swapped out with the Z24, so far seems to be running pretty good. Hell it fired right up on the second try! I will tune it up, change the oil and filter, dialing the timing in, cleaning the bay and get some more oics up tomorrow.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oics of most epic road trip .......or ban.



Sorry for making you haul those bed liners away before leaving ( and not picking them up like i told you i would ).. it was just a real busy time around here.

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Well I was playing in the back yard and kinda bumped a cinder block with the front right tire. Now the steering wheel is turned a bit to the left. The tire shop is looking into getting the specs for their machine so they can check the alignment, guess the truck is too old for the database...go figure.


Anyway got the other side cleared so now the mule sleeps in the other stable for awhile.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you guys are all right down there in the land of the insufferable HEAT, I actually feel sorry for you, no one can get used to temps like that.

I think that all 720s look better without a canopy, I removed mine when I drove the dually to blue lake that year I hauled the 521KC 4X4 diesel over there behind it.

I hope the heat breaks for you soon.

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I have a 1981 Datsun 720 King Cab too. Yours is cool though!!


Thanks! I'm sure there is nothing wrong with yours that you cant get it to the way you want, it just takes time and a good network of Dattoheads to get it done!

It has been a long time from start to now, it will never be finished. If you got an idea, go with it, I personally don't give a shit if someone doesn't like what it can do or how it looks. It is mine, it is me, and I have so much more I want to do to my Lil Mule! So take your Datto and turn it into what you want, don't be a sheeple!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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