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Ticket rants

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I just pulled out of a Dennis with my lights off unto a residential street to go into a main street. My bro told me to turn on my lights when the cops passing by saw my truck. They went ahead, busted a u and stopped. They were waiting for me to pull ahead so they can pull me over. I knew what was going to happen so I decided to fuck with them. Instead of turning right onto the main street, I crossed it. They decided to follow, but I then pulled in into another parking with out them seeing. Once they saw I was in the parking lot, they missed the entrance. They needing to bust another u to get in. Once they busted the U I got out of the parking lot and went onto the street and pulled up face to face with the cop car. The cop car stopped and opened the doors. I then drove the car ahead leaving them again. This time they busted another U and then they turned on the lights and told me to pull over....


After wasting my time searching my car after I told them not to. They asked for registration. I told them I had secret POT, I mean compartments in the car. Maybe its there... "POT?" he said. "Were? ""Uhhhh.... Nothing." I told them... They kept looking for 30 more minutes. After an hour wasted. They gave me a ticket for not having registration and the lights turned off... I swear cops have nothing better to do than fuck with people. I would of probably not have this ticket if I played it cool. But I think it was worth it getting them all mad and shit.

Edited by Motavated
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I've never tried to hide from cops.... usually when I get pulled over it's because they caught me speeding :D But most of the time I get off with a scolding. The last time I got pulled over, for no reason. The cop kept asking me if I knew why he pulled me over, I just gave him a blank look and shrugged. He implied I was speeding and then asked me again "Do you know why I pulled you over?".... to which I replied "Because YOU said I was speeding". Cop got alittle upset and called me a smartass, but he let me go since he had nothing on me. :fu:

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I got pulled over for running a stop sign that I didnt run lol. Its a triangle-ish shaped block and he was on the next street down at the stop sign and unless hes got some sweet x-ray specs its physically impossible to see down to the end of the street without pulling your car out so far that your body is on the center lines.



I told him I didnt run it and that we both knew it. So he gave me a "warning" and busted me for not carrying my paper work. I get fucked with at least 3 times a week :rolleyes: with 1,000 people they dont have much to do.

Edited by Skib
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Well Motavated: Here's the reason.


Cop sees someone driving without lights on, assumes possible drunk.


Possible drunk does a series of dumbass manuevers with no explanation, then tells them he has pot in the car. Hmmmmmmm.


Pretty logical explanation to give the cops reason to screw with you, much of it standard operating proceducer. They were probably waiting to see if you were going to flee in the vehicle.


Not trying to be mean, but that to me sounds like you're creating your own problems. If you would have turned your lights on and just kept going, they might have pulled you over, but then you'd have an easy explanation.

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Your right. But he was going to fuck with me no matter what. I'm taking it to court and let the judge decide. I went back to Denny's and got the receipt proving that I was just eating and kicking it there. For a split second of having my lights turned off, I was not harming no one. When outside, its was so bright it could of been daylight, simple mistake. When he pulled me over I had my lights on and I was pulled over across the street from Denny's. I didn't even go a block with my lights off... Do you know having your lights off is a point on your record? I ain't having non of that shit...


You could tell he was a noob the one who gave me a ticket. The passenger was wearing two stripes on his shoulder and giving him advice and stuff. Then more cops showed up with 3 stripes congratulating him for such a nice job. After i got the ticket they started kicking it there. They were teaching him and he got me for something stupid... NOOB!


Ohh Btw HRH. You are right. They suspected us of being drunks or possible suspects in a robbery. BUt! they had nothing on me.

Edited by Motavated
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Im gonna have the whole deal thrown out because he didnt have a real reason to pull me over in the first place.




Red squares are slightly enlarged scale of a pass. car (its the size of a large truck) and the defused red represents his visual plain. This visual map is even excluding a street full of parked cars as there normally is, esp at night when I was pulled over.


At most he saw headlights and thats no proof of stopping or not stopping. Its physically impossible to see the stop sign I was at from the sign he was at.

Edited by Skib
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Your right. But he was going to fuck with me no matter what. I'm taking it to court and let the judge decide. I went back to Denny's and got the receipt proving that I was just eating and kicking it there. For a split second of having my lights turned off, I was not harming no one. When outside, its was so bright it could of been daylight, simple mistake. When he pulled me over I had my lights on and I was pulled over across the street from Denny's. I didn't even go a block with my lights off... Do you know having your lights off is a point on your record? I ain't having non of that shit...


You could tell he was a noob the one who gave me a ticket. The passenger was wearing two stripes on his shoulder and giving him advice and stuff. Then more cops showed up with 3 stripes congratulating him for such a nice job. After i got the ticket they started kicking it there. They were teaching him and he got me for something stupid... NOOB!


Ohh Btw HRH. You are right. They suspected us of being drunks or possible suspects in a robbery. BUt! they had nothing on me.

You posted this at almost 2AM with the line "I just...." It was so bright it could have been daylight at 2AM? :D
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Moved to General Discussion.


When a cop asks you "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Just shrug, NEVER answer!. If you are stupid enough to say "Speeding?" (or failing to stop, erratic driving, no lights ... whatever) You have just given up your 5th amendment rights that protects you from self incrimination. This is an old trick used by cops. Do NOT fall for it!!!


If you are asked to exit the car... roll up windows and LOCK the door. This will prevent a cop from searching your car without asking your permission. Do not EVER give permission to search. Be sure anything illegal is out of plain sight through the windows. The officer must have good cause to search. If he is looking for drugs tell him to get a drug sniffing dog. If the dog smells something positive then he has justification to search. A hunch is not good enough.


NEVER touch a police officer!!!! EVER!!! This is grounds for arrest for assault and permission to search is not needed and you are not protected.


Be polite, expect them to try to scare you into admitting guilt or to give away your rights. Be polite. If you have something illegal in the car you have nothing to loose by being firm and knowing your rights.

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I would like to add some info, when a officer ask you to step out of your car, DON'T do it unless the officer says your under arrest for what ever BS, then you MUST comply with his demand. lock you car when exiting it.

even when you get stopped, you don't have to answer any questions, the only thing you need to do is hand over your drivers license, car registration and proof on insurance - thats it. you don't even have to turn your head to look at his mug, you just might pull a neck muscle..... :eek:

and also keep ALL of your contraband hidden out of site....

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Well Motavated: Here's the reason.


Cop sees someone driving without lights on, assumes possible drunk.


Possible drunk does a series of dumbass manuevers with no explanation, then tells them he has pot in the car. Hmmmmmmm.


Pretty logical explanation to give the cops reason to screw with you, much of it standard operating proceducer. They were probably waiting to see if you were going to flee in the vehicle.


Not trying to be mean, but that to me sounds like you're creating your own problems. If you would have turned your lights on and just kept going, they might have pulled you over, but then you'd have an easy explanation.


Motavated. If you had not been an ass hat he would have let you go. I've been givin a warning more times than I can count.

( I'm really nice to cops.)


You do understand they are out there to protect YOU and all honest people.

They don't just go out there to jack your day. You had your lights off, you drove aurrond like someone that was hiding something. Then to top it all off you say something stupid like POT.

Your lucky they didn't rodney king your ass.

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I dont trust cops. period.


Not because I think that every single one is out to get me, most of the ones Iv met are nice and polite, but because I have had my encounters with those few (but existent) bad cops.


me to i dont trust cops every time ive been pulled over or hassled is for a total bs reason and to be honist im tired of it

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The Dennys was at a lit pretty good and across the street there is a Toyota dealer with all its lights blazing. I will take some pics so you can see.


The cop was smart. I told that fucker no on the search. He then asked for my registration. I said its in the car some were. That gave him permission to search the whole fucken car for it and throwing my shit every were. My bro admitted that I had the lights turned off that fucker... O well...


I stepped out of the car before the pulled me over. They thought I was gonna run or some shit and that freaked him out. What were they going to do? Nothing! If I was fleeing on my car or on foot or some shit. He would of put in on the ticket or took my ass to the hole. That cop was a noob and he just had a hard time trying to get behind me so he can pull me over. I triked him 3 times.. That was golden.


I really don't think I would of been let of with a warning this time. His BOSS was there and so were 3 other guys with 3 stripes. They were testing him out and I guess he passed since they congratulated him and they chit chatted for a while. Why would a cop who's supper right next to him let me go? He had to give me a ticket. I don't trust the popo.

Edited by Motavated
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cop's around here have proven themselves useless, blind and deaf.


ditto, I have met some really nice cops and spent some good time talking to them, one guy was really cool and we chatted about PIR for a while and he told me how he got to drive a cruiser and his police motorcycle around the track and how much of a blast it was, we both agreed we hate buzzing hondas with fart pipes lol.



some of them I havent had such nice encounters with. and before someone goes assuming my opinion is biased because I break the law, I have a few speeding tickets, I dont do drugs, I rarely drink, I dont commit crimes.

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Yes he was a popo, not a sheriff. Sheriffs have let me off a bunch of times when I really deserved a ticket!!! For racing, burning out, running red lights and even almost getting shot up by them. Only cops have been acting like dicks. Really I would of not argue if the sheriff gave me a ticket for doing all the stupid shit I did. I deserve it! But not for this shit.

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You know, I don't really have any problem with cops. And contrary to Mike's advice, I always tell them exactly why they pulled me over if I was fucking around. They know it, I know it, if you admit it, they tend to be surprised by the one honest person in 20 during routine stops, that they often let you go on your way unticketed.


Me, I got a ticket the other day. Did what I always do, took it to the lawyer, had them take care of it. Nothing on my spotless record! :)


Of course with firearms, it's different. I keep a pistol in the glovebox most of the time, and I've been pulled over twice with it. Yes, I have a CCP. Now, the school of thought is do NOT tell the cop you have a gun, BUT, if you carry it in the glovebox, I'm damn sure not going to get shot looking for my registration if the cop thinks I'm going for the pistol, so I let them know I have one in there before I open it.


First time the cop just said, that's fine, and we proceeded normally.


Second time was a rookie-ish WA stater and he actually asked if he could take the pistol back to his car while he checked my id. I said sure because I really didn't want to argue. When he came back he asked if the rear door was unlocked and I said yes. Told me he would put the pistol on the floorboard and when I was on my way I could move it back whereever.


So I asked if that was normal operating procedure, and he said it was something new for officer safety, even though I have a permit, and not that I was a bad person. Makes sense, though it seems a bit of overkill. On the other hand, most people don't like staters since they're basically ticket writing revenue generators, so an ounce of prevention...


I just need to find a better spot to keep it that's just as accessible. Can't keep it under the seat, I'm rallying around too much! Probably have to do some velcro under the dash or something.

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Honesty has worked for me in the past too.

Several years ago I was drivin truck, fully loaded 105,000 pounds through a construction zone, speed limit was 45. I got to the top of a small hill and mashed the motor and put it in the big hole without thinking about speed. I passed the stater doin 62!

He pulled me over, asked why and I told him, I was not thinkin and just mashed the motor to get some speed up. He asked for my CDL, ummmm.....aww CRAP! I left my wallet at home this morning. I did have my medical card though and I memorized my license number. He ran that and came back and gave me a warning. He said I probly could have gotten a $500 ticket. Fines in trucks are usually double that of a car, plus double fines in a construction zone. He said he appreciated my honesty and attitude towards him. He said lots of people are very rude to cops.

For 3 days after that he was in the same spot and waved to me each time. I made sure I was going less than 45 too. I also make sure I have my license with me. A warning is good enough for me

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Honesty has worked for me in the past too.


I can't stand cops. I can't stand 'em so much that when they pull me over and I KNOW I was doing 'blank' and they ask me, "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" I just shrug and say, "Yeah, I was dong 'blank'.


Almost every time I've fessed up the cop has been stunned and said something like, "I was starting to believe there were no more honest people in the world!! THANK YOU!!!" and I'm let off with a warning.


Re: seat belt laws.


My '64 Fairlane has no seat belts - never had 'em. Seat belts weren't required until the 1968 Safety Act.


About twelve years ago I was stopped by the highway patrol at an insurance check roadblock while in the '64.


No biggie - I had insurance.


As I prepared to leave the young trooper asked, "Where are your seat belts?".


Ain't got 'em.


"Well, the letter of the laws you must be buckled".


Yeah, but that law isn't retroactive and this car predates the 1968 Safety act.


After we argued for about ten minutes and a nice long line of cars built up behind us an older trooper came over to see what the hold-up was.


The first trooper, who was a little irritated by this time, told his supervisor,

"This guy doesn't have seat belts in his car!!!".


The older cop rolled his eyes and asked, "Sir, what year is your car?".




"Mister, you really should consider putting seat belts in this thing but if you want to go flying through the windshield that's your business. Have a nice day."


You too, sir -and I meant it.

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I don't know about other states but here in California cops here are absolutely useless. Can't tell you how many times I have accelerated from a stop light with my dime and how many times I was ticketed for "exhibition of speed." By the way a little advice especially for speeding, if they asked how fast you were going always tell them an approximation because standard protocol will induce them to tell you how fast they think you were speeding then you have a right to ask for the radar gun to show proof of their assumption. Which in court without a radar reading is what the cop is feeding in your head anyways an assumption. My opinion on cops, their just bullys with a badge.

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