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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I will try to put this nicely and im not talking about Metalmonkey BUT..in my dealing with autozone not all the knuckleheads are on this side of the counter
  2. I dont post all that much in build threads unless i can help ,( and there are way more knowledgeable people on here than me ) ,, but i can assure you,, you are not posting to yourself.. PS.. nice job on the floor
  3. At least after i win the car i wont have to repaint it because it will already have my name written on it ...FATASS...
  4. Careful what you wish for, you might be pushing it out of your way some morning to go to work. Because of some ass hat left it in your driveway in the middle of the night ,,without warning ,,,
  5. Pictured are two different styles if you have one round hole in jack it`s the hook one but since your truck is pretty new ...it`s probably the one that just has dowel through end.I dont have pictures but what we did was go to back junkyard and get a ordinary one and weld a 3/8 ratchet extension on the end ( kinda like picture shows ). At harbor freight tools you can get really long extensions in a pack of three for like 5 bucks. dont know if this helps any but thats what we did......
  6. At least you have a warranty on the rebuild ...........
  7. What you got going on there in the picture looks great ,catches oil ( big plus ),extra parts and it`s easily moved without gouging floor or straining you back,.. Although what i do is lean first motor against wall then lean the other four (or so) against that..
  8. I can`t help with info but , i am slowly working my way in 74- 78 b210 direction ( haven`t found the right one yet ). And if you were to post your findings ( with pictures ) it would be greatly appreciated. I am not a picture whore just unfamiliar with b210s
  9. Thanks Bleach.... i really appreciate it..

    1. bananahamuck


      GLW....wait i already bought them

  10. Not sure if this is against new rulz but,, yellow marked ( with beveled end ) lug in pictures is for toyota supra wheel...other is for 280zx swastika type wheel. The 280zx lug would go in supra wheel but very, very tight and you could rattle supra nut in the zx wheel quite a bit.. The e-bay lugs are advertised as a tiny bit bigger around ( .005 ) than these STOCK supra ones .........but there you go and sorry if applicable
  11. Question ,,as long as we dont critique / berate price or argue / discuss if car / part is P.O.S. we can still discuss part ,as in will it look good on my / other members car / truck ,,wish you were closer, ask for price of something in picture of parts pile that may be WANTED by me but doesn`t have price. AND im all for the PM route ,,remember the machinist in Oregon,, while you guys were arguing ( MODS ) the length of his e-penis i made the dude an offer and closed the deal by PM-ing ,,same with the deal i made with BLEACH the other day (sorry to drag you into this to ),,but sometimes it nice to get an answer a little more impersonally .. also,,,,,,,NONE of this was a RANT,,,just honest questions NONE ... NADA ...
  12. Is that your rolla in the other video ( with dog in street ) ?? .. that camera you got takes some wicked cool pictures... ( edit ) read description under video oops
  13. Thank you guys, the one i was thinking about was that beige like purple-y brown , with black primer.. Although now i am back to thinking they sold it to a scrapper.
  14. Could ya tell what the original color was? It sounds like the one ive been trying to buy ( every September ) for years , but owner kept saying they loved that car and could never sell..This September,,, trampoline, and oh we got rid of it cause it was IN THE WAY!!
  15. SSHHH .... the ban hammer just got here
  16. Although you Bill enough people you might become Rich.
  17. If ya could hear me whistling .........well , you would have heard me whistling. The car looked good in ad but WOW!! you must have done something nice to have appeased the Datsun gods..
  18. This is why my son gets bronco first ...........built to be disposable.....
  19. My son got a bronco ii for free thats why its hard for ME to understand..
  20. Put v-8 in her drive her up in here and i will give ya a screamin deal on this.... installed...
  21. I Dont have an problem with car but that rear licence plate surround i kinda have an issue with. Its a joke,,,,,,,,well till march anyway
  22. Ya , i was pretty sure that was the case when i sent him on his way , because 4A-ge engines have same problem. But better to know than rely on a guess..thanks
  23. Washington yes ,Tumwater old indian word for " rains like cow pissing on flat rock "..
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